Though she constantly gave, to every family in which she lived, services which no money could repay, it would have been the greatest trial to her not to be able to provide for herself.
Tom's practice is not larger than he can manage; Tom's family need quite all he can make to keep them; and he has not yet been able this season to let Mrs. Tom have the money required to provide a new fall bonnet.
The misfortunes arising from this engagement, involved him in such distress, that his children were obliged to provide for their own maintenance.
They arranged with one Dixon, an owner of hackney carriages, to provide a coach and six horses to take them to Totteridge, and appointed him to wait with this conveyance over against the Horse-shoe tavern in Drury-lane.
Perrin, the late manager of the Theatre Francais, was virulently attacked for giving la jeune troupe no opportunities, and so doing nothing to provide successors to the great actors of his time.
Application was made to him to provide for other Wants, which concern'd his Majesties Service, to which he return'd the same Answer.
Their food is cooked out of doors by persons who provide the lodging-houses in which they dwell--they are clothed from head to foot, like fine ladies, by milliners and dressmakers.
But you hold out no inducement, you offer no relief from listlessness, you provide nothing to amuse his mind, you afford him no means of exercising his body.
If you will come with me, my man, I will provide you with a dinner that should make your physical being accord with the mental.
It will be seen that a man's duty to his later selves is like the duty of a father to his helpless children: to provide for their inheritance, to see that he leaves them a sound body and a good name, if nothing more.
I have a great deal of money, and am able to provide abundantly for you both.
For the poor citizens this will provide a comfortable subsistence, without any contribution on their part; the poverty now prevailing will thus be alleviated.
I had no sooner begun my investigation than one fact presented itself clearly to my mind, which is that the country itself is made by nature to provide the amplest resources.
With regard to the price then of the men themselves, it is obvious that the public treasury is in a better position to provide funds than any private individuals.
In any case, we may be quite sure they would have acquitted themselves worthily if called upon, and they did indeed provide an inspiring note to all such ceremonial festivities.
Mrs. Thorndyke expressed confidence that her husband would provide for Mary Woodley.
A narrow space not more than forty feet wide seemed almost to provide an end for the long valley.
The food they had brought was not sufficient to provide for their wants more than a few days, and for the greater part they must depend for supplies upon their own skill with their rifles.
It is true it might not only provide a means of cooking the fish, but also indicate to Jean, who could not be far away, the presence of his camp.
His own thought had been that if Reuben should accompany him, at least he would provide company, and if evil befell him he would not be bereft of all help.
Jean had told him often of his own experiences in buffalo hunting, and in his own peculiar way had declared that "Indians and the buffalo provide the poetry and life of the prairie.
Because of this he was now able to provide for his father, and there was no hesitation on the part of the young trapper in deciding to remain at Pain Court, or St. Louis, as the place now was commonly called.
There was need of food in the party, and to supply this need Kit Carson and a half-dozen others, among whom was Reuben, devoted much of their time to hunting for animals that would provide meat.
They already had taken the precaution of providing supplies sufficient for two days, although Kit Carson was depending upon game to provide much of their food.
Meat was needed in the camp, and Kit Carson, whose skill as a hunter was acknowledged by all, promised toprovide fresh game.
To provide for the spiritual wants of our penal colonies would be, under the most favourable circumstances, no easy matter; and in the actual condition of affairs, it is a most difficult and discouraging task.
Who have neglected to provide means for their christian instruction, and so let them grow up to be worse than heathens, until they could be endured no longer in the land?
Father Corrigan gave up the carving in less than no time, for it would take him half a day to sarve them all, and he wanted to provide for number one.
The Admiralty petitioned the king to provide for the family of the deceased captain.
They are still like the possessions of great lords, which remain uncultivated, though they might provide fortunes for many families.
You will thus provide a savoury meal at small cost.
Leave my body (fair the fashion), in its bonds without disturbance; I am certain that the noble Artificer who formed me will provide for the needs of my body.
The culvert was built in three sections, separated by vertical transverse joints to provide for expansion; the end sections were each 61 ft.
Where the rope must be carried around a more or less sharp corner, it is necessary to provide two rollers, one horizontal and the other vertical, as shown in Fig.
The purpose of this groove was to provide a bond to hold the bracket more firmly in the adjoining concrete of the wall.
When the concrete has got its initial set pull back the lagging strip a into the notches b, leaving an open joint to provide for expansion due to swelling.
We provide for the common defence by a system which promotes the general welfare.
Congress should provide that the compulsory coinage of silver, now required by law, may not disturb our monetary system by driving either metal out of circulation.
To provide a sound, scientific and literary education.
And the narrative of political movement is frequently interrupted by the introduction of new matter, in order to provide novelty and stimulate the imagination.
I told her you were getting thin and pale because they didn't give you enough to eat at the Jackson House, and she is fairly aching to provide for you.
He became the intimate friend of Prince Bonbon Liscat, a very limited person, between ourselves, whom they had shoved into the army to keep him occupied, until they could arrange a marriage for him, to provide his line with heirs.
The few rags they had on were with the greatest difficulty held together, and in a few weeks, as they are utterly unable to provide themselves with fresh clothes unless they be given them, they must become absolutely naked.
The King undertook to provide for his further education, and corresponded frequently with him.