The polo season ended with the autumn; hunting began with early winter.
The hunting season coming on, I at once set to work to get a couple of good mounts.
The polo season closed with a race meeting, just as the huntingseason did.
The last meet of the Limerick Hounds which was held that season gave the opportunity to some bright members of the club to play off a practical joke on the members of the Hunt.
On that day the first bull-fight of the season was to take place at Puerto Santa Maria, a small town about ten miles from Jeréz.
For three months before the bull-fighting season begins--which is about Easter--people talk of nothing but bulls and matadors.
He bought her from me at the end of the season and took her home to Northumberland.
On the close of the hunting season followed the polo season.
Choosing the most suitable season of the year to make the tour, I left Brisbane in the company of the then Government Resident of the Northern Territory, Doctor Gilruth.
At the close of the hunting season I had turned out Buckland and Satan for a long spell, and picked up four or five ponies.
The season moved along all well; we had only one severe accident.
They generally left London before the season was at its height, and had altogether fallen out of the ball-giving and party going world.
My private belief is, that he is one of the Hungerford town council, who let the fishing there; at any rate, he swore it was no use our going to Fairford; the only place where fish would be in season was Hungerford.
But I am sure I have not seen you anywhere this season until to-night.
The college eight was to go down for the first time in the season to the reached below Nuneham, for a good training pull, and he had notice, to his great joy, that he was to be tried in the boat.
By the end of the season you will see that I am right.
It has been so mild, the fish must be in season don't you think?
I daresay, now, yours keeps your nose to the grindstone, at one season as much as another?
I'm going to have a law passed making an open season for boys in this place from January first until Christmas.
Sometimes a soldier came home on a furlough and there was news of the Sycamore Ridge men, but oftener it was a season of waiting and working.
He remembered his wooing between two campaigns, a single short week in the season of gathering olives.
In the interior no fresh water is obtainable, although in the rainy season some of a brackish quality can be had by sinking shallow wells.
But at that season of the year the winds were very light, a strong ocean current set continuously to the eastward, and there was every indication of a solid calm setting in, and lasting, as they do in these latitudes, for a week.
Before going further I must mention that at a particular season of the year--May--many of the Micronesian Islands are visited by vast shoals of fish much resembling an English salmon.
The arrival of the big sea-mullet denotes that the season for Jew-fish is at its height, and if the stranger to Australian waters wants exciting sport, let him try Jew-fishing at night.
Would you accept him and try another seasonif you could get him free?
In the season she hunted once or twice a week with the North Staffordshire Hounds, and the Signal had stated that she was a fearless horsewoman.
I was born the year he was elected President, and, except one winter that we spent with him in Washington, I never was with him during that season until after he had retired from office.
We are packing all our superfluous furniture, and shall be sending it by water to Richmond when the season becomes favorable.
The approaching season will render this situation more agreeable than Fifth Street, and even in the winter you will not find it disagreeable.
I hope one season more will give us an opportunity of making our escape.
As you have trees in the garden of the convent, there might be nightingales in them, and this is the season of their song.
The season is now coming on when I shall envy you your occupations in the fields and garden, while I am shut up drudging within four walls.
I am looking forward to the spring with all the fondness of desire to meet you all once more, and with the change of season to enjoy also a change of scene and society.
Mr. Jefferson had not been able to connect this phenomenon with any particular season or state of the atmosphere, except that it most commonly occurred in the forenoon.
You are often the subject of our conversation, not indeed at our fireside, for that is the season of our dispersion, but in our summer walks when the family reassembles at Monticello.
It is probable I shall come home myself about the last week of July or first of August, to stay two months during the sickly season in autumn every year.
The lateness of the season obliges me to decline my journey into the South of France.
If you came in during the tourist season I wouldn't know.
They were cut from the sunny side of the trees, in just the right season of the year, split so as to have a full inch thickness towards the bark, and a quarter inch towards the heart.
The teacher had sometimes a brief season of apathy on hot afternoons, when she was hearing the primer class read, "I see a pig.
The elm was almost as beautiful in one season as in another.
The season is late and, though within but a very few weeks of Christmas, the sun is shining brightly over the grounds and the air is pleasantly warm.
Explained Quesada with grave composure: "In this autumnal season of sudden weather changes, it is forever scaling these hills, the cholera, and skulking into the pueblos in the night.
Therefore, whenever one of us dies in this season and there is no doctor to tell us exactly why that one died, we instantly think of the cholera.
A bird sang near by; and in thatseason birds were rare.
The communion season approaches; how can you pronounce thir solemn words, 'The elders will now bring forrit the elements,' and not quail?
Then a busy season of wrapping and beribboning gifts ensued.
A brief season of jubilation followed the trial of examinations.
Same Mills Pay Cash, Relieving Factors of Burden Some of the larger New England mills pay cash for the cotton which is shipped to them, buying sufficient in the season to carry them through, or nearly through, the year.
Small planters are rarely sufficiently in funds to enable them to go through the growing season without financial assistance.
The Long Season of Intensive Cultivation When the tiny seedlings first appear above the fragrant mellow soil, the planter's work is well begun, but it is only begun, for then comes the season of cultivating and thinning out.
Even these large corporations are seldom able to meet the heavy demands of the growing season without recourse to the credit service of those to whom they sell their cotton, or to the local banks.
When cool, season to taste with salt, pepper and mustard.