Higher up comes the precipitous hill divided into terraces by the huge walls that surround the abbey buildings, and still higher, but much below the highest part of the hill, are the picturesque ruins of the abbey.
Antonius also inclined to this view and gave orders for them to 27 surround the rampart.
If I may judge from the representations of the different convents, which adorn this gallery, there are many highly worthy of notice, for the singularity of their situations, and the wild beauties of the landscapes which surround them.
We went out at the Porta Appia, and began to perceive the plains which surround the city opening on every side.
They surround a region which is termed the peristome, and which contains in the centre the blastopore, which becomes the adult mouth.
I believe the time will come when there will be charity in every heart, when there will be love in every family, and when law and liberty and justice, like the atmosphere, will surround this world.
I think many young persons go astray because their parents have failed to strengthen their characters and to forewarn and forearm them against the temptations and dangers that surround their paths.
Some mystery seemed to surround his life, but being reticent in reference to his past history, there was a dignity in his manner which repelled all intrusion into the secrecy over which he choose to cast a veil.
Arrangements should be made to surround villages and jungle retreats with Cavalry, and afterwards to hunt them closely with Infantry.
When there is an enemy in arms against British rule, all arrangements must be made not only to drive him from his position, but also to surround the position so as to inflict the heaviest loss possible.
The tapestries which surround the choir are of the "haut-lisse" weaving, and represent the life history of Joseph.
Eight chapels surround the octagon, and in the Chapel of the Holy Cross is a magnificent altar-piece consisting of a crucifix carved in wood.
Below the arches are the chapels which surround the decagon in symmetrical fashion.
Surround the whole with pansies, and I shall have a bouquet full of meaning--a genuine selam.
The idea that marriage is something more than a contract is at the bottom of all the legal and judicial absurdities that surround this subject.
The revealed Christian religion contains, beside these truths, some others, which supplement them and surround them like a living garland, viz.
Such conditions do not surround Chinese women in America, so that this form of service in houses of ill-fame must be correspondingly rare, and this is according to the testimony of the missionaries.
The conditions that surround the Hong Kong slave girl in California are bound in time to have their influence upon the social, legal and moral status of all California women, and later of all American womanhood.
Spotted Tail, who had joined the hunt according to his promise, picked out some of his best hunters, and when Alexis joined them directed them to surround a herd.
The Pawnees were getting ready to surround it, when I asked Major North to keep them back to let me show them what I could do.
A number of them would surround a herd and dash in on it, each one killing from one to four buffaloes.
He cannot escape us; our ships guard all the coasts of the shore; our troops, as here, surround every pass.
Like bears that surround the ship of a sea-king beneath the polar meteors, or the midnight sun of the north, came the savage warriors through that glaring atmosphere.
Earl, shaking with repressed passion, "I see already all the foul fraud and treason to guest and noble that surround me!
The two divisions of the invading army that included the auxiliaries had sought in vain to surround the English vanguard, and take it in the rear: that noble phalanx had no rear.
Place your ham in the middle of the dish, surround it with the sweetbreads, and pour over all the Madeira sauce.
This is very good to surround grilled chicken or turkey legs, or for a salmi of duck or hare.
Surround the gun and keep everyone back till we have done the work!
With sullen and determined looks they parted to surround the house, while a few were despatched for reinforcements, and for guns with which to splinter the walls behind which the defenders lay.
Ratonneau and Pomegue are the nearest islands of all those that surround the Chateau d'If, but Ratonneau and Pomegue are inhabited, as is also the islet of Daume.
As the distance increased between the travellers and Paris, almost superhuman serenity appeared to surround the count; he might have been taken for an exile about to revisit his native land.
Oh, I have been base, cowardly, I tell you; I have abjured my affections, and like all renegades I am of evil omen to those who surround me!
The line is blue, and it draws a succession of seven graceful and almost featherlike double wings which surround the central glory and are clearly intended as a part of it.
Is it nothing to feel that the human beings that surround us are children of the devil and heirs of hell?
It reminds me of the ostrich, that having buried its head in the sand, so as to render invisible its pursuers, fancies there is no further need of exertion to escape from the dangers and difficulties which surround it.
Then Bhanavar threw on him certain of the horsemen with her, and he suffered them without a sign to surround him and grasp his mare by the bridle-rein, and bring him, disarmed, before the Queen.
I know, and I duly appreciate the difficulties which, under such circumstances, surround and face the speaker.
No land in such a country is actually occupied by natives save the actual site of their villages, and the scanty fields of grain or manioc which surround them.