Prosperity is the touchstone of virtue; for it= 25 =is less difficult to bear misfortunes than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure.
It is less difficult to bear misfortunes than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure.
Men of small faculties in reasoning cannot comprehend the extensive reasonings of their superiors, how then can a supposed depraved reason comprehend that reason which is uncorrupted and pure?
And yet, free Nature's uncorrupted child, You hailed the Chapel and the Platform wild, Where once the Austrian fell Beneath the shaft of Tell!
These verses are preceded by a brief account of the lady, in Latin prose, in which the little that is said is the uncorrupted language of affection.
But we further reply to our cavillers that Moses is here speaking of nature in its yet uncorrupted state.
If ever they catch a glimpse of the truth, it is in their brilliant youth, when, still uncorrupted by worldly politics, they can induce some Sidonia partly to draw aside the veil.
They were fierce and cruel; but they had simple, uncorrupted hearts.
Satan had urged on the papal priests and prelates to bury the Word of truth beneath the rubbish of error, heresy, and superstition; but in a most wonderful manner it was preserved uncorrupted through all the ages of darkness.
The gospel received by the Britons in the first centuries, was then uncorrupted by Romish apostasy.
Not science and uncorrupted truthfulness, but antipathy, presumption, harsh denial of everything divine, only too often point the way.
The Cornish people for the moste parte are descended of British stocke, though muche mixed since with the Saxon and Norman bloude, but untill of late years retayned the British speache uncorrupted as theirs of Wales is.
Cornwall are Celtic, and as a very large proportion of these are descriptive names, usually in a fairly uncorrupted state, this gives much opportunity of research.
Eight brazen spokes in radiant order flame; The circles gold, of uncorrupted frame, Such as the heavens produce: and round the gold Two brazen rings of work divine were roll’d.
And is that our conflict--to see whether we can escape the contagion of its embrace, and come uncorrupted out of that?
Some give him the credit of having restored the doctrines of Plato in an uncorrupted form; while, according to Cicero, on the other hand, (Acad.
Now also the multitudes of Europe, uncorrupted by ambition, envy, or filthy lucre, forebode the deadly struggle impending over us all from the conspiracy of crowned heads.
Where is a man on earth, with uncorrupted soul and with liberal instincts in his heart, who would not sympathize with poor, unfortunate Ireland?
How Fursa built a monastery among the East Angles, and of his visions and sanctity, to which, his flesh remaining uncorrupted after death bore testimony.
He soon obtained his pious request, and the Britons preserved the faith, which they had received, uncorrupted and entire, in peace and tranquillity until the time of the Emperor Diocletian.
How his body was found altogether uncorrupted after it had been buried eleven years; and how his successor in the bishopric departed this world not long after.
In the original purity of a rational agent the uncorrupted will is identical with the law.