That flagrantforgery would be accepted at sight by our vaunted British jury.
The one hanging about Burlington Gardens looked unutterably bored, but with his blots of whisker and his grimy jowl, as flagrant a detective officer as ever I saw, even if he had not so considerately dressed the part.
He might ride what horses he liked, and if he broke their knees, what in another would have been deemed a flagrant sin, was in him held only a proof of reckless spirit.
A small party of miners approached a house of more pretension than the generality of the dwellings, and announcing its character by a very flagrant sign of the Rising Sun.
Anomalies and defects there are, fewer and less intolerable, if not less flagrant than of old.
It was celebrated in flagrant defiance of the Pope, who persisted in refusing the dispensation, and therefore acted in a way which could only serve to mar the plot.
Pilate knew that he was perpetrating flagrantinjustice in such a suggestion, and he tried to hide it by using a gentle word.
But for you, it is in diametrical contradiction to all your professions, in flagrant inconsistency with all your belief, in flat denial of that mighty truth that you have a Father who cares for you, and that His love is enough.
John tells us that they began by trying to get Pilate to decree the crucifixion without knowing Jesus' crime; but that was too flagrant injustice, and too blind confidence in them, for Pilate to grant.
The Pharisee's notion of righteousness was primarily negative, as consisting in abstinence from flagrant sins, and, in so far as it was positive, it dealt entirely with ceremonial acts.
A youthful poet I could recall, who, with a kind of exulting indignation, thought he had discovered a celebrated brother of the lyre appropriating his ewe lamb in a flagrant plagiarism.
But how many instances far moreflagrant could be found in picture-buying?
It is an attempt of the pedagogue to assert a jurisdiction over grown intellects, and hence such books naturally develop in flagrant exaggeration the pragmatical priggism which is the pedagogue's characteristic defect.
As for the enclosure business, the Council was not merely unsympathetic; half its members were more or less flagrant enclosers themselves.
It is at least intelligible to maintain that circumstances may arise under which, for the public safety, flagrant injustice towards an individual may be and ought to be committed.
There is no more flagrant judicial outrage on record.
It has been said by one man that open, flagrant acts of bribery are commonly practiced at the polls in Wyoming, and this statement is made to show that the effect of woman suffrage has not been good.
In less flagrant cases, where it is only a question of gain or loss in trade, of getting some object of desire, the same spirit is shown.
The man behind the desk hoisted his three hundred well-dressed pounds and glared at Walter from under flagrant eyebrows.
Torkleson, condemning Towne and his followers for "flagrant violation of management contracts and illegal fouling of managerial processes.
No positive decision is recorded, but order were given that all Indians taken in acts of flagrant “rebellion” and found guilty should be sent to Spain.
The contradiction is as flagrant as in the case of the great Admiral who initiated the system which brought all these horrors in logical sequence.
The absurdity of such an opinion is not more flagrant than its tendency would prove pernicious to the welfare of society.
Her husband's cruelty, in first abandoning his wife and child, without bidding them adieu, and then insulting her by his base accusations, was not more flagrant and unjust than his perfidy in first inducing her to become his wife.
The instrument is cited against woman, as if she had united with man in making it, and was, therefore, morally bound by the flagrant usurpation, and legally concluded by it.
Resolved, That we remonstrate against the proposition now pending in the Senate of the United States to disfranchise the women of Utah, as a movement in aid of polygamy, against justice, and a flagrant violation of a vested right.
The reverend gentleman then betrayed his flagrant ignorance of South African history when he said: "Our people were never known to have robbed any one of land.
And such a line, we were confident, Big Alec intended setting, in open and flagrant violation of the law.
It was a flagrant breach of the rules, and the two fishermen were forthwith put under arrest.
That polygamy should exist in a free, enlightened, and Christian country, without the power to punish so flagrant a crime against decency and morality, seems preposterous.
Struck by this flagrant contradiction, I determined to practise on my female friend, a little; a plan that was successfully carried out, as follows.
Suppose you should refuse their demand, and claim the whole for yourselves, that would be a flagrant injustice which you would not be willing that I should suppose would occur.