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Example sentences for "inscribe"

Lexicographically close words:
insatiable; insatiably; insatiate; insbesondere; inscitia; inscribed; inscribes; inscribing; inscription; inscriptional
  1. I will send the commissary of police to force you to inscribe your name on Poupart's register.

  2. Nevertheless, this word had still a great effect upon Arcis, and gave stability to whosoever might inscribe it on his banner.

  3. As a man, he had no sacred house, of prayer; no registrar would inscribe his marriage or the birth of his children; hourly his liberty and his conscience were ignored.

  4. Was he restrained by some prescient sense of the perishable nature of the material upon which he was expected to inscribe the record of his hopes?

  5. Let us simply inscribe upon the gloomy canvas the memorable words of an illustrious poet of the period: That country speeds to an untoward fate, Where men are trivial and gold is great.

  6. At any rate, however all this may be, what I here inscribe to you, my friend and teacher, I am confident is not unworthy of you.

  7. In this book I have as far as possible avoided mentioning names, otherwise I would gladly inscribe on its pages the names of those many generals who earned fame in the Russo-Japanese War.

  8. It will be best not to put my name to our Ode; but you may say as openly as you like that it is mine, and I can inscribe it to Mr. Hobhouse, from the author, which will mark it sufficiently.

  9. Inscribe a verse on this relenting stone.

  10. To imprint deeply; to impress; to stamp; as, to inscribe a sentence on the memory.

  11. To assign or address to; to commend to by a shot address; to dedicate informally; as, to inscribe an ode to a friend.

  12. So that everyone may know it belongs to you, inscribe on the door the gospel word Aceldema, which in our language means Bloodmoney.

  13. I apply myself to decipher those hieroglyphics which the Egyptians used to inscribe in the temples of their gods and on the graves of their priests.

  14. And you may inscribe your name on my programme and welcome"--holding it out to him.

  15. I am so grieved that I am not a dancing man," he sighed as she refused his offering on the ground that she had already eaten strawberries twice; "I would ask leave to inscribe my humble name on your programme, Miss Patty.

  16. The name of Vaudrey that he had dreamed of reading at the foot of so many noble, eternal and reforming laws, to inscribe it upon that paper beneath so many cunning names, jugglers, habitual drainers of the public cash-box.

  17. Let me inscribe to you, therefore, this volume.

  18. Offering at the same time to you my willing and earnest services, I inscribe myself, etc.

  19. In this inscribe an octaedron, and the circle included in this will be the orbit of Mercury.

  20. Now, inscribe in the earth an icosaedron, and the circle included in this will give the orbit of Venus.

  21. Inscribe an octahedron in the orbit of Venus; the circle inscribed in it will be Mercury's orbit.

  22. Now inscribe in the Earth's orbit an icosahedron: the circle inscribed in it will be the orbit of Venus.

  23. Round Mars inscribe a tetrahedron; the circle including this will be the orbit of Jupiter.

  24. I, where the marble swells not, to rehearse Thy hapless fate, inscribe my simple verse.

  25. The Marshal of the Noblesse, who happened to call one day, helped him out of the difficulty by offering to inscribe him as secretary in the Dvoryanskaya Opeka, a bureau which acts as curator for the estates of minors.

  26. Our name is already inscribed on the tablets of victory, and now we have to inscribe our spirit in the history of the human mind.

  27. We judge of a teacher's efficacy by some marks that examiners inscribe upon a bit of paper, "a thing laughable to gods and men.

  28. We accept the widow's mite but do not inscribe her name upon the roll of honor.

  29. Oecolampadius induced the Council of Basel to permit excommunication, and to inscribe the names of the excommunicate on placards fixed on the doors of the churches.

  30. This people were wont to inscribe on their bed-posts the words, "Et zelo Chuizlilith," that the sleepers might be delivered by Lilith from dreams.

  31. Newly married pairs were accustomed to inscribe the names of angels on the inside partitions of their houses, and the names of Adam and Eve and the words "Begone, Lilith," on the outside walls.

  32. One is that visitors entering the park kindly keep to the gravel walks, while the other is that they do not inscribe their names on the stone-work of the ancient ruin, which request has been unheeded.

  33. Then coat it with red gum surface, and into this inscribe all those lines that are to remain black.

  34. As soon as the press was ready and erected, I began to inscribe on stone the music of Die Zauberfloete, arranged for quartette by Herr Danzy, and with Herr Gleissner we began the printing.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inscribe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bed; book; calendar; calibrate; capitalize; carve; catalog; chalk; character; chisel; chronicle; confirm; copy; crease; cut; dedicate; define; docket; draft; edit; embed; engrave; engross; enroll; enter; entrench; establish; etch; file; fix; found; furrow; grave; groove; ground; hatch; imbed; impact; impanel; implant; impress; imprint; incise; inculcate; index; indite; infix; ingrain; initial; inscribe; insert; instill; jam; jot; letter; line; list; lithograph; lodge; log; mark; minute; note; pack; pen; pencil; plant; poll; post; print; record; register; revise; rewrite; root; score; scrape; scratch; scrawl; scribe; scroll; sculpture; seat; settle; sign; stamp; stereotype; stipple; tabulate; tape; tool; trace; transcribe; type; wedge; write