I knew that she had seen me, and not wishing to arouse her suspicions as to the truth, I preferred to let her think that I had given the injection myself.
Suffice it to say, that various scientists have learned that immunity may be produced in a previously susceptible animal by the injection of various preparations.
But in each instance, the injection is expected to produce immunity from only one disease.
By the injection into the tissues of such substances the same disturbances are produced as when the bacteria are injected.
It has been found that the production of antitoxine can be so stimulated by the injection of toxine that the blood of the animal used for the purpose contains large amounts of antitoxine.
Mrs. Hazeldene had died suddenly from an injection of prussic acid, administered no one knew how or when.
That young and elegant woman must have had singular nerve and coolness to go through the process of a self-inflicted injection of a deadly poison in the presence of perhaps two or three other persons.
The quantity of this combination injected, depends upon the size of the sheath affected and the amount of synovia retained at the time injection is made.
The injection of undiluted tincture of iodin in ounce quantities, it must be remembered, is not to be done unless there is provision for its free exit.
The most practical method of handling bog spavin consists in aspiration of synovia and injection of tincture of iodin.
Where no marked swelling occurs within ten days, as the result of the injection of iodin, the injection may be repeated and, if thought necessary, the quantity may be materially increased.
One, by the employment of means to keep the wound patent and injection of suitable antiseptics, or agents that are more or less caustic in conjunction with strict observance of asepsis and wound protection.
Then the india-rubber tube is removed from the silver catheter by which the injection has been made, and the end of the catheter is plugged by a spigot.
This consists of the injection into the body of an emulsion of dead tubercle bacilli which have been sterilized by heat.
Bode (1936) reported that injection of irritants such as lithium salts or quinine hydrochloride had no apparent effect on the symbiotes.
He observed decreases in the bacteroids of the fat body only following injection of methylene blue, but did not pursue this lead further.
If the disposition to tenesmus be troublesome, a small injection of starch and opium will afford relief.
The placenta, as ordinarily seen after labour, is barely an inch in its thickest part, but when filled with blood or injection it swells very considerably, and is then little short of two inches.
Having tried opium by itself, and also in combination with ipecacuanha or valerian without effect, he ordered her a starch injection with twelve drops of Tinct.
Conii or Hyoscyami have been suspended; the bowels should be opened by a simple enema, after which a small opiate injection will be desirable, in order still farther to allay irritation.
The decoction is very useful as an injectionin leucorrhoea.
It is also of value as an injection in diarrhoea and dysentery.
Contrary to what one would imagine, judging from its purgative action, the fruit contains astringent principles, and makes an effective injection for leucorrhoea as a substitute for nut galls.
This treatment frequently causes colic, for the relief of which the author advises aninjection of sweetened water.
Locally is used as an injection for blenorrhoea, as a gargle for sore throat or relaxed uvula, and a mouth wash to harden the gums.
Its juice being slightly bitter and astringent is used in decoction as an injection in gonorrhoea.
The trunk bark is astringent and is employed in decoction as a wash for ulcers and eczema and as an injection in leucorrhoea.
The trunk bark is astringent and in decoction is of use in the treatment of prolapsed rectum and as aninjection for leucorrhoea.
The juice of the root makes a useful wash for gangrenous ulcers and a good injection for fistula.
The fruit is astringent and is used in Java as an injection for gonorrhoea.
If his bladder can bear it, it should be fully distended, either by voluntary retention of the urine, or by injection with tepid water.
A tenotomy knife, inserted well to the outer side of the stump, is then swept freely round and a pocket is formed in the centre of the orbit into which the injection can be made.
If this be not satisfactory, the injection of paraffin into the stump will often improve the movements considerably.
If the injection has been successful, a white bulging of the superior wall of the auditory canal will be noticed.
The injection of adrenalin and cocaine into the sac before its excision.
When more than one operation has to be performed on the same eye it is desirable that all ciliary injection after the first operation should have disappeared before the second is undertaken.
In order to ensure the full effects of local anæsthesia with the least possible disadvantage, the drug should be used in weak solution, and the injection should be made at least a quarter of an hour before the operation is commenced.
Great caution is necessary in making intracellular injection of cocaine, as the drug is intensely toxic in this form, and, fortunately, only a small dose is required.
Intravenous injection is the best method of treating patients when the loss of blood has been great.
The technique of the injection depends on whether the operation is to be limited to the auditory canal and tympanic cavity, or is to involve the mastoid process.
Med) an injection method in which the injected liquid is delivered directly under the skin, as contrasted with intramuscular or intravenous injection.
The king's physicians advise an injection through the ear, which seems to me as efficacious and less dangerous than the brutal operation proposed by Pare.
The chief physician held the king's head, and Ambroise made the injection into the ear.
This particular kind of injection was invented by an American anatomist of the name of Ramsay, and preserved as a valuable secret by him for the exclusive use of his own dissecting room.
The cystic form of tumor must be opened, the fluid removed and the lining membrane destroyed by the injection of tincture of iodine.
An enema may be administered by allowing water to gravitate into the rectum from a height of two or three feet or by using an injection pump.
In cases of anaemia, stimulants, vigorous massage, artificial respiration and injection of physiological salt solution are indicated.
The seat of the injection in cattle is a fold of the skin on the under side of the base of the tail.
In tubercular animals the injectionis followed by a characteristic local swelling.
This causes a rise in body temperature and a hot, characteristic swelling at the point of injection in glandered animals.
The injection of the cholera blood is for the purpose of stimulating the production of antibodies by the body tissues, and raising the protective properties of the immune hog's blood.
You administer medicines from the chemistry of the arts by mouth, injectionand otherwise.
In regard to the injection of poisons and medicines into trees, it seems to me that a very firm stand ought to be taken by all responsible men who know anything about plant pathology.
These cures consisted largely of an injection of a toxic principle by some means into the circulation of the tree.
In reality, it was this man who caused the injection to prove fatal.
According to Cowper,{61} a simple injection of hot water reanimates the heart and the muscles.
Before giving the first injection of food the bowels should be moved by an injection of soap and water.
As soon as a soldier is picked up wounded, the plan is to give him an injection of the serum so that he can be rushed to the rear ambulances with no fear that the deadly gas infection will develop.
The injection of the systemic veins can also be made caudad through one of the ducts of Cuvier, combined with an injection cephalad of the caudal vein.
The cistern containing the injection water was raised ten feet; the injection cock, being too small, was enlarged to nearly double its former size, and it was so arranged that it should be shut off quickly at the beginning of the stroke.
The chimney was of wrought iron, round which was a chamber extending back to the feed-pumps, for the purpose of heating the water previous to its injection into the boiler.