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Example sentences for "tan"

Lexicographically close words:
tampoco; tampon; tampu; tamquam; tams; tanagers; tanah; tanbark; tand; tandem
  1. The brief taste of diplomatic life which he had had seems to have put an end to any really creative activity.

  2. From this time on, the expression of gentle melancholy and spiritual sensitiveness dominates the few poems that he published.

  3. The distinguished actor and poet Don Julian Romea chose the occasion for a benefit performance.

  4. That he did not return immediately to Madrid is clear from his request of February 12 to be allowed to bring into Cadiz, duty free, a hundred bottles of wine.

  5. Segon lo mieu veiaire ben as Dieu escarnit Tan fe e ton baptisme renegat e guerpit Car crezes que Diables t'a format e bastit E tan mal a obrat e tan mal a ordit Pot dar salvatios falsamen as mentit.

  6. On the Protestant side, too, much more caution is now being observed in the use of Luther’s later descriptions of his own development, the tendency being to use contemporary sources instead.

  7. Does not the Scripture say; he asks them: “Serve ye the Lord with fear and rejoice unto Him with trembling” (Ps.

  8. Thus no actual indemnity was paid for the dispensation (as Luther asserted) beyond the Indulgence money and the alms for building.

  9. In 1516 in a letter he tells his friend Lang of his engagements.

  10. In life they were pale yellowish tan above with a brown triangular mark on the occiput, but with no middorsal stripe.

  11. At night these frogs are pale yellow above; they change to light grayish tan during the day.

  12. Some have yellowish tan flanks and dorsum and an orange middorsal stripe; others have a pale red dorsum, yellow flanks, and a cream middorsal stripe (Pl.

  13. During the day individuals assume a pale reddish tan ground color with darker brown markings.

  14. Individuals, when active at night, are yellowish tan above with light olive green spots.

  15. The dorsal ground color is yellowish tan to olive brown with olive brown or dark brown spots, some of which in certain individuals are connected to form longitudinal dark stripes.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tan" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arrange; beat; beige; bronze; brown; burn; chocolate; cure; deploy; drab; dress; dun; ecru; fawn; fix; hazel; hide; khaki; larrup; lather; leather; lick; lurid; marshal; mobilize; paddle; plan; prep; prepare; process; provide; ready; rust; seal; sepia; sorrel; sumptuous; sunburn; tan; tanned; taupe; tawny; toast; treat; trim; umber; wallop; welt; whale

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    tanned leather; tannic acid