Further, if education is to overcome the menaces and solve the dilemma of democracy, it must be carried beyond childhood and youth and outside the walls of academic institutions.
In such a dilemma it was necessary to leave a good deal to chance, and to make a start of some kind.
The consul told me plainly that he had not touched the matter, thinking success to be out of the question; and he predicted that if I attempted it I should find myself in the dilemma of having to solve the insoluble.
She saw the dilemma he was in, and thought she would have some amusing sport about it should opportunity present itself.
In this dilemma I took the part of taking the bill of exchange to him in person.
I was in a dilemma to get back into line without being shot, but it was accomplished.
As General Wallace had said, it was our duty to ascertain by every means, the status of all persons; our archives were crowded with information, which materially helped us to avoid the dilemma General Schenck described.
For to me there seems a manifest dilemmain the case; if you explain them, they are mysteries no longer; if you fail, you have laboured to no purpose.
For, to me there seems to be a manifest dilemma in the case if you explain them, they are mysteries no longer, if you fail, you have laboured to no purpose.
So far as I can see, the dilemma in which our generation finds itself is this,--we want to know what there is in Christianity that we can lay hold of.
Pamphilus is thus placed in a most perplexing dilemma with all parties.
It was a most annoying dilemma for a peaceably disposed young fellow like myself, with a natural aversion to unnecessary strife and bloodshed, to find himself in, and for the life of me I could see no way out of it.
He thought and wrote about it, but he was not successfully delivered from his dilemma until the idea of "Erewhon" took possession of him.
Surely her dear grandfather had had some prescience of this grave dilemma when he told her if she was not treated right to come back to him.
There was some decent way out of the dilemma without going through the Police Court to find it.
A most agonizing dilemma I was now in, neither side of which I could endure.
The weakness of the Bishop's argument arises from the dilemma in which he was placed.
Love has no middle term: it either saves or destroys, and this dilemma is the whole of human destiny.
No fatality offers this dilemma of ruin or salvation more inexorably than does love, for love is life, if it be not death; it is a cradle, but also a coffin.
I was very thankful for the extra covering, but I was in a dilemmaabout the bread.
This presents the dilemma either to reject geology as a spurious science, or to discard revelation.
In the dilemma it was resolved to appeal to him without any appearance of legal pressure; whereupon the Bishops of England and Ireland, with but three exceptions, Drs.
Commanders at all levels faced a dilemma implicit in the existence of white and black armies side by side.
Oh, mother, surely you can understand me--and the dilemma I am placed in?
The boys, gaping and listening about, saw and heard all our consternation at the dilemma we were in.
You believe firmly in Number and in Motion, a force and a result both inexplicable, incomprehensible, to the existence of which I may apply the logical dilemma which, as we have seen, prevents you from believing in God.
This did not at all relieve them from the dilemma in which they were placed.
In thisdilemma it occurred to him to try the effect of stratagem, and seek to discredit the traitor's story.
In this dilemma the problem was solved for him by a country girl who lived near by, Emma Sanson by name.
In this dilemma fortune favored him, for in the bottom he came upon a fine horse, tied by a blind bridle and without a saddle.
As to the dilemma propounded, suppose we try it upon that category of thought which we call chair.
An ingeniousdilemma caps the argument:-- "It seems to me that there is much confusion of ideas in the general statement of the variability of species so often repeated lately.
This is the eternal dilemma of invasion across a sea of which the command has not previously been secured.
III-18] An ingenious dilemma caps the argument: "It seems to me that there is much confusion of ideas in the general statement of the variability of species so often repeated lately.
As to thedilemma propounded, suppose we try it upon that category of thought which we call chair.
In this dilemma the captain was compelled to supply their places with such materials as could be picked up in the streets of Monte Video, and which were as bad as bad could be.
We have not, as some people imagine, done anything in recent years to escape from it, we have merely exchanged one horn of the dilemma for the other.
That is the root dilemma of the problem of unemployment relief--how if your scale of relief is not to be too high for equity and prudence it is not to be too low for humanity and decency.