I thought he was a convert to your celibate views.
Yes, there is a great deal, Charles, from the practical standpoint, in your celibate views.
He was celibateby nature as well as by profession.
The laity have no voice in the election of the celibate priesthood, which is only natural since the celibate priests are not in any way connected with the life of the community.
Monks suspected him, but in his heart he was celibate like the great monkish saints, celibate not by vows but by preoccupation.
Sometimes, too, such persons have remained celibateto avoid the burden of caring for a family.
Mayer, in his Rapports Conjugaux, showed that the death rates among the celibate religious orders studied were nearly twice as high as those of the laity.
Celibate women doubtless have their place in the regeneration of the world, but it is not they, after all, who will, through experience and understanding recreate it.
The sect numbers to-day a quarter of a million, some being celibate clergy, some householders.
We do not hesitate to express our own belief that the çakti-worship is native and drawn from similar cults, and that the celibate priesthood, on the other hand, is taken from civilization.
The Todas worship stone images, buffaloes, and even cow-bells, but they have a celibate priesthood!
It is unfortunately impossible to estimate the number of sexual perversions dissimulated by a large number of pessimists of both sexes, generally celibate and usually males.
But even apart from this, the old celibate easily becomes shy, affected, misanthropic or misogynistic, at least if some energetic friend does not induce him to utilize his power of work in some useful sphere.
Inversely, a number of capable and healthy men and women remain celibate and sterile for want of money.
In some comparatively civilized nations the celibate is so much despised that they go as far as marrying the spirits of departed children!
Thus great religious teachers have often emphasised the value of a celibate life as a means of furthering religious devotion, and nearly all have treated it with marked respect.
Certainly the New Testament does not condemn marriage, but it is idle to pretend that those who preached the celibateideal failed to find therein a warranty for their teaching.
India and Egypt had its ascetic practices and celibate priesthood long before the birth of Christianity, and indeed gave Christianity the pattern from which to work.
The most essential thing to do at this moment, is to overwhelm thecelibate by some crushing phrase which you have been manufacturing all the time; when you have thus floored him, you will coldly show him the door.
Perhaps this celibate seems a young or an old man, is cold or hot, arrives slowly, with an expression of sadness or merriment, etc.
Marriage is a veritable duel, in which persistent watchfulness is required in order to triumph over an adversary; for, if you are unlucky enough to turn your head, the sword of the celibate will pierce you through and through.
A husband, in accordance with the principles comprised in our Meditation on Police, will expressly forbid his wife to receive the visits of a celibate whom he suspects of being her lover, and whom she has promised never again to see.
But by what reasoning can justification be found for the help which one celibate never asks in vain, but always receives from another celibate in deceiving a husband, and how shall we qualify the rendering of such help?
When the celibate has gone, you will find yourself alone with your wife, and then is the time when you must subjugate her forever.
When a man is so happy as to possess a mother-in-law who is well-preserved, he may easily keep her in check for a certain time, although he may not know any young celibate brave enough to assail her.
The celibate gave him a liberal share of the pleasures which come from games of hazard, and knew how to lose to him a certain number of francs every month; but madame used to give them to him, and the compensation was a deluding one.
Like most husbands you had hitherto received nothing from yours, and the powerful intervention of the celibatewas needed to make your union complete.
Will you grant that a lover must put on more clean shirts than are worn by either a husband, or a celibate unattached?
Oh, by being a celibate simpleton, I suppose," he said.
You won't give it me, you littlecelibate simpleton.
Du Bousquier was depicted as a species of celibate Pere Gigogne, a monster, who for the last fifteen years had kept the Foundling Hospital supplied.
It seems probable," he quaintly remarks, "that this abnormal tendency to criticise has been a chief factor in the continuance of my celibate life.
After all my celibate life has probably been the best for me, as well as the best for some unknown other.
These subordinate Mahants may be celibate or married, and about two-thirds of them are married.
The married groups of the Gosain, Bairagi and Manbhao orders as distinguished from the Nihang or celibate section.
Like other sects, the Dadupanthis are divided into celibate or priestly and lay or householder branches.
She was a small and fragile vessel on which to embark all the hopes that, out of his owncelibate and unfulfilled life, he had dreamed for Dick.
She had caught, as simple David with his celibate heart could never have caught, the tone in Dick's voice when he mentioned the Wheelers.
We have seen that Pliny the elder speaks of this celibate society as having existed ‘through thousands of ages[421].
Indeed, as this last passage relates to the family of the Asi, he obviously can have had no connexion with the celibate Essenes.
The author durst not assay the foul reality of celibate life in the Temple, or within the castle walls.
Surely it was a cruel thing to make her trust herself amongst such a pack of celibate dogs, so shameless and so ungovernable.
She knew that I had the bit in my teeth and was going to run away, even if I had to live as a celibate ever after--which, believe me, is what I seriously told her I must become!
They take no vows and wear no special costume but are obliged to be celibate while they remain in the sattra.
And Amelie was not in the least of a celibate nature; her warm blood beat generously, and the love of her nature that should one day pour itself on one at present overflowed in runnels of tenderness for all living things.
Unless a woman is celibate by nature (a thing happily rare), she is frequently conscious of the empty place in herself which it is her duty and her constant, though often unconscious, quest to find the tenant for.
The true Christian, according to monasticism, is poor, celibate and obedient.
With all my heart I pity the celibate and those to whom children are denied.
Father Vaughan and other celibate priests entirely ignorant of nurseries and their exigences!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "celibate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.