And there can be no natural impulse behind it unless we have something in our own experience which corroborates the mere hearsay testimony that there is a Power worth trusting to.
I got the impression that God, so far from making Himself known to me, was hiding away from me, and that I must have faith to believe in One of whom I had no more thanhearsay evidence.
I shall not lay hearsay before the jury: hearsay gathered from Mr. Richard Hardie--whom you will call in person if the reports he has circulated have any basis whatever in truth.
To go from particulars to generals, the defendant, on whom the proof lies, has advanced hearsay and conjecture, and not put their originators into the box.
We are no longer dependent upon hearsay for these stories.
A good many hearsay statements were taken to the effect that Morgan was as a matter of fact put in the magazine and kept there some days.
In the Inquisition the same rule was nominally followed, but in practice hearsay evidence was welcomed and was utilized.
They took the testimony of thirty-seven witnesses on written interrogatories, containing leading questions, and accepted hearsayevidence of the veriest gossip.
The articles of accusation were drawn not only from the Commentaries but from the confessions of the Lutheran heretics, the gossip and hearsay evidence industriously collected, and from the mass of papers seized when he was arrested.
In the secular courts, hearsay testimony was not admitted as proof unless a witness had heard a matter from so many persons as to constitute public fame, in which case it was allowed a certain weight.
You now put me into a position which I have known only from hearsay and never thought myself to experience.
And no one only knowing it from hearsay can realize how different and how much more profound is the effect of actual experience.
More than once I had to exercise great caution on account of reeling drunken men on the streets of the smaller towns; but we had only hearsay for it that in the slums of Liverpool and London one may find hundreds of women dead drunk.
It is no new thing to say that the average Englishman is insular--but this became much more to us than mere hearsaybefore we left the country.
She had learned something since her father died--not a great deal; perhaps more from hearsay than from experience.
This circumstance was reported to Government by General Hearsayon the 11th February.
Hearsay supported the proposal, remarking that the new mode of loading need not be made to appear as a concession to agitation, but as part of the drill for the new weapon.
General Hearsay reported to Government that he had directed the European troops, temporarily located at Barrackpore, to return to their respective cantonments, as he did not think it probable that he would require their presence again.
A little later various acts of incendiarism took place at other stations in the command, and Hearsay became more than ever convinced that there was grave dissatisfaction amongst the troops.
If we abandon hearsay and investigate the reality and inner significance of the heavenly teachings, we will find the same divine foundation of love for humanity.
We must investigate reality, lay aside selfish notions and banish hearsayfrom our minds.
It is only hearsay that he descended from heaven; this cannot be proved.
It means that man must forget all hearsay and examine truth himself, for he does not know whether statements he hears are in accordance with reality or not.
They would have accepted Him as the very Savior of man; but, alas, they were veiled, they held to imitations of ancestral beliefs and hearsay and did not investigate the truth of Christ.
I know of hermits from hearsay only, and I wished to test the accuracy of what I had heard and read concerning them.
This is proved by sixteen hearsay witnesses, by forty-one who believed it, by twenty who knew it, and by thirteen who gave evidence that in their belief the Admiral made his discoveries before anyone else whatever.
But there from the sill bow'd Fell many a mead-bench, by hearsay of mine, With gold well adorned, where strove they the wrothful.
Hearsay is not, as a rule, evidence in a court of justice.
Hearsay evidence is inadmissible because the person quoted was unsworn and is not before the court for examination; yet most momentous actions, military, political, commercial and of every other kind, are daily undertaken on hearsay evidence.
Revelation is hearsay evidence; that the Scriptures are the word of God we have only the testimony of men long dead whose identity is not clearly established and who are not known to have been sworn in any sense.
There is no religion in the world that has any other basis than hearsay evidence.
The hearsay man engaged in discovering the West always clung to the regular lines of travel; and almost every one who passed across the mountains on the Overland stage line would hear stories about the desperate character of Slade.
But mind you, my friend, he speaks me fairly, and I will not take this on hearsay even from your master.
At one time a biographer's task was easy: he simply took the hearsay and inventions of Hawkins, and accepted them as gospel truth whenever they could not be tested.
Had the biographers not kindly followed the blind Hawkins and Burney, and hearsay generally, those reflections might have been saved for a more fitting occasion.
But first it was necessary to ascertain more than what mere rumour or careless hearsay could tell.
Upon this principle the value of hearsay evidence or tradition deteriorates, and generally the cogency of any argument based upon the combination of approximate generalisations dependent on one another or "self-infirmative.
Still, the numerical illustration of the rapid deterioration of hearsay evidence, when less than quite veracious, puts us on our guard against rumour.