To these I answer, It is the perfect law of God, written on the tablet of the hear and in the heart of every rational creature, in such indelible characters that all the power of mortals cannot erasenor obliterate it.
This, sir, is the favorable moment to eraseit from your statute books; the policy and interest of the nation require it.
The senators, however, were angry at the praetor who proposed it (Metellus Nepos was the man) and wished to erase his name from the law, entering another one instead.
The senators suspected that he was not dealing fair and would not give him the document again for fear he should erase some names, but had him mention orally all he had omitted.
She would let them erase all feelings and sentiments she held for Mark Jorden, and then she would be as good as new.
Maybe it would be better to erase what we've done and start over, so that you can drop out.
When he appeared to erase the message, his movements were but a pretense; and he did not erase it at all.
A letter to the Boston Daily Advertiser in reference to the petition for the rescinding of the resolutions censuring Senator Sumner for his motion to erase from the United States flags the record of the battles of the civil war.
All this was unavailing; the protest had been enregistered in the annals of the world, and nothing could erase it.
To overcome Germany by force, and then erase it from the surface of the earth, is the sole object of the Italians," they wrote from Venice to the Elector.
There is no way of rubbing out, and to erase with a knife is to spoil the surface of your wood, as you cannot draw properly over a scratched surface.
His love for Ophelia is then ranked by himself among those trivial, fond records which he has deeply sworn to erase from his heart and brain.
Scientific and technological progress of the magnitude we experience did not erase the verb to believe from among the many that denote what people do, or no longer do, in our day.
The only meaningful pragmatics derives from practical experiences that acknowledge differences instead of trying to erase them.
In the course of these operations the Russian Baltic Sea Fleet will quickly erase its bases and will no longer be ready to fight.
September 1941) addressed only to Staff officers, it was said: “The Führer has decided to erase Petersburg from the face of the earth.
These he wished to remove, but did not himself erase any of their names, urging them to become their own judges out of the consciousness of their family and their life.
Some they list in the equestrian and senatorial class and others they erase from the roll, as pleases them.
To the contrary, he was seen to stroke his lips discreetly as if to erase a smile.
That's why Manila paper was selected: it's easier to erase from.
But since Mr. Honeywell is blind," said Bertram, "how could he see to erasethe cancellations?
But remote indeed is the day and complex must be the experience that will erase the memory of the ancient Erse proverb, which their racial temperament evoked: "Contention is better than loneliness.
They seem to have found it a pleasure, or deemed it a duty, to erase the footprints of ancient art.
If it be possible to forget, he will have ample opportunity, amidst the crash of armies and the crumbling of an empire, to erase from his memory Elvas, and its "episode in winter quarters.
So please get Pharnaces, Antaeus and Salvius to erase the name from all copies.
I blush, believe me; but I have written it, and I won't erase it.
Erase it from the Mosaic records, still it is recorded in Greece, in Egypt, in India, in Britain; it is registered in the very sacra of the pagan world.
He also hoped not to find, in the longitude marked against it, a very doubtful island named Nostra Senora de la Gorta, that he might erase it from the charts.
Also the constant creasing of the back tends to erase the gold lettering, so that it becomes indistinct.
In the cleaning of pages care should be taken not to erase any marks made by the cataloging or accession departments.
It will be simple to erasemy name and substitute another's.
He has a liquid which will dissolve ink, erase it, obliterate it, leaving the paper spotless.
It was stained with the blood of the proscription; and he was desirous, had it been possible, to erase all memory of his former life.
Amid steady crashes, Madden awaited stoically for the shot that would erase the Vulcan from the face of the sea.
Caradoc made no reply, but seemed to erase Madden from his mind and shifted slowly around to his staring and his thoughts.
Years of professional practice as a mendicant had stamped his face with an anguished suppliant conciliatory grin, which he could not now erase even after business hours.