This, the supreme and most excellent delight possible to man, is the fruit of his pain; of his suffering at the hands of life, of his union with her as with a bride.
The work done may be, and in such high cases often must be, of supremevalue to art; but not the moral implied.
But his was the supreme valour which ignorantly assumes and accepts itself.
Even supreme genius, which usually has a mind now and then to try, has never given us the complete and vivid likeness which a child has for once given of himself.
As the supreme sin cannot be said to commit human faults, so neither can the supreme holiness obey the principles of human sanctity.
Hence also much of the special force and supreme occasional loveliness or grandeur in expression.
So speedy and so thorough was the transformation, that scarce a century passed ere the once powerful Frankish kingdom of Charlemagne bowed down before the strenuous Saxons, to whom the supreme power was transferred.
Of all Mechthild's visions, there is none that seems to reach a greater height of supreme beauty than that in which the loving soul learns the way to its Divine Lover.
Evolution, whether of the spirit or of matter, is the supreme law of things.
It would have been more merciful to me to have let the cobra and the vulture have their way with me; I should have been spared the supreme misery of my life.
She felt, however, that though she had been to blame in some measure for the catastrophe which had come about, she could not in the supreme moment have acted otherwise than she had done.
As a Pythian he has served the Grand Lodge as Grand Medical Register, and has been honored by the Supreme Lodge as Supreme Medical Register, and is Surgeon General of the Military or Uniform Rank of that Order.
He has been attorney in several important cases in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, involving damage suits against large corporations, and has been generally successful.
He has been almost exclusively engaged in civil practice during his experience of fourteen years as a practitioner before the Supreme Court of the District.
True, we have a National Congress, State Legislature, Subordinate and Supreme Courts, and almost every form of government, necessary to regulate the affairs of a civilized country.
At the first term of the Circuit Court after his admittance he represented plaintiffs in several large damage suits, two against the city of Palatka; in both he got verdict for his clients; one was appealed to the Supreme Court.
As an Immaculate, he has gained a National reputation and has filled nearly all of the offices in the Supreme Lodge.
The Ancient United Sons and Daughters of Africa is a creation of his own brain and he is at present Supreme Secretary of that Order.
He was successful in passing the written examination given by the Supreme Court of South Carolina, and was admitted to practice in all the courts of that state, May, 1892.
We are therefore forced to sustain a character which is not our own; but we profess to pay the obsequious reverence which is due to the decrees pronounced by the supreme Pontiffs against the motion of the earth.
Kings have punished, priests have anathematized, satirists satirized and women scolded; but still the weed, with its divers shapes and different names, reigns supreme among narcotics in every region of the globe.
He sincerely hates all anti-tobaccoites and has a supreme disgust for the memory of King James I.
Such was the magic of the Maze, and the unconscious genius of the instructor, that the pattern of the running wound and unwound and knit itself together in the supreme symbol of the great Wheel of Eight Spokes, the Wheel of Life.
Instead of the old good-natured rivalry, it was as if he struggled and did battle in some supreme and terrible fight.
He took it as a supreme instance of his father's humor.
Violet, under a supreme provocation, advanced to arm-dragging and shaking.
She had foreseen the supreme issue; she had provided for the worst sting, the unspeakable suspicion, the intolerable terror.
It is, however, one of the testimonies to the supreme merit of the Homeric poems that every age seems to try to imitate them in its own special mannerisms, and that, consequently, no age is satisfied with the attempts of another.
A recollection of the one supreme singularity of the new acquaintance--his immunity from death--recurred to him, and he could not have escaped its effect had he wished.
The true symbolist--and all the supreme artists of the world have been in this sense symbolists--recognizes that there are truths too vast and too subtle to endure definition in scientific phrase.
Then at very large cost he collected a great number of most excellent and rare books in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, all of which he adorned with gold and with silver, esteeming this to be the supreme excellence of his great palace.
Red Branch of Ulster; among this cycle Cuculain (Cuchullin, Cohoolin, Coolin) is the supreme type.
Among the foremost figures of this wonderful period is Valerius Catullus, the first of Latin lyric poets, and perhaps the third, alongside of Sappho and Shelley, in the supreme rank of the lyric poets of the world.
During the period to which this part of our narrative refers, the supreme power among the Hebrews was occasionally exercised by judges,--an order of magistrates to which nothing similar is to be found in any other country.
In perusing the works of the greatest writers of paganism, we are struck with a monstrous incongruity in all their conceptions of the Supreme Being.
Who was it that had put these poor flowers there, like a supreme farewell, at the moment when the beloved body was about to disappear under the first rolls of bandages?
XV The King passed into another hall to receive Mosche, and sat down on a throne, the arms of which were formed of lions, hung a broad pectoral ornament on his breast, and assumed a pose of supreme indifference.
In every vocation to-day competition is so keen that the man who will succeed must be content to be supreme in one thing alone.
The supreme end of each man's life is to take individual care of his own garden.
Men feel that it is the exceptional woman who should have exceptional rights; but they scorn women whose soul has shrunk into mere intellect, and a godless woman is a supreme horror to them.
Genius is lifted free for the moment to fly at will to the mountain heights, and finds supreme delight therein.
Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of theSupreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts; with Notices of some of his Contemporaries.
Divines are said to have offered up thanks to the Supreme Being for the success of the good Sans-culottes.
What should we say, if Horace Greeley were to be arrested on a warrant issued by the Supreme Court of New York for a libel on Louis Napoleon, as was William Cobbett by Judge McKean of Pennsylvania for a libel on the King of Spain?
She possessed supreme composure, and an apparent tranquillity that masked terrible transports.
It was in vague despair that they took the supreme resolution to unite openly.
They gave themselves an air of accomplishing an act of supreme devotedness.
She had reached the end of her courage, she could no longer support the martyrdom that the presence of the two murderers imposed on her, she longed to find supreme relief in death.
Then she sought to complete the sentence, but her fingers had stiffened, the supreme will that galvanised them, escaped her.
She only prayed heaven, to grant her sufficient life to enable her to be present at the violent catastrophe she foresaw; her only remaining desire was to feast her eyes on the supremesuffering that would undo Therese and Laurent.
Then, as he stooped down to take her in his arms, Madame Raquin hoped that some powerful spring would place her on her feet; and she attempted a supreme effort.
He proved to his own satisfaction, that he did wrong to suffer, that he had just attained supreme felicity, consisting in crossing his arms, and that he was an idiot not to enjoy this bliss in peace.
She frequently made supreme efforts to utter a cry of protestation, and loaded her looks with hatred.
The invariable result of these reflections was that supreme happiness consisted in doing nothing.
But she maintained an even, easy temper, exercising all her will to render herself a passive instrument, replete with supreme complaisance and abnegation.
A supreme crisis undid them, cast them into the arms of one another, as weak as children.
In due time he began to practise upon his own account, and with such success that he was ultimately honoured with a seat upon the bench as judge of the Supreme Court.
No; consciousness cannot be the supreme goal of a world whose evolution is directed by supreme wisdom.
In this way it seems as though some evil spirit was constantly working a deceptive mirage to draw us from that freedom from pain, which is the supreme and only real happiness.
In this essay he holds that the supreme rule of earthly wisdom is contained in Aristotle's dictum that the sage will seek to dwell where pain is not, and not where pleasure is.
But while art is not without its disadvantages, Hartmann declares that life still holds one solace that is supremeand unalloyed.
But these ideas, however practicable or impracticable they may be in the future, are for the moment merely theories; the world is not yet ripe for a supreme quietus, and in the mean time the worth of life may still be questioned.
The minutes slipped away, and still he held her to his heart, the reality far surpassing his dream; for he knew that he was awake, and he realized this as the supreme hour that comes to the strongman who knows his love requited.
Sometimes she took it half asleep; again she gave him a smile that to the Harvester was the supreme thing of earth or Heaven.
The King was the Supreme Governor of the Church, because he was the Supreme Governor of the Nation.
Let us first trace the origin and growth of the power of the supreme leader, in other words, the monarchic element, the kingly power.
In the defence of the law before the Federal Supreme Court, the National Consumers' League had the good fortune to obtain, in coöperation with the State of Oregon, the services of Louis D.
He appealed the case to the State Supreme Court of Oregon, which affirmed his conviction.
The laundries and the State of Oregon agreed to carry a test case to the Federal Supreme Court to determine the new law's constitutionality.
This acknowledgment has led to the establishment of juster terms for women's labor by the Federal Supreme Court.
Justice Brewer delivered the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Mr. Muller then appealed the case to the Federal Supreme Court.
Such was the conception of the office of the law expressed by Justice Brewer twenty years before, on his appointment to the Supreme Bench.
Surely happiness is reflective, like the light of heaven; and every countenance bright with smiles, and glowing with innocent enjoyment, is a mirror transmitting to others the rays of a supreme and ever-shining benevolence.
The woman clasped the child to her breast with a passionate embrace, while rising to meet a supreme hour.
Christian Theism: The Testimony of Reason and Revelation to the Existence of the Supreme Being.
There are some political agitators whom the attainment of supremepower can not correct, and who still prefer the precarious advantages gained by intrigue to the pleasures of unlimited authority.
This voice and this hand carried supreme confidence.
For this supreme effort, General Pershing decorated him with the Distinguished Service Cross.
General Ferdinand Foch was selected and placed in supreme command of every fighting man under the Allied flags.
Here was a man who had almost made the supreme sacrifice.
The document had the following heading: "Intelligence Officer of the Supreme Command at Army Headquarters, Number 7, J.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supreme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.