An imitation of Brussels carpet on theIngrain principle.
In manufacturing a reversible carpet of this class according to the present invention, the pattern is formed by means of the warp and weft combined, and any suitable ingrain warp operated by the harness or jacquard of the loom may be used.
The result of all this is, that she buys the Brussels carpet, which, with all its reduction in price, is one third dearer than the ingrain would have been, and not half so pretty.
However, the same programme can be even better carried out with a green ingrain carpet as the foundation of the color of the room.
Just as we choose our grade of floor-covering from ingrain to Aubusson, we must choose the grade of other furnishings.
Almost the best of modern inventions for inexpensive wall-coverings are found in what are called the ingrain papers.
The Carpet Committee of the Dorcas Society furnished the exposition of the first act, while sewing the last breadths of the new, hardly-bought ingrain carpet.
Defn: A kind of ingrain carpeting, named from the English town where formerly most of it was manufactured.
Silks and moquette harmonize as well as calico and ingrain once did.
A dingy ingrain carpet was worn thin in numerous places; no two pieces of furniture were even remotely related to one another in style or age.
It makes a man feel mean," he said at last, trying to fit his toe into the pattern of the ingrain carpet, "to come home alive and whole when so many poor fellows had to give their lives.
A kind of ingrain carpeting, named from the English town where formerly most of it was manufactured.
She was going to the Faulkner vendue, she informed them, and her heart was set on three wooden wash tubs and seven yards of ingrain carpet advertised in the list of household goods offered for sale.
Bob tied the white horse to an unoccupied post for the woman, and she hastened away, worried lest the ingrain carpet be sold before she could reach the crowd surrounding the auctioneer.
My daughter's going to set up for herself next fall," she said happily, "and thatingrain will be just the thing for her spare room.
On the floor in the space between was spread a worn and faded ingrain rug, its original colors and pattern long since blended into neutral grays and browns, which strangely harmonized with the rustic surroundings.
The floor was covered with an ancient ingrain carpet.
Aunt Maria can't conceive of anybody's being happy that has to begin life with an ingrain carpet on the floor.
Something durable should be selected, like an ingrain of a mixed color, or with a minute, closely-set figure.
The cutting of old ingrain into strips for weaving is not so serious a task as it would seem.
Of course much of the beauty of the ingrain carpet rug depends upon the original colour of the carpet.
This cutting of ingrain rags would seem to be a serious task, but where weaving is a business instead of an amusement it is quite worth while to buy a "cutting table" upon which the carpet is stretched and cut with a knife.
A natural development of the cotton rug would be the weaving of coarse cotton yarns into piece lengths which could be cut and sewn like ingrain carpet, or like the fine cotton-warped mattings which have been so popular of late years.
This grayness of aspect cannot be overcome in the carpet except by re-dyeing, and even then the improvement may be transitory, so an experienced maker of rugs lets the half-cotton ingrain drift to its end without hope of resurrection.
She doesn't take any more comfort with them than she did with the ingrain carpets and cheap chairs.
Jane used to buyingrain carpets and cheap chairs and cover them with mats and tidies to save them.
In the same manner, I have seen a room furnished, whose effect was really gorgeous in color, where the only materials used were Turkey-red cotton and a simple ingrain carpet of corresponding color.
And you are not sure that the effect of it, after you get it down, will be as good as a well-chosen ingrain one.
There is nothing much more fearful than "the right person" on ingrain carpets,' she said mockingly.
I never have an ingrain carpet in my house,--not even on the chambers.
The effect of the system was to ingrain into our character a veneration for the Sabbath which no friction of after life would ever efface.
He was an ingrain New Englander, and whatever might have been the source of his information, it came out in Yankee form, with the strong provinciality of Yankee dialect.
But May herself was forced to admit that the room looked "comfortable" when the square of pretty ingrain carpeting of a warm golden brown was tacked into its place, and the furniture brought back from the attic and arranged.
Nine yards of ingrain carpeting at sixty-five cents a yard 5.
The price of copying an ingraindesign is from $3 to $6 per sheet.
I only said to Marianne that to have Brussels in the parlor and that old mean-looking ingrain carpet in the hall did not seem exactly the thing; and in fact you know, mamma, Messrs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ingrain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.