What do you think of the political future of this country?
They will make great capital of the burglary, although I am sure it was not a political move at all.
It is an infernal, unfair political trick to lose votes for our party.
Little Hungary" has been a bad political school and one need not be over apprehensive if he regards this poor political tutelage as one of the greatest problems connected with the influx of foreigners into our large cities.
The common people from whom our immigrants sprang, now have large powers in directing the political well-being of the Fatherland under less favourable conditions.
There is not a little avowed Anarchy among them, and a great deal more of Marxian Socialism, one of the daily papers advocating the latter political faith.
Delaware is not controlled by foreigners, yet the peaches in its political basket are rotten both at the top and at the bottom.
The paper most in evidence on the street is the Jewish Vorwaerts, the Social Democratic organ; if all its readers were adherents of this political faith, its strength would be enormous.
Democrats and then to the Republicans, and afterwards is naive enough to come back to the Democrats and tell of his bargain, willing to be bought back into his political family.
This transaction, when known, did not disturb the church or social relations of the offender, but it increased his political power, for it showed what he could do.
As yet he is not a factor politically, though the political "boss" finds him the best kind of material, for he is bought and sold without knowing it, and votes for he knows not whom.
I asked one his political faith, "Are you a Democrat?
He belongs to the Social Labour wing, and he hates the Social Democratic wing with a desperate hatred; he is a good speaker, honest though fanatical, and one who might be made to see the weakness of his political creed.
Though the Bohemian is very pugnacious, he is easily led, or rather easily influenced, and in times of political excitement I should say that he would need a great deal of watching.
The Chartists therefore divided into two parties whose political programmes agreed literally, but which were nevertheless thoroughly different and incapable of union.
In other respects, too, the bourgeoisie assumes a hypocritical, boundless philanthropy, but only when its own interests require it; as in its Politics and Political Economy.
Hence, Political Economy, the Science of Wealth, is the favourite study of these bartering Jews.
Compare on this point my "Outlines for a Critique of Political Economy" in the Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher.
Here Political Economy is preached, whose idol is free competition, and whose sum and substance for the working-man is this, that he cannot do anything more rational than resign himself to starvation.
On the other hand, the present indefinite state of Chartism, the separation from the purely political party, involves that precisely the characteristic feature, its social aspect, will have to be further developed.
But in Chartism it is the whole working class which arises against the bourgeoisie, and attacks, first of all, the political power, the legislative rampart with which the bourgeoisie has surrounded itself.
Thus one piece of standing ground after another is undermined beneath the feet of the bourgeoisie; and how long will it be before their whole social and political edifice collapses with the basis upon which it rests?
The bourgeois forgets, in fighting the working-man, the most ordinary principles of his own Political Economy.
And you see yourself a great man, the center of political interest, and everything coming toward you that heart can desire.
He had let his political ambitions slide, and lingered there as being nearer his adored one, instead of going home.
In the absence of Colonel Rawlinson, then in England, his politicalduties had been confided to Captain Kemball, now the East India Company's Resident at Bushire.
We have arrived at the dwelling of the English Consul-general and political agent of the East India Company at Baghdad.
The political state of the Jewish kingdom under Solomon appears to have been very nearly the same as that of the Assyrian empire.
The next reflection arising from an examination of the Assyrian records relates to the political condition and constitution of the empire, which appear to have been of a very peculiar nature.
Neeland inquired politely of him in French whether there was any political news, and the guard replied politely that he knew of none.
I think that some foreign political high-upper wants dope on what our people are finding out over here.
That is where they expect to pluck and fleece the callow and the aged who may have anything of political importance about them worth stealing.
One hears a great deal about the embassies here being hotbeds of political intrigue.
The Porte has complained about me to Berlin; Berlin disowns me, disclaims all knowledge of my political activities outside of my engineering work.
Sengoun," he said under his breath, "that type who just came in is an American gambler named Doc Curfoot; and he is here with other gamblers for the purpose of obtaining political information for some government other than my own.
Their conversation related chiefly to an adventure in which they had lately been engaged, while political subjects were also discussed.
I placed the whole matter before him, and he assures me that should my uncle desire a baronetcy, Government will readily grant him one for his political services, so that he will consequently not be deprived of the rank he prizes.
If he would take to hunting and shooting he would soon get round, and be well able to go through a political campaign in London.
Sir Ralph had been called to London onpolitical business, and was likely to remain some time away.
I purpose making Texford my summer and winter residence when my political duties do not require my attendance in London," he observed to Mr Groocock.
The right of the people of a territory to exclude slavery before arriving at statehood was already the crux of the political situation, but its significance was not generally perceived at that time.
Moreover, the small band of political reformers will have fallen into disrepute and become ridiculous and the country will be worse off than before.
They included personal as well as political delinquencies, but McClure declined to put them in writing.
Trumbull took it to be an agreement between the two political parties.
This had the appearance of a brazen political swap executed in the light of day, by which the presidency and the vice-presidency were disposed of as so much merchandise.
There were varying shades of opinion and mixed motives and fluctuating political currents.
In accepting the nomination he gave a brief account of his politicallife extending over a period of nearly forty years.
To this end a certain number of "visiting statesmen" were chosen by the heads of their respective political parties to go to the scene of the contest and watch all the steps taken by the canvassers of the votes.
It will hardly be possible to secure the freedman against oppressive class legislation and private persecution, unless he be endowed with a certain measure of political power.
Nor did he confine his communication to these organized political bodies alone.
It was natural that he should indulge in the hope of being seconded by the men who were in the same political and social station with himself.
He had no qualities whatever but birth and audacity to recommend him as a leader for a political party.
Political reasons at this epoch doubtless influenced his mind in religious matters.
It was thought that the occasion imperiously demanded an extraordinary carouse, and the political events of the past three days lent an additional excitement to the wine.
They were aware that their political conduct since the King's departure from the country had not always been deemed satisfactory at Madrid, but they were, of course, far from suspecting the true state of the royal mind.
No doubt that an inclination for political intrigue was a prominent characteristic of the Prince, and a blemish upon the purity of his moral nature.
That's a political trick," called out the Roumanian group in one voice.
Editors of dailies discuss yesterday's editorial with their political antagonists and give their verbal verdicts to story writers about a manuscript read between the soup and the dessert.
The opposite school was too self-complacent, too comfortable, too secure in its social and political alliances; and he was bent on shaming people into severer notions.
That ancient religion had well-nigh faded out of the land through the politicalchanges of the last 150 years, and it must be restored.
Arnold's theories Coleridge's theories Apostolic origin of various conceptions of political attacks on public mind indifferent to Dr.
It is the differing interpretations of a common document which create political and religious parties; and only shallowness and prejudice will impute to an opponent dishonesty without strong and clear reason.
It had gained a hold on a number of powerful minds in society and political life.
Though living in the shade, he followed with anxiety and increasing disquiet the changes which went on so rapidly and so formidably, during the end of the first quarter of this century, in opinion and in the possession of political power.
The majesty, the vastness of an imperial polity, outlasting all states and kingdoms, all social changes and political revolutions, answered at once to the promises of the prophecies, and to the antecedent idea of the universal kingdom of God.
It was the time when a Society of which Lord Brougham was the soul, and which comprised a great number of important political and important scientific names, was definitely formed for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
Political events prevented both the count and the neighboring country-people from becoming aware of this investment, which was made in the name of Madame Moreau, who was understood to have inherited property from an aunt of her father.
No man was less obvious, or more useful in the political world than he.
Why is it that all the queer isms of the day, such as socialism, are more cultivated by Red Republicans than by any other political sect?
The chief political parties are the Catholic, the Liberal, the Socialist, and the Catholic-Democrat.
In a village near Bruges the writer knew an adherent of the Liberal Party who for days suffered grave need of a physician because the only one of his own political leanings was absent from town on a vacation.
The political affiliations of the Belgian people very intimately affect their daily lives.
The people of Lancashire, generally, are industrious collectors of political information, from such sources as they can command.
They possess great integrity of judgment, and independence of character, and cannot be long blinded to the difference between wise statesmen and political knaves.
He had a curious audience in that secluded corner of Lancashire where he lived--in those days--a people who had worn their political shackles so long that they almost looked upon them as ornaments.
This, too, in the teeth of patrons and friends whose political tendencies were in an entirely opposite direction.
Well, as I was saying, I heard the lectures onpolitical economy which Karl gave at the club along in fifty-six and fifty-seven.
He explained to them just how he looked at the political questions--always from the standpoint of the working people.
After that he gave them a little political lecture, you might say.
Why, it'll take a whole generation to develop a political party of the proletariat strong enough to do anything.
First, that the long friction, the press campaign, the rivalry of economic and political interests, had contributed largely to the European tension.
But apart from this racial factor, there is in the south-east an opposition of political ambition.
We have had enough of France, who has neither courage nor political sense.
No sooner did the Germans approach the other nations for financial and political support to their scheme than there was an outcry of jealousy, suspicion, and rage.
Meantime the economic penetration of Asia Minor by Germany had been accompanied by a political penetration at Constantinople.
On the other hand, apart from and in opposition to this common political interest, there exists between the two nations a strong racial antagonism.
Since the outbreak of the war the pamphlet literature in the countries of the Entente has been full of citations from German political writers.
His hand can be seen in this modification; it is to be hoped that his political intelligence, practical and cool, will save him from all exaggeration in this course.
This political influence was, no doubt, used, and intended to be used, to further German economic schemes.
It has given a new lease to the political philosophy of Machiavelli; and made of every budding statesman and historian a solemn or a cynical defender of the gospel of force.
It has no natural bond to hold its populations together, and it continues its political existence by force and fraud, by the connivance and the self-interest of other States, rather than by any inherent principle of vitality.
This political rivalry has accentuated the racial antagonism between German and Slav, and was the immediate origin of the war which presents itself to Englishmen as one primarily between Germany and the Western Powers.
The Revolution of 1688 was glorious, but unlike the Puritan Revolution which it followed, and in the political sphere partly ratified, it was profoundly prosaic.
It is, perhaps, the most conspicuous object on the wide political horizon; but it has thus risen, without noise, like the temple of Jerusalem.
The Church was little better than a political force cultivated and manipulated by political leaders for their own purposes.
I believe that he had no kind of motive for this incivility to Mr. Israel Wilkes but disgust at his brother's political principles.
The Imperial Catechism Political use of the episcopacy.
The law student is not content with a knowledge of the code of his country; in his studies everything must be related to the general principles of natural and political laws.
We form a good general idea of the condition of Italy at that time, and, on many points political and social, gather a fund of most curious detail.
Legitimately enough one may condemn the rulers of Italy, those who take upon themselves to shape her political life, and recklessly load her with burdens insupportable.
This political date marks the end of theocracy in civil life.
Second, the problem of Christian union ceased to be in any sense a political problem and became a purely religious problem to be solved by religious means.
All political and social questions were to be treated as matters of opinion on which Christians might differ without dividing.
But it needed to be liberated from its political entanglements, as the church itself did.
They were political philippics, inspired chiefly by a reckless, undiscriminating spirit of attack.
Without that quality of sincerity, and with a conscience less exigent and less resolute than his, Carl Schurz's politicalcareer might have compassed any end that ambition set before him.
It was freely suggested that somebody at Washington must be winking at the lawlessness in aid of political purposes in Brooklyn.
I do not know that political corruption was more prevalent then than now, but it was more open and shameless, and as a consequence men of upright minds were readier to suspect its existence in high places.
Yerger, of Jackson, Mississippi, had committed a homicide in the nature of a political assassination.
Then he gave me a truly remarkable exhibition of his masterful knowledge of American political conditions, and of his sagacious prescience.
A catalogue of the names of the early inhabitants would occupy much space: titled men, men eminent in letters, science and political life, thronged the arena.
Many political intrigues and meetings must have taken place here, for Lord Halifax gained the name of always being on the winning side.