It is tree-covered, while the granite always shows lumps of naked rock.
He told the havildar that he would sit down only for a little while; and, I suppose, fell asleep, for he came up to us in the evening as naked as a robin.
His morality is of the most primitive kind; or rather, he has none whatever, no more than has a South-Sea islander lying in the sun under a cocoa-nut tree whilst the surf bathes his naked limbs.
Even magnolias are not spared, and these magnificent trees stand naked and despoiled in nearly all the gardens and parks all over the country.
Pt is so tenacious that it can be drawn into wire invisible to thenaked eye, being drawn out in the center of a silver wire, which is afterwards dissolved away from the Pt by HNO3.
A German has recently obtained a deposit of silver two-millionths of a millimeter thick, and visible to the naked eye.
Basidiomycetes--those in which the spores or reproductive bodies are naked or external as shown in illustration 2 on page 15.
The margin is thick and blunt, and the tube surface is concave; the openings of the tubes quite large, so that they can be readily seen by the naked eye.
These sacs arise from a naked or inclosed stratum of fructifying cells, forming a hymenium or nucleus.
It may be known by the deeply pitted, and often elongated, naked head, the depressions being usually regular but sometimes resembling mere furrows with wrinkled interspaces.
The stem is solid, equal, tough, fibrous, naked and smooth at base, everywhere with a downy surface.
The stem is slender, short, stuffed, clothed with small fibers, naked above, reddish within.
The gleba is composed of semi-persistent cells, plainly seen with a glass or even with the naked eye.
They are very fine, and invisible to the naked eye except when collected together in great masses.
It will grow almost anywhere, in woods, pastures, and lawns, and sometimes on naked ground.
Psilocybe is from two Greek words, naked and head.
In New York, a cop would feel naked without a gun.
When I opened it, we saw a small, dark-haired girl lyingnaked and unconscious on the floor.
Men may be taught by fables; children require the naked truth.
At length, when the bare and naked earth no longer offered us any food, we were compelled in self-defence to outrage nature, and to feed upon our companions in distress, rather than perish with them.
Thus did the naked stranger become the son-in-law of the great king of Tula.
They are about ·8 inch in length, and ·002 inch in transverse diameter, so that they are barely visible to the naked eye as single threads.
It consists of whitish spots, sometimes visible to the naked eye, characterised by unusual thinness of the chitinous cuticle and by the aggregation beneath it of a crowd of extremely minute sensory rods.
But, notwithstanding the skill displayed in this research, many questions still remained unanswered, which required more exact methods than mere observation with the naked eye or the simple lens.
In this Insect every ring of the abdomen carries laminæ, upon which the ramified tracheæ can still be made out by the naked eye.
Next came the king with his guard, all well clothed in connie skins, then the naked common people with faces painted, each bearing some presents.
They were poorly clothed in winter; in summer a loin cloth was often all that the men wore, while the children went naked a large part of the year.
We, the non-naked party, would be reasonably warm, whatever the result might be.
Gaskell and I and de Goys and his partner disliked the idea of being chased naked in the middle of winter carrying two bundles, each weighing 20 pounds or more, so we decided to make ourselves diving-suits out of mackintoshes.
Our naked footprints are clear enough to them, but I'll bet my soul they've never seen an impression made by a shoe.
It seemed almost sacrilegious to let this unsophisticated girl strip her soul naked before them.
The press has made the most of her success: it lies with us to exhibit the naked truth.
May not the mother, who receives her naked new-born child from the hand of God, fitly ask to understand the liabilities of its little frame?
For we know that merit, standing alone, stands generally naked also.
Fontelles did not leave his place, but stood, with the point of his naked sword on the ground, looking at the man who had put an affront on him and whom he had now chastised.
A human soulnaked and panic-stricken is no pleasant sight, so Glenister dropped his eyes and addressed the girl again: “Don’t take anything with you.
He dived under the breach unhesitatingly and, stooping, lifted the line as near to its former level as possible, holding the entire burden upon his naked pate.
The vices of a city, however horrible, are at least draped scantily by the mantle of convention, but in a great mining-camp they stand naked and without concealment.
During the long winter of their absence, ice had held their treasure inviolate, but with the warming summer the jewel they had fought for so wearily would lie naked and exposed to the first comer.
With his naked fingers, Glenister ripped open the powder cases and secreted the contents upon his person.
Glenister ground his teeth--a frenzy possessed him to loose his anger, to rip through the frail ceiling with naked hands and fall vindictively upon the two men.
Naked as we were, we numbered nearly two to one; and although we should be sure to be freely beaten with their staves, we should ultimately succeed in getting away.
Here the Russian bear holds a birch in his right paw, and Napoleon by an ankle with his left; a nakeddevil points to the crown, tumbling from the head of the capsized emperor; on the ground is an ironical bulletin.
I have also been upset from my boat, and had to lie stark naked on the grass in the sun till my clothes were dry.
The menservants--except the steward--had joined the pursuit; she heard them to the south beating the naked woods and shrubbery and calling to each other.
Even with the naked eye we can admire the grand planet Saturn, which is more than 800 millions of miles away, and this in itself is very marvellous.
The Aspergillus and the Penicillium differ from the Mucor in having their spores naked and not enclosed in a spore-case.
The largest of these is an almost imperceptible speck to the naked eye.
The second object you will find more easily, for it is larger and brighter, and appears as a faint dull spot to the naked eye.
You can often see these on a clear night with the naked eye, but you must remember that then they appear more in the upper part, because in the telescope we see the moon's face inverted or upside down.
Yet each of these minute flint skeletons, if laid on a piece of glass by itself, would be quite invisible to the naked eye, while hundreds of them together only look like a faint mist on the slide on which they lie.
I have before now shown you the delicate markings on shells which were themselves so minute that you could not see them with the naked eye.
A star seen through this telescope appears 2000 times as bright as when seen with the naked eye.
Even to the naked eye he appears to flash in a strange way, and in the telescope he appears as two lovely stars, one a deep orange and the other a pale green, while in powerful telescopes the green one splits again into two (Plate II.
By that time you would see that there are an immense number of stars in Orion visible even to the naked eye, besides the veil of misty, tiny stars called the "Milky Way" which passes over his arm and club.
The noises bursting through the gratings from the underground cellars would be like a chastisement on the naked flesh, and shame and smarting and fear would grip them.
I am thy love, Thy Amoret, for evermore thy love: Strike once more on my naked breast, I'le prove As constant still.
His face, had it been visible to the naked eye, through the surrounding thicket of hair, might have passed for good-looking; but the hirsute crop which flourished about his head was something really remarkable.
A few minutes more disclosed the arm of John Spout, working like an insane windmill, backwards and forwards, to open a clear space, and make himself visible to the naked eye.