On the 27th of January his death-warrant was brought to the King; but Henry was too far gone, by this time, to be able to affix his autograph, and Sir Richard Gates stamped the document with the Royal Seal only.
There is, however, one fragment of a food bowl which is adorned with a pictograph so realistic and so true to modern legends of a harpy that I have not hesitated to affix to it the name current in modern Tusayan folklore.
While, however, the Homolobi group of ruins is the most southerly to which I have been able to affix a Hopi name, others still more to the southward are claimed by certain of their traditions.
In each of the three places a sign is used as an affix which might readily be the year sign, contracted laterally.
In all this we see a series of expedients for distinguishing the præterite form from the present, when the root ends with the same sound with which the affix begins.
It is not the mere idea of comparison; although it is the comparative degree, to the expression of which the affixin question is more particularly applied.
To the extreme end of it affix a cut rose, camellia, or other showy flower, and then bend it down until it is out of sight behind the table.
The piece upon the floor is then discovered by the performer, who "passes" it towards the plate, to which it is seen to affix itself.
Affix the coin to the waxed end, and place it in a wineglass, in which it can be easily made to dance by slightly moving the glass or depressing the hair with the wand, which is supposed to be beating time.
To the top of the dividing partition affix a piece of fine black silk, which allow to hang over the smaller division.
This bag you canaffix to the tablecloth behind the table.
Along the back edge of the top of the table affix a spiral spring of several close coils, the free end of which should be of sufficient length, and of such shape as to enable it to extend well over the top of the table.
Wishing to purchase some things, he induced the Landers to send them, desiring that they should affix their own price; he then said they asked too much, on which pretext he delayed, and in a great measure evaded paying for them at all.
Some are so vain as to affix the horns of a ram in front of this cap, which gives them a most strange and ludicrous appearance.
I do not agree with her there, but I like his rank very much, and always affix the ideas of strong sense and highly elegant manners to a general.
We onlyaffix a different meaning to the word evangelical.
The affix Pir is common throughout the Bela district, and is a modern introduction.
He conducted her himself to the Court of Session, where he persuaded her to affix her signature to two deeds of great importance to him.
Bills were passed for suppressing these societies and restricting debating societies, and for compelling printers to obtain certificates and to affix their names to all matter that they printed.
Pitt proposed to provide for the royal assent by placing the great seal in a commission with authority to affix it to the bill.
When selecting a rod in the tackle shop, do not rest content with a mere examination of the appearance, but have the dealer affix a reel of the weight and size intended to be used with it.
The action of the rod differs with the material used, and in trying out the action, it is well to tie on the tip and guides and affix the reel by a string in order to try a few casts.
E is about right) and instead of a fly, or hook, affix a small split shot to the end of the line.
Therefore, I, the said Fernando Riquel, affix hereunto my signature and accustomed flourish, in attestation of truth.
In witness whereof I, Fernando Riquel, chief notary, affixhere my signature and accustomed flourish, which in such documents is in token of truth.
Affix the pulley and stirrup, and adjust the spindle longitudinally until the rotor just does not rub the casing.
Then affix the tie C at each end, and plane its edges off neatly.
To till is here translated from this word ebed, with the affix of the preposition ל.
But we have a sure method by which we may discover what meaning Ezra did affix to this word—by examining his use of it in those cases where its meaning cannot be doubtful.
Where however it is not, an easy principle will restore the irregularity; for it is only necessary to collect the duties by weight, and affix to them the same rates which the raw iron pays.
If it is asked "Why cut up and affix the stamps then?
The captain did not affix his name to this letter without many heavy sighs, and divers throes of ambition; for even a mistaken politician yields to necessity with regret.
The officer now called upon an assistant to come forth with a sort of knitting-needle heated red-hot, in order to affix the official stamp to each in succession.
Thus the adoption of this affix really (though at first it appears a matter of no importance) marks a stage in the language when the distinction between the sing.
The Southern affix is -inde, from which we have the modern -ing (O.
Footnote 19: I have curtailed the harsh letter (Wladislaus) which most writers affix to his name, either in compliance with the Polish pronunciation, or to distinguish him from his rival the infant Ladislaus of Austria.
He seems to affix a just value on the privilege and the man, (Vie de Petrarque, tom.
To say nothing of the torques, bracelets, and even breastplates of gold, common with their numerous chiefs, their laws affix to offences penalties which attest the prevalent waste both of gold and silver.
I will not abide by the arbitrement of a Pope who has dared to affix a curse upon freedom.
As I think of the date to affix to my letter, I am reminded that this is the day of the great total eclipse, visible in India, and that several expeditions are engaged in taking observations.
But as acts of the mind are not, of themselves visible, it is necessary to fix upon some determinate mark, to prevent men from breaking their engagements, by allowing them to affix their own interpretation to their words.
THE only idea man can affix to the name of God, is that of a first cause, the cause of all things.
As it is necessary toaffix right ideas to words, I will, before I proceed further into the subject, offer some observations on the word 'revelation.