Then only, when the half-mouldy documents had been dragged to light, did the young man feel easier in his soul, and bear himself as though now he saw before him the goal of his existence.
Nowadays, like all its fellow churches, it is damp and mouldy and a world too large.
Rather than pass a month in the qualms of sea-sickness, I would consent to live three by candlelight, in the deepest den you could discover, stuck close to a foul midnight hag as mouldy as a rotten apple.
I knelt on a mouldy pavement, and felt a chill wind issuing from between the crevices of loose grave-stones, that returned a hollow sound when I rose up and walked over them.
He takes the ancient and mouldy parts of speech--the liver and lights of harangues by Dr.
Give the fellow a crown apiece for his mouldy teeth, if thou hast them; if thou hast them not, bid him eschew this vice of drunkenness, whereby his misfortune hath befallen him, and thus win him heavenly crowns.
This extract rapidly gets hard, crumbly, and mouldy by keeping.
Putrefaction was always characterised by a putrid odour, an alkaline reaction, and the presence of animalcules; whereas Mouldiness and Fermentation were distinguished by a mouldy or musty odour, an acid reaction, and the presence of Fungi.
Surely during the lapse of seven twelvemonths the olives would have become mouldy and rotten.
I have therefore chosen this miserable hovel, where nothing can be found except greens, onions, and mouldy biscuits.
Even in the shallow Marshalsea, the ever young Archer shot off a few featherless arrows now and then from a mouldy bow, and winged a Collegian or two.
What would be thought of the father of a family who feasted on turtle and venison, accompanied by generous wines, every day, while his children were thrust into the cold, humid cellar, to devour a mouldy crust and drink water?
I secreted a pin about my rags; and one day when Tib Tucker was trying to take away the morsel of mouldy bread which Mother Maggs had just given me, I suddenly thrust the pin into his right eye.
Dreary and sickening was our life between its thick, dirty, mouldy walls.
Opposite the underground window of our cellar was a bricked area, green and mouldy with moisture.
The decrepit station fly, mouldy and smelling of stables, bore her almost lovingly towards the Hall.
A quantity of rough sacks and baskets lay in different corners mouldy and moist, with the accumulated damp of many years, and the air, too, was loaded with unwholesome moisture, and pernicious exhalations.
But with this difference, that these poor knights have only for their fare a bob or flirt on the nose, and in the evening a morsel of coarse mouldy bread.
Our dinner consisted daily of a mess of black porridge of bitter mouldy flour, that no English pig would condescend to notice, and a large dish of spinach.
Some time in the night George awoke me to make me eat a little of a concoction of the mouldy flour and water, cooked thick and a trifle burned after the style of nekapooshet, an Indian dish of which George was very fond.
A few lumps of mouldy flour were clinging to it, and he scraped them carefully into the pot to give a little substance to the bone water.
We boiled some of the wretched mouldy flour for breakfast, and then divided what remained, George taking the larger share, as he had the most work to do.
Work hard and win a fortune,†has become a dry and mouldy maxim, distasteful to modern traders, and has yielded to one that is much smarter, viz.
My soul refuseth to touch them; They are to me as mouldy bread.
In spite of all the lime spread there, they were ever mouldyand of evil odour.
They have been long closed, and are worm-eaten and mouldy perchance; but a great fire will warm them.
The critics of the vintage, who pursue their calling in the dark vaults and amid mouldy casks, give their opinion, for the most part, only upon wine, upon juice that has matured and ripened into development of quality.
It has a low back porch looking towards the water and over a mouldy garden, damp and unseemly.
The dusty oblivion into which they are sinking, their past glory, their mouldy old tombs--everything he paints with the correctness of Teniers and the finish of Gerard Dow.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mouldy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: foul; hack; mouldy; musty; prosaic; putrid; rotten; stale; stuffy