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Example sentences for "ascertain"

Lexicographically close words:
ascends; ascensional; ascensions; ascent; ascents; ascertainable; ascertained; ascertaining; ascertainment; ascertains
  1. Not having a barometer with me, I did not ascertain the height of these plains, but they appeared considerably higher than those at Coquimbo.

  2. They are found as far south as Massawa, but as far as we could ascertain those we saw were the most northern ones.

  3. By creeping into the cavities opened we were able to ascertain that the chambers in this mound were similar to those in the mound we had opened, only they were double on both stories, and the upper story was also coated with cement.

  4. Three men of ours, sheikhs who had come to meet us, galloped forward to explain to them who we were, and ascertain that all was safe.

  5. The proposed toast was not sufficiently relevant to the business I had on hand to allure me, so I made my excuses and hastened to the telegraph office to ascertain whether they had any message for me there.

  6. But on second thoughts I decided to remain where I was until I could ascertain at least who the intruders were, and if they had any better right in the cottage than I had.

  7. He turns toward them, greets them imperiously but courteously, as was his wont, as if, absorbed in thought and doubtful of the dire reality before him, he was trying to ascertain its truth.

  8. Stealthily he moved his way up the staircase, his great object being to ascertain if the dog was within or without the chamber of Ada.

  9. I never said you should set yourself to discover the meanings; but you should take careful pains to understand them, so far as they are clear; and you should always accurately ascertain the state of your mind about them.

  10. Briefly, the constant duty of every man to his fellows is to ascertain his own powers and special gifts; and to strengthen them for the help of others.

  11. The legislature of 1866 yielded to their urgency so far as to appoint a commission to ascertain who were then holding the bonds and at what prices they had obtained them.

  12. He had already appointed a committee of inquiry to ascertain what Indians under his guard had probably been guilty of murder and outrage.

  13. Mr. Louis Peck, the instructor in physics in the University of Minnesota, attracted by the problem, conducted an exhaustive course of experiments to ascertain the truth of the matter.

  14. The bill introduced provided for a commission whose first duty should be to ascertain and decide whether the bonds were a legal and equitable obligation against the state.

  15. In 1909 they gave to the elk herds all the hay that their domestic stock could spare, not pausing to ascertain whether they ever would be reimbursed for it.

  16. Palmer has taken much pains to ascertain the number of deer killed in the eastern United States.

  17. I doubt whether it is possible to ascertain it.

  18. I have not taken pains to make a general canvass of sportsmen's clubs to ascertain what rules have been laid down by any large number of organizations.

  19. I have been at considerable pains to analyze the game laws of each state, ascertain their shortcomings, and give a list of the faults that need correction by new legislation.

  20. The cavalry captain Don Luis de Aduna offered to go, with the freshest of the men, proceeding until he encountered the enemy, so as to ascertain how strong they were, and doing them what damage he could.

  21. Although by this time the day was grown somewhat old, we were determined to do at least a measure of exploring then and there, and ascertain some, at least, of the resources of our new territory.

  22. They were in this predicament, that if they lit any of the lights which we made no doubt they carried, in order to ascertain the plight that they were in, they would make themselves the targets for our muskets.

  23. The real motive of his mission, however, was privately to ascertain whether Henry was really ready to go to war for the protection of the possessory princes, and then, to proceed to Spain.

  24. Boississe had been sent to the German princes to ascertain whether and to what extent they would assist the King.

  25. Curious to ascertain what they would do in this case, she continued her observations, and found that the larger and stronger Pholas bored straight through the weaker one, as if it had been merely a piece of chalk rock.

  26. The Company undertook to make a series of careful soundings to ascertain the exact nature of the ocean bottom over which the cable connecting Newfoundland with Ireland would have to be laid.

  27. The diving-bell has many times rendered service to engineers, by enabling them to descend and ascertain the nature of damages going on, which might otherwise have ruined their work.

  28. A thing you may ascertain in a moment, at any police office, by having the Greeks searched: for surely you would never think of searching a bishop.

  29. Kant's purpose was, not to ascertain how many years the Earth had lived: a million of years, more or less, made very little difference to him.

  30. Having considered these things, and ascertained that a plant can endure a heat of 130 degrees, I determined to try another experiment, that is, to ascertain whether heat and water would destroy insects, and keep plants alive.

  31. To ascertain what degree of heat a Pine Apple plant can endure without destroying it, I filled four vessels with hot water.

  32. We recommend its general perusal as being really an endeavour, by one whose position gives him the best facilities, to ascertain the genuine character of Mesmerism, which is so much disputed.

  33. It seems well worthy the attention of modern archaeologists to ascertain what foundation in fact exists for the statements advanced by ancient writers as to the possibility of preparing a lamp that would burn for centuries in the tomb.

  34. But let us endeavour to ascertain the feelings of the principal agents in this odd affair.

  35. There is a fascination in his array of facts, incidents, and opinions, which draws on the reader to ascertain his conclusions.

  36. Hooker speaks of the phenomenon as common in Sikkim, but he seems never to have been able to ascertain with what species it was associated.

  37. To ascertain if the light or the darkness had any influence, two equal sowings were placed side by side, the one under a clear glass bell, the other under a blackened glass bell.

  38. I remember one day I went out with General Stuart and Colonel Angus McDonnell--the General was the railway expert, and was out to ascertain what amount of damage the Boche had done to the lines, permanent way, etc.

  39. He, however, promised that he would endeavor to ascertain a point in which Alessandro appeared to be so deeply interested.

  40. I command you then not to interfere with our proceedings; but, on the contrary, go and ascertain whence comes the clanging of that infernal bell.

  41. Then he sat down, with his face toward the east, anxiously awaiting the appearance of the morn that he might ascertain the nature and the aspect of the land on which he had been cast.

  42. He immediately commanded a general muster of his men to be held in the banqueting-hall, that he might accurately ascertain the loss his corps had sustained.

  43. He said that the affair might well be allowed to sleep for four-and-twenty hours, in order that they might ascertain if the Spaniards approved the choice of their King.

  44. I had the curiosity to ascertain his revenue, and I have thought what I found curious enough to be inserted here, diminishing some of the benefices to avoid all exaggeration.

  45. Worn out at last by the silence, he determined to despatch Chamillart to Flanders to ascertain the real state of affairs.

  46. The true method of procedure then is to get hold of a general theory of war, and so ascertain the exact relations of Naval Strategy to the whole.

  47. We can now ascertain by what means the miracles in question are wrought; for Rev.

  48. On my return, therefore, I must ascertain whether I can remain and establish myself there, according to my views and wishes, after having seen and enjoyed other places.

  49. So far as practicable, the rates of taxation should be in the form of specific duties, and not ad valorem, requiring the judgment of experienced men to ascertain values and exposing the revenue to the temptation of fraud.

  50. In the earlier years of the Government the subordinate offices were so few in number that it was quite easy for those making appointments and promotions to personally ascertain the merits of candidates.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ascertain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ascertain; assure; calculate; certify; cinch; clinch; compute; decide; demonstrate; detect; determine; discern; discover; ensure; establish; estimate; evaluate; fathom; find; fix; follow; get; glean; hear; insure; learn; measure; perceive; prove; reassure; receive; resolve; satisfy; see; settle; show; spot; tell; trace; unearth

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ascertain the; ascertain what; ascertain whether