By what prescriptive right does this man dare to insult those who, for aught he can tell, are more than his equals in ability?
With a sort of prescriptive right to outrage the ordinances of society, such people accept no law but their own inclination, and seem to declare that they are altogether exempt from the restraints that bind other men.
Like their prototypes they identified the rights of property with natural right, and translated political liberty in terms of prescriptive privilege.
The cases where supporters are claimed "by prescriptive right" are few indeed in England, and need not be further considered.
Whether they are in their nature primordial orprescriptive rights, makes no difference as to this point.
The Company of Moneyers, the officials who formerly coined the money of Great Britain, and who claimed certain prescriptive rights and privileges.
What is the measure of consideration due to vested interest and prescriptive right?
One isprescriptive right, and the difficulty of disturbing the basis of the economic order.
Prescriptive rights, on the justice and necessity of.
Prejudices, notions, prescriptive rules, may exist there, but these are not sufficient as guides of conduct.
No merely prescriptive external rules, borrowed from society when the mothers were girls, can fully answer the purpose.
Thus, although he could not claim the prescriptive right of several thousand years for his possessions, he certainly had the right of possession for several centuries.
His own people were up in arms, and the prescriptive right to grumble, which an Englishman is supposed to enjoy par excellence, had broken out into overt acts of violence.
Among the many Forsytes, present on a hunting-ground theirs, by personal prescriptive right, or proxy, was Soames with his wife and daughter.
Having had his own way for innumerable years, he had earned a prescriptive right to it.
Prescriptive right of Dublin as second city in the dominion of England from the reign of King Henry II.
Sometimes I should like to be a writer with a prescriptive right to find material for his art in men's lives and destinies; but that is a calling and a task which is denied to me.
The chief pilot had a prescriptive right to half the land, but the quarantine doctor had in his bay a small promontory where the pilots used to moor their private boats and store their fishing implements.
He had a special kindness for young men, for Trinity Hall men perhaps by preference; the black and white blazer of his old college carried a certain prescriptive right to share in every belonging of the most famous of old Hall men.
If it be maintained that the saying is really historical, it is obvious that the prescriptive right of our Synoptic is at once excluded, and it may have been the common property of a score of evangelical works.
He recognised that the acknowledgment of the prescriptiveright of every member of the community to food and shelter was the first step to vast changes in social legislation.
The Pope was probably a better theologian than he; but he denied that the Church had any prescriptive rights at all: all her privileges and property being held on sufferance of the State, which could withdraw its toleration when it chose.
Time dissolved the charm, but, unfortunately for him, not until his lines had acquired a prescriptive right to a place in all collections of the works of English poets.
He has no choice left, and his voluntary power is merged in old saws and prescriptive usages.
Old scenes and associations rapidly pass away to make room for new ones, and prescriptive usages fall into oblivion.
The Virginians were not much given to travelling beyond their own borders, and when they did go into the outer world it was only to find a manifestation of barbarism in every departure from their own prescriptive standards and models.