An Ecstacy is a kind of medium between sleeping and waking, as sleep is a kind of middle state between life and death.
In fact a true drawing of a section of the embryo in this state would in all essential respects resemble that diagram of a horse reduced to its simplest expression, which I first placed before you (Fig.
Eating gruel pour la galerie is a pitiable state to be reduced to--surely no lower depths of humiliation are conceivable.
I have been as happy then, we will say, as the best of birds, and have had seasons of solitude at intervals before now during which dull is the last word to describe my state of mind.
Not once till now have I got farther in that direction than the purely negative state of not being encouraged; and whenever I reach that state I go for a brisk walk in the sunshine and come back cured.
Finally I chose a nice, trim young man, with strikingly intelligent eyes and quick movements, who had shown himself less concerned with the state of chaos existing than with considerations of what might eventually be made of the place.
Such I take it is the state of those who live in the country.
He talked down to me, and I talked down to him, and we reached home in a state of profoundest exhaustion--at least I know I did, but when I looked at him he had not visibly turned a hair.
Only in the last street did I catch sight of one of its inhabitants, dining in solitary state in the center of a bare room.
By nine the public benches are taken; by ten one can and must move only with the throng at the accepted pace, or pay a copper to sit in haughty state in one of the now unstacked chairs.
The abominable weather and state of ground were his best lines of defence, and in August and October he had astounding luck.
It was worse for the Ulster men because of the state of the ground, which was a thin crust over a bog of mud.
I know the state of the ground, for I went over its crater-land this morning to look at this flame of fire below the Passchendaele spur.
About these places Warwickshires and other Midland troops of the 61st Division have been fighting, and have met with the same difficulties, apart from the state of the ground, which has dried a little.
He is "in a good state of health," was the report of the Irish patrol, and will be sent home to-night.
It was the state of the ground that threatened them with the worst disaster.
The pages of our great historian are full of examples which prove that if the French idea failed of realization, and the state it founded was overwhelmed, it was not from any lack of lofty qualities in individual Frenchmen.
It is also provided that "where one of the United States or a British colony is specially concerned, the President or Queen may make a judicial officer of the state or colony an arbitrator.
The general progress of familiarity with the conception of evolution has done a great deal to change that state of mind.
Hence resulted a state of mental tension, habitual for several years, and abundantly mischievous in its effects.
With such a state of things in the mother country, liberal thought in the Spanish colonies was a plant of very slow growth.
This event served to emphasize the state of things which had been growing up with increasing rapidity since the beginning of the century.
The aims of the Puritans who settled in New England were not all alike, but one dominant aim with many was the founding of a commonwealth in which church and state should be identified, somewhat after the pattern of the old Hebrew theocracy.
Now that our experience has widened, it is outgrown and set aside forever; it is replaced by the dynamical conception of a world in a perpetual process of evolution from one state into another state.
This book is his most distinct attempt to make his central theme the career of an institution, such as kingship or representative assemblies, rather than the career of a state or a people.
They, in their turn, handed over to a squadron of the Wellington Mounted Regiment, who proceeded to put the post into a state of defence by entrenching it.
Prisoners brought in state that three fresh battalions were employed in the main attack which was made by the personal order of Enver Pasha who, its they definitely assert, was present in the trenches on Tuesday the 20th ult.
It ranks with the tragedy of Kut-el-Amara as an illustration of what must happen to a nation which accepts world-wide responsibilities and does not keep itself in a state of preparedness for possibilities.
Officers who knew the stateof affairs were greatly relieved at the decision, but sick at heart now that the blow had fallen.
But not a movement of her father's face betrayed the state of his feelings.
He was still in a state of bliss as he left her to make his way to the Post, promising that when night fell he would come for her to take her to a place of safety behind the wooden walls.
On the other hand, if the wool as well as the warp must be bought, it is best to get it from the spinning machine in its first state of the single thread, and do the doubling and twisting at home.
It is only a very careless or inexperienced weaver who leaves the warp ends in the state in which they come from the loom; and indeed they can be made one of the most effective features of the rug.
It would be a good use for old tin saucepans and various other house utensils which have come to a state of mischievousness instead of usefulness.
It will give various shades of yellow, brown, dark brown and green brown, according to the strength of the decoction or the state of the bark or nut when used.
The first is that the material, whether it be of cotton or wool, should be grown upon the farm, and that it could not be sold in the raw state at a price which would make the growing of it profitable.
If the work is done from that point of view, the last state of the once beautiful old garment may truly be said to be better than the first.
Besides his careful etching of the present state of the chair, he also gives a suggestive woodcut of its restoration.
Can any of your readers state the origin of the expression "no great shakes," which has obtained an almost universal use, and is employed under a great variety of circumstances?
Illustrations of the State of the Church during the Great Rebellion.
Spenser's View of the State of Ireland, in which he will give him full credit for his discernment of abuses, and expose all his intentional figments.
The gross notions of the heathens concerning the soul in its state of separation, that it has all the same parts as the body has.
They preferred their present miserable state to becoming beggars.
Thus his dreams of founding an independent Jewish state were dispelled.
When later on Joseph stood high in favor with Prince Selim, and also with Sultan Solyman, he obtained from them, besides seven villages, the ruins of the city of Tiberias, for a small Jewish state to be peopled only with Jews.
The circumstances of the time were such that the Jews of Poland were able, to a certain extent, to form an independent state within the Polish state.
They sent an astute messenger to Avignon to the papal court and to King Robert of Naples, the patron of the Jews, who happened to be in that city on state affairs.
Although he occupied no public office, and took no part in state affairs, yet, through the favor of the king, he possessed very great influence.
On the other hand, the words of the Venetian consul, Mark Antonio Barbaro, who repeatedly assured his statethat the Jewish diplomatist cherished the warmest sympathy with Venice, made a great impression.
Here, also, a state of stagnation, if nothing worse, had supervened.
The result of this state of things was that to the old parties in the state another was added, some grandees taking part with the deserted queen, others with Maria de Padilla.
On the other hand, the state could never allow a whole class of the population outwardly belonging to the church to be left in a certain sense free to hold the church in derision.
When the populace had been incited to a state of fanatical frenzy, the council proceeded to execute the project which it had secretly matured outside the town, so as not to arouse any suspicion among the Jews.
It is possible that he might have transformed this island of the goddess of beauty into a Jewish state had he obtained possession of it, but his enemy, the grand vizir, Mahomet Sokolli, prevented this.
His intellectual gifts, his moral perceptions, his power of experiencing and communicating emotion, were kept in a state of preternatural activity by the prick and anguish of his daily life.
They had fortitude and self-reliance, and, in time of difficulty or peril, stood up for the welfare of the state like a line of cliffs against a tempestuous tide.
In no state of society would he have been what is called a man of liberal views; it would always be essential to his peace to feel the pressure of a faith about him, supporting, while it confined him within its iron framework.
After her return to the prison, Hester Prynne was found to be in a state of nervous excitement that demanded constant watchfulness, lest she should perpetrate violence on herself, or do some half-frenzied mischief to the poor babe.
As she still hesitated, being, in fact, in no reasonable state of mind, he took the infant in his arms, and himself administered the draught.
There was no occasion to make much moan about this state of affairs.
The emotions of that brief space, while she stood gazing after the crooked figure of old Roger Chillingworth, threw a dark light on Hester's state of mind, revealing much that she might not otherwise have acknowledged to herself.
The stars that pierced this darksome state May fade in that meridian shore; And human love, like human hate, Be memory--and no more!
When the author was in Rome, in the year 1833, the bones of Raphael were discovered, and laid for several days in state in one of the churches.
This was near upon the time when the 15 third General Council was assembling at Ephesus, which, from the insecurestate of the roads, and the universal misery which reigned among them, the African bishops were prevented from attending.
His vivid imagination enabled him to throw himself into the state of heathenism, with all those tendencies which lay dormant in his human nature carried out, and its infirmities developed into sin.
Life is a poor thing, death is uncertain; if it surprises us, in what state shall we depart hence?
Then, if the governing power be feeble, all the subordinates are in the position of rebels in arms; and what the state of a mind is under such circumstances, the analogy of a civil community will suggest to us.
No generation can say what it has been doing; it has not made the state of things better 10 or worse; for retrogression there is hardly room; for progress, no sort of material.
Augustine was insensibly moved: he determined on leaving the Manichees, and returning to the stateof a catechumen in the Catholic Church, into which he had been admitted by his parents.
Such was the state of Western Asia in the middle of the eleventh century.
In truth, the most melancholy accounts were brought to Europe of the state of things in the Holy Land.
However, such a state could not 30 continue with a man of earnest mind: the leaven worked; at length he unexpectedly called upon Simplician to lead him to church.
A right moral state of heart is the formal and scientific 15 condition of a poetical mind.
All in whom this wakes pleasant thoughts of me, Know my last state is happy -- free from doubt, Or touch of fear.
In its existing state it would have broken up under the artistic attempt to weld and round it.
I have several times heard people state that a handshake from Browning was like an electric shock.
Then, as a friend has told us, she passed into a state of ecstasy: yet not so rapt therein but that she could whisper many words of hope, even of joy.
Barrett Browning is so well known as a painter and sculptor that it would be superfluous for me to add anything further here, except to state that his successes were his father's keenest pleasures.
If the subjective might seem to be the ultimate requirement of every age, the objective in the strictest state must still retain its original value.
A few lines, he says, put Jerrold in a stateof alarm.
From these hung rough representations of birds, and a system was thus provided in a state of continious agitation over the area, frequently of many acres, to be protected.
Naturally the request was refused; but these people could not understand why, and went off in a state of sullen discontent.
At the head of the slide we turned our mounts loose, and all got down as best we could, except Mr. Forbes, who rode down in state on his cow-pony.
The reason of this state of affairs is not far to seek: our people neither know anything about these islands, nor do they care anything about them.
Can any of your readers inform me where the fullest account may be found of the state of preaching in England prior to the Reformation?
In a speech made in 1882 Mr. Gladstone put the case to the House of Commons:-- The government had to deal with a state of things in Ireland entirely different from any that had been known there for fifty years.
The occasion in that year was the state of the continent.
Who will pretend that in the House, of Commons in February 1886, anything at all like the same state of facts prevailed?
He may humbly statethat he had no desire or idea beyond a glance, if only for a few hours, at a little of the fine and peculiar scenery of Norway.
The state of the county of Clare was a godsend to the obstructive.
Was it not certain that in such remarkable circumstances Mr. Parnell would throughout the election confidently state the national demand at its very highest?
Short of creating a world State or a European federation, the chief constructive work for peace is to establish colonial free trade and internationalise the export of capital.
It was to this state of the American mind that all sorts of appeals were made.
In the existing state of international law, a nation assumes the right to protect its citizens from spoliation and to compel debtor countries to meet their obligations.
I have quoted Mr. Conant at length because he is so largely typical of the state of mind of the American plutocracy in the year 1898.
The surplus capital must therefore find a vent, and the larger this surplus capital, the more venturesome it grows and the more insistently it demands that the state back up its enterprises.
Wilhelm Solf, former German Secretary of State for the Colonies, "has assimilated Algeria and a portion of her colonies from the point of view of customs.
Though the last century has brought about a certain approximation ofstate boundaries to the boundaries of nationalities, the process is far from complete.
Just as peace within a state cannot be secured where the law-breakers are a majority, so international peace cannot be secured unless the preponderance of power is clearly on the side of peace.
Every one knows that we must invoke the aid of the State in order to make industry what it should be.
We also can make a syllogism, and it reads thus: (1) The present State is tolerable.
It is this plan of action that I shall try to outline, and it will appear that even this plan requires that the State should do very much.
There are forces at work which, if they have free play, will carry human life very far in the direction of the State so described, with its comfort, contentment, and fraternity.
In a very chastened form, however, the spirit that would put a reasonable limit on what the State shall be asked to do happily does survive and is powerful.
If we can remove the evils that exist, we shall make our state very much more than tolerable.
It draws a picture of a future State of great riches and general equality; and the picture is glorified by a vision of general brotherhood.
Some would use the power of the Stateto correct and improve our system of industry, and these constitute a party of reform.
The coming State will be whatever we have wit and energy enough to make it.
The rule that would bid the State keep its hands off the entire field of business, the extreme laissez-faire policy once dominant in literature and thought, now finds few persons bold enough to advocate it or foolish enough to believe in it.
So would we all say if the minor premise were true--"The good State is impossible under private capital.
It seeks a golden mean between letting the State do nothing and asking it to do everything.
The syllogism would run thus: (1) A better State is bound to come.
A belief in a State where even this will be realized is deeply implanted in human nature, and Socialism itself might easily get a major premise from it.
Dangerous state of exaltation this, when souls seem severed from the body, and feel no clog of their fleshy burthens binding them to sordid earth.
If his statehad been hopeless before, he told himself, it seemed doubly hopeless now.
She was in the clairvoyantstate of trouble that would have led her to Shippus again, unchecked, without a word.
Things is come tiv a pretty state when ah 've to ask ye whether ye 've ganned an' putten mah red petticawt i' your drawer by mistake.
In his guilty state of mind, he was an easy prey for terror.
Pam's own dear face was the page, and Pam's lips the printed words; and George stood and watched her with his own lips reforming every word she said, in a state of nodding rapture.
Suppose that the girl was to all intents and purposes his little cosmos, out of which he indited letters to the Other Girl--letters that made no mention of the existing state of things.
Indeed, this sin seemed so inconsiderable by the side of her own that she envied the postman his comparative state of sinlessness.
Or perhaps, with fine prophetic oversight of worldly institutions, he visioned a sublime state of platonic bliss in which was neither marrying nor giving in marriage.
We 've had to try and develop all her latent qualities of birth and breed, and maintain them in a state of exact equilibrium against the downward forces of environment.
The account of Lucknow just come by telegram is very alarming, and keeps one in a state of nervous excitement, difficult to describe.
We discussed the Italian question, and he said the Emperor is in a constant state of doubt and perplexity, one while inclining to the Congress, and another to leaving affairs to be settled without one.
Such being the state of affairs and all parties apparently being agreed in a disposition to put an end to the war, it seemed to me quite certain that the negotiations would be established, and that they would lead to peace.
Derby attributed the state of affairs, which he owned was very bad, to the caprice and perverseness of the House of Commons, which he said was unmanageable.
Footnote 1: [Lord Stanley, the present Earl of Derby, had succeeded to the Presidency of the Board of Control upon the resignation of Lord Ellenborough, and was the first Secretary of State for India upon the abolition of the former office.
Wellington, Duke of, lying instate of, funeral of, i.
Not one word of blame of the Emperor of the French; no more about him, his sayings and doings, than about the Emperor of Russia, or than if he had had nothing whatever to do with the present state of things.
It is not found in any other state or nation on earth.
On a still morning like this one can hardly stand five full minutes on any spot in the whole state of Iowa without hearing the sound of a train.
Iris started up and rushed into the next room; she had left her two little sisters there happily at play, but she now found a very different state of things.
He was always the first to make up a dispute, so that Mary was not at all surprised to see him soon afterwards waiting outside the vicarage door in a high state of excitement.
She remained leaning back in a flattened statefor so long that Iris wondered if she were ill or going to faint; but just as she determined to call the maid her godmother raised herself into her usual erect position and beckoned.
Saturday now, and Mary came down to breakfast in a state of dull despair.
Discovering this state of things baby lost no time, but burst at once into loud wailing sobs and cries of "Mammy, mammy; me want mammy.
I may have a chance then to do the state better service.
We will here state that the police had taken possession of Argetti's house.
Oscar proceeded at once to the hotel, bearing a card from the chief, and met a very pleasant-looking gentleman who spoke English fluently, and we will here state that more English comparatively is spoken in Italy than in France.
Remains of the mammoth are common enough but, save in Alaska, they are usually in a poor state of preservation or consist of isolated bones or teeth.
Another fine collection is in the Museum of the State University of Kansas, at Lawrence.
The United States National Museum at Washington has a fine mounted skeleton of Hesperornis, and the State University of Kansas, at Lawrence, has the example showing the impressions of feathers.
The two probably developed side by side until their present state of inter-dependence was reached, when the extinction of the one would probably bring about that of the other.
These are in the American Museum of Natural History, New York; the State Museum, Albany, N.
So much for the probabilities as to the covering of animals known to us only by their fossil remains; but it is often possible to go beyond this, and to state certainly how they were clad.
Palmer, "In this remarkable case of legislation a large bounty was offered by a county in the interest of fruit-growers to counteract the effects of a State bounty expended mainly for the benefit of sheep-owners!