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Example sentences for "outshine"

Lexicographically close words:
outrush; outs; outsail; outsailed; outset; outshines; outshining; outshone; outshoot; outside
  1. To its delegates is given great opportunity to release forces which will usher in an era whose splendor must outshine the heroic age of our beloved Cause.

  2. Thou whose locks outshine the sun, Golden tresses, wreathed in one, As the braided streamlets run!

  3. Names higher than his outshine it and outsoar, But none save one should memory cherish more: Praise and thanksgiving crown the names above, But him we give the gift he gave us, love.

  4. There seems to be a rivalry among the stella host, each trying to outshine its neighbor.

  5. The last rays of the setting sun light the lamps of night, and it seems as if each star tries to outshine every other one.

  6. In Venetian gondolas all awnings are required to be black that no one may outshine his neighbor.

  7. Three years had sufficed to render the new institution almost as well known as its senior English rival, the Order of the Garter, which it was destined to outshine for a brief period at least.

  8. He had certain characteristics of an immigrant, who has abandoned family traditions and is proudly confident that his bequest to posterity is to outshine what he has inherited.

  9. Banquets and tournaments also take place, whereat the two queens try to outshine each other.

  10. I have heard of a Couple of Preachers in a Country Town, who endeavoured which should outshine one another, and draw together the greatest Congregation.

  11. Homer does not only outshine all other Poets in the Variety, but also in the Novelty of his Characters.

  12. You may become more famous in history fan Cleopatra or Ninon, and outshine t'em and all t'e ot'er beauties t'at efer lifed.

  13. Praying for such demonstration of heroism as will outshine exploits illuminating pages of American Bahá’í history in continents of Western Hemisphere.

  14. Although the wise critic holds him in utter contempt, he affects a knowledge of books quite as profound, and can completely outshine him in his style of adulation.

  15. How indeed could it be said of the bodily bringing back from the captivity, that it would far outshine the former deliverance from Egypt, and would cause it to be altogether forgotten?

  16. It was necessary that the Theocracy should sink beneath its former glory, in order that the future glory, which was far to outshine it, should so much the more be longed for.

  17. The sense is this: The future prosperity and salvation shall by far outshine the greatest deliverance and salvation of the Past.

  18. The night of sorrow endeth there, Thy rays outshine the sun; And in thy pardon and thy care The heaven of heavens is won.

  19. Should some one else outshine This dullard head of mine, Should I be sad?

  20. God that Gracie strove to outshine all others; and she walked by her own strength, and the poor, weak prop must fail her and would lay her low.

  21. It was true also, and well known in the school that Gracie did worsted work remarkably well and evenly for a little girl, and that there was more reason than common for her belief that she should outshine all the others.

  22. And so for ever bright--thy chief desires-- May thy wife's crown outshine the lesser fires!

  23. Fret not to hear their ill-got, ill-giv'n praise; Thy darkest nights outshine their brightest days.

  24. She did not wish to outshine or supplant any one; she did not want to be richer, younger, more beautiful, or more adored than they.

  25. Our flames shall thus their mutual light betray, And night, with these joys crown'd, outshine the day.

  26. Wilbur had the pleasant consciousness of an unusually large fee which was sure to be his own before that future club meeting, and he could see no better employment for it than to enable his adored wife to outshine Mrs. George B.

  27. A chap may live in a land of Liberty and let these lords know it tu, without swellin like a toad to outshine the British, or going slouching about as if we put a tax on soap and water, jest as they do on winder glass.

  28. The women have all the week to please themselves and outshine one another; but their array on Saturday seems to indicate the approach of some new force or attraction.

  29. Do away with this absurd antipathy to clever women; give them our advantages of education, and they will outshine us mentally, as they do morally.

  30. If her aim was to outshine the creature she had described, she had certainly over-estimated the labor its accomplishment required.

  31. It did far outshine any other stall, even that of Lady Bates, the wife of the tallow Knight.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outshine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.