The beginning of archaeology, as the study of pre-documentary history, may be broadly held to follow on the last of the geological periods, viz.
Waters, by certain documentary evidence, as the early home of Katharine Rogers, mother of John Harvard, from whom proceeded the little inheritance that first kindled in the western hemisphere the torch of a liberal culture.
Traubel's method is admirable; it is that of a documentary historian.
Knapp are forbiddingly dense with documentary minutiae, yet it is a pleasure to loaf through them at least once.
It is true that the schemes drawn up by chronologists differed widely, as was natural, considering the variety and inconsistency of their documentary data.
New York, 1855), which is a generally pregnant and artistically tasteful exposition with often excellent and striking features, subtle perception, and with ample references todocumentary sources.
A temperate, objective, anddocumentary treatment of church history is also given in the Handbuch of =Engelhardt= of Erlangen (5 vols.
In all these books the Experimental and Documentary idea is worked out, with an important development in the other directions above glanced at.
The documentary material of Maryland is very extensive, as the State has been fortunate in preserving most of its colonial records.
Neill are also of a documentarynature and of much value.
Levermore, Republic of New Haven (1886); and the publications of the New Haven Historical Society and the Records of the Colony of New Haven, in which the documentary material is chiefly printed.
An English nobleman with surplus wealth is a person to wield influence in the councils of a Central American republic and Gissler was pacified and given a renewal of his documentary rights as governor and population of Cocos Island.
Gay of Boston very kindly gave the author the use of his valuable collection of documentary material concerning Captain Kidd, some of which is contained in this chapter.
Now follows the documentary narrative of the only authenticated buried treasure of Captain Kidd and the proofs that he had no other booty of any account.
They held it that theirs was the first right to the wreck, and cared not a rap for any documentaryrights that might have been granted to the Campbells (the clan of the Earls of Argyll), by the Great Admiral of Scotland.
Kuerden, writing shortly before the guild of 1682, laments the destruction of documentary evidence relating to this famous Preston festival during the turmoil of civil war.
We have nodocumentary proof that he ever met with Raleigh, or Bacon, or Selden.
I am not aware that there is any absolute documentary proof that Shakespeare ever set eyes on a maypole.
He was accused of treating his predecessors with too great contempt; but this was more than justified by the superiority, not merely in style but in historical conception and attention to documentary evidence, which he showed.
It has already been pointed out in the first chapter that documentary evidence exists to prove the custom of preaching in French (or at least in lingua romana) at a very early date.
He visited New Mexico at a time when it was still "undeveloped," and his writings on the country show thorough knowledge, and much documentary information.
About the "Querechos" I have, as yet, and at this distance from all documentary evidence, not a trace of information.
What littledocumentary evidence has, therefore, been left at my disposal, contains, as might be supposed, meagre information concerning the pueblo of Pecos.
It does not appear that the sedentary Indians of New Mexico ever made, within traditional and documentary times, any other than the painted pottery in greater or less degree of perfection.
Besides, documentary evidence regarding the establishment of Santa Fé absolutely ignores the existence of any Indian settlement at that place in 1598.
Here we should be entitled to find, of course, ample and detailed documentary evidence.
Of the entire carefully nursed documentary treasures, the accumulation of 190 years, the Hon.
Abbe Picquet, who visited the place in 1751, seventy years after Father Hennepin, says (Documentary History, I.
No artist has ever left more authoritative documentary evidence as to the steps of his development than Beethoven.
Up till the age of nearly thirty we find documentary evidence of the two sons having served as their father's assistants in works both at Venice and Padua.
The above are all the facts concerning the life of Jacopo Bellini which can be gathered from printed and documentary records.
It later became the Lord Chamberlain's Company, with which Shakespeare was identified; even at this early date, although documentary proof is lacking, he may have been numbered among its obscure members.
The History of the Pitt Diamond, being an excerpt from Documentary Contributions to a Biography of Thomas Pitt, prepared for issue [in Hedges' Diary] by the Hakluyt Society.
Sidenote: Documentarynotices of Polo at this time.
There is little documentary information on the Dukarika, and contemporary Wind River informants knew very little about them.
It is a general principle of the French law of evidence that documentary evidence is the best evidence, and oral testimony only secondary.
No nation can have advanced far on the path of civilization before discovering the necessity for documentaryevidence both in public and in private life.
In the case of a nation advancing independently from a primitive to a later stage of civilization we should have to trace the origin of its documentary records and examine their development from a rudimentary condition.
The only other documentary evidence to be had on the subject of the subscribers to the fund is to be found in the "Statement of Facts" of Samuel Peters Jarvis himself.
Rolph was so far impressed by the documentary and other evidence placed before him that he consented to give the matter his consideration, and to discuss it with some of his friends.
He produced certain documentary evidence which went to confirm the truth of his statements, and vehemently declared that a successful revolution was not only feasible, but inevitable.
The Address and petitions were accompanied by the fullest documentary and other evidence, and, in conjunction with the Grievance Committee's Report, they stirred the Home Government to action.
Any attempt to censure the character of Jesus will meet with the ridicule it deserves unless substantiated by documentary evidence.
Documentary Evidence The documents most generally accepted by Christians are those collected in the King James Version of the Bible.
The treaty itself is conveniently found in William MacDonald, Documentary Source Book of American History (new ed.
It is of course true that only after the lapse of time can students gain access to ample documentary material, rid themselves of partisan prejudice and attain the necessary perspective.
In case no one of the above proofs of age can be produced, other documentaryevidence (except the affidavit of the parent, guardian or custodian) satisfactory to the superintendent of schools may be accepted in lieu thereof.
In 1497 Columbus at his own request was supplied with a copy of the ordinances establishing the admiralty of Castile so that he might have a documentary enumeration of his prerogatives in the Indies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "documentary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.