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Example sentences for "discretion"

Lexicographically close words:
discreetly; discrepancies; discrepancy; discrepant; discrete; discretional; discretionary; discretions; discrimen; discriminate
  1. Both were no doubt to be distributed among "the poor," at the discretion of the trustee appointed.

  2. There is no need to mention the name of the solicitor; if there were, he could give the name of his own solicitor, to whose discretion he could trust implicitly.

  3. Let your discretion be your tutor: suit the action to the word, and the word to the action; with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature.

  4. Yet Zeus, the patron of hospitality and of friendship, exacted a notable penalty from Philip for his wickedness, and pursued him throughout his life: for he was utterly defeated by the Romans, and forced to surrender at discretion to them.

  5. Now," he said, "upon your good speed and better discretion we do all depend.

  6. I feel exceedingly sorry you should have thought that I wanted discretion by so doing; but, devoted as I am at all times to you, the case was one in which I felt obliged to take the step I did.

  7. She served her master with discretion and fidelity.

  8. It left nothing to the discretion of the President with regard to the public interests; and the information was asked for the avowed purpose of determining whether the house of representatives would give effect to a public treaty.

  9. Afterwards the rule was amended so far as to leave it in the discretion of the house, after receiving a confidential message, to debate upon it in private or in public.

  10. He replied with a discretion beyond his years: "Would you please step into the smoking-room, sir?

  11. Miss Minerva stopped the growing quarrel with the readiest discretion and good-feeling.

  12. Meanwhile, she was left to act on her own unaided discretion in the serious matter of her son's failing health.

  13. The returning officer may also at his discretion recount votes either once or more often in any case in which he is not satisfied as to the accuracy of any previous count.

  14. She saw that the extent to which the principle of protective duties might be carried was entirely a matter of discretion with the young Republic whose people had lately been her subjects and might now become her rivals.

  15. He called attention to the "distinct violations by Colonel Baker of his orders and instructions," and declared that he was left "to use his own discretion about crossing his force, or retiring that already over.

  16. He thoroughly distrusted Cass, --not in point of integrity, but of discretion and sound judgment as a statesman.

  17. While the feeling was too deep to brook resistance, or quietly to endure a word of opposition, it was happily so tempered with discretion as to prevent personal outrages upon the few who did not join in the general chorus for the Union.

  18. The curious devotion of the Christians pursued him to the desert; and when he was obliged to appear at Alexandria, in the face of mankind, he supported his fame with discretion and dignity.

  19. Strangers, who professed the orthodox faith, were hospitably entertained in a separate apartment; but their dangerous conversation was restricted to some chosen elders of approved discretion and fidelity.

  20. With temporary discretion the writer hesitated to send off so strange a communication; at length, on the 28th of the month, he resumed his narrative, which after another interval was concluded on the 4th March, and thereupon despatched.

  21. Miss Montgomerie was not rich, but she possessed largely what her lover entirely lacked—discretion and common sense.

  22. Not too much, I hoped, for I liked the lawyer who had thus deserted me, and I placed a certain reliance in the discretion of Chevenix.

  23. She made room for me, as a matter of course, and the youths had the discretion to melt before us.

  24. A wave of discretion went over me as cold and as deep as the sea.

  25. It was a matter of course to her that some dreadful scene had not been slow to take place, something that discretion should keep her out of even if she had not been too sick.

  26. He did not utter her name, and I could see that he had forgotten it; but she immediately pronounced his, availing herself of an American girl's discretion to introduce him to her mother.

  27. It is a sort of female inquisition, for the benefit of the Jesuits, the secrets of whose friends, it is said, are kept, while no such discretion is observed with regard to persons not of their party.

  28. But the President went on: "I hope however that the discretion of the C.

  29. Burr said that he would "prove that the indictment against him had been obtained by perjury"; and that this was a reason for the court to exercise its discretion in his favor and to accept bail instead of imprisoning him.

  30. Of course, Jefferson could be subpoenaed as a witness; that was in the discretion of the court.

  31. In time elaborate instructions were drawn up for the guidance of inquisitors in this matter, but their uselessness was confessed in the admission that, after all, the decision was to be left to the discretion of the judge.

  32. How the inquisitors construed their powers and what use they made of their discretion we shall have abundant opportunity of seeing hereafter.

  33. This shows how the various forms of penance were mingled together at the discretion of the ghostly father.

  34. Although inquisitors continued to assume discretion in these cases and did not by any means invariably send the relapsed to the stake, still relapse became the main cause of capital punishment.

  35. With this exception, the unfortunates who were wrestling for their lives with their judges were wholly at the discretion of the inquisitor and his creatures.

  36. Their number varied, at the discretion of the inquisitor, with the degree of suspicion to be purged away, from three to twenty or thirty, and even more.

  37. Moriaz found it difficult to dispense with her approbation, and she promised herself to choose with discretion the moment to make a decisive assault upon him.

  38. It is not only the friend to whom I address myself, it is the confessor, the director of consciences, the man of the whole universe in whose discretion I place most reliance.

  39. Yet there is a medium class of men who, like William of Orange, reduce violent feelings even to frigidity, and allowing discretion her widest scope, do not entirely obliterate the affections.

  40. If not watched, it will hence induce a general deceptiveness, for the other impulses will partake of its color, shrewdness will become cunning, discretion will change into artful dexterity.

  41. Your present business does not appear to be prosperous: all the offices in my castle are still unoccupied, and as I have the highest opinion of your discretion and honesty, the situation of warden (a most ostensible one) is at your service.

  42. Acting upon the maxim of discretion being the better part of valor, the Judge and the Justice beat a hasty retreat into the house, and secrete themselves in a closet at the further end of the back-parlor.

  43. Keepum, esteeming discretion the better part of valor, has preceded him.

  44. Discretion bade me have a care, but curiosity impelled me and I crossed the bridge and descended to the Sands.

  45. I stretched out my hand to seize the step and swing it back, and then discretion returned to me and I refrained.

  46. I felt sorely tempted to venture out for a little while; but discretion counselled caution, and I lay down once more and was soon fast asleep.

  47. A family solicitor, such as we know now, would have a poor time in a Socialist State, but the same qualities of watchful discretion would be needed at a hundred new angles and friction surfaces of the State organization.

  48. Major Frazer," he said, turning to one of his officers, "to your discretion I commit this unpleasant duty.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discretion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alternative; animus; anticipation; appetite; calculation; care; carefulness; caution; choice; closeness; coldness; command; concealment; consideration; constraint; contemplation; decision; deliberateness; deliberation; desire; detachment; determination; diplomacy; discretion; discrimination; disposition; distance; economy; evasion; fancy; finesse; forecast; foresight; forethought; freedom; hedge; hedging; heed; hesitation; inclination; intelligence; intention; introversion; judgement; judgment; judiciousness; liking; lust; mind; modesty; objective; option; passion; pleasure; policy; polity; precaution; prediction; preparation; preview; prospect; provision; prudence; readiness; reflection; repression; reserve; resolution; restraint; reticence; retirement; sagacity; say; sense; solicitude; subterfuge; suppression; tact; taste; thoroughness; thoughtfulness; volition; way; will; withdrawal