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Example sentences for "arbitrary"

Lexicographically close words:
arbitrage; arbitral; arbitrament; arbitrarily; arbitrariness; arbitrate; arbitrating; arbitration; arbitrations; arbitrator
  1. He not only believes, but positively knows, that such and such apparently arbitrary arrangements of matter constitute and alone constitute the true beauty.

  2. The Aztecs combined with this some particular circumstances of a more arbitrary character, resembling the accounts of the east.

  3. A sufficient answer is found in the abundant proof furnished by the scriptures, that the Almighty operates in accordance with law; and that arbitrary and capricious action is foreign to His nature.

  4. But in 1666 he regained the favour of the King, and became a member of the famous Administration called the Cabal, which first led Charles into unpopular and arbitrary measures, and laid the foundation for the troubles of his future reign.

  5. This party, the Whigs, in their dread of arbitrary power and popery, had attempted with great pertinacity to exclude the Duke of York, an avowed papist, from the succession.

  6. He had long before told Mr. Johnson, that 'he was very sensible he should fall a sacrifice; arbitrary government could not be set up in England without wading through his blood.

  7. My government are concerned to find that two British subjects, Mr. Patrick and Mr. Rahming, have been subjected to arbitrary arrest.

  8. But Lowell's genius is infinitely pliable, accommodating itself without hesitation to the arbitrary requirements of the Sieur Spondee, and laughing in the face of the halting Dactyl.

  9. Their isolation, and consequently their purely arbitrary going together, is canceled; a unified developing situation takes its place.

  10. It is a conventional and arbitrary view which assumes that discovery of the work to be chosen for adult life is made once for all at some particular date.

  11. It is, of course, arbitrary to separate industrial competency from capacity in good citizenship.

  12. To regard known things as symbols, according to some arbitrary a priori formula--and every a priori conception must be arbitrary--is an invitation to romantic fancy to seize upon any analogies which appeal to it and treat them as laws.

  13. As matter of fact, science serves all these purposes, and it would be an arbitrary task to try to fix upon one of them as its "real" end.

  14. Many of his laws are arbitrary municipal regulations.

  15. His principles, however, apply to laws in this sense, and not to arbitrary civil institutions.

  16. It thus became essential to introduce certain formulae, called Legis Actiones, in order that the mode of procedure might not remain arbitrary and uncertain.

  17. There is a superficial advantage in such an effort in the freedom from variations in the accounts, but the loss is too great for such an arbitrary gain.

  18. But this is wholly arbitrary and unsatisfactory, and would not relieve the trouble.

  19. Equally arbitrary is the solution that makes Mark refer to the hour of the sentence and John to the crucifixion, just the reverse of the Scripture account.

  20. Equally arbitrary is it to count six hours backward from noon so as to reach six o'clock.

  21. The student thus sees that the arrangement of the material is not arbitrary and whimsical, but orderly and natural.

  22. It is an arbitrary government,’ murmur many.

  23. All were fluttered, as the arbitrary edict commenced its swoop over the land.

  24. Here was intervention with a vengeance, and on the side of arbitrary power.

  25. Strictly speaking, however, this is not a chance selection--it is an arbitrary selection.

  26. Owing to the influence of vested interests, this is generally effected in an arbitrary manner; and the glaring anomalies only are rectified.

  27. The arbitrary and haphazard character of these results is obvious.

  28. This process would be so arbitrary and inequitable in its operation as to be intolerable.

  29. Still, for the most part, in their perfect health, nothing seemed to reach them but their own boyish ordinances, their own arbitrary "form.

  30. An old Mohawk Sachem, in a poor Blanket and a dirty Shirt, may be seen issuing his Orders with as arbitrary an Authority, as a Roman Dictator.

  31. It seems strange that in a commercial city like London it should be considered possible to regulate wages and prices by an arbitrary enactment of this kind, and it does not appear that the ordinance was obeyed.

  32. The King's Ministers were forced to have recourse to arbitrary measures, and the affections of the people were completely estranged.

  33. Later, however, his arbitrary measures and foolish actions led to a complete revulsion of feeling, which expressed itself in actual revolt.

  34. The most arbitrary prince must always stand in some awe of an immense mass of human beings collected in the neighbourhood of his own palace.

  35. He saw that a Restoration could be effected only with the general assent of the nation, and that the nation would never assent to a Restoration without securities against Popery and arbitrary power.

  36. Indeed two of them, Sir Samuel Barnardistone and Thomas Papillon, drew on themselves a severe persecution by their zeal against Popery and arbitrary power.

  37. That national pride, that hatred of arbitrary power, which had hitherto been on William's side, would now be turned against him.

  38. It comprises five rhymes altogether; the first rhyme being repeated thrice at arbitrary intervals; and the last rhyme twice in lines twelve and fourteen.

  39. There are, however, very strong social reasons which have considerable influence in restraining the arbitrary exercise of the power.

  40. In the office, as in the court room, Lincoln, when discussing any point, was never arbitrary or insinuating.

  41. Aaron ben Elijah agrees with Maimonides that God's wisdom rather than his arbitrary will, as the Ashariya maintain, must be appealed to in answering the question of the purpose of the world.

  42. Aaron ben Elijah agrees with Maimonides that all the commandments of the Bible, including the ceremonial laws, have a purpose and are not due to the arbitrary will of God.

  43. This is not a capricious fondness, nor yet an arbitrary dictate of feeling; it is a uniform and universal rule of goodness.

  44. We are told that this must be so; since “none but the guilty ever suffer under the administration of God,” who is not an arbitrary and cruel tyrant to cause the innocent to suffer.

  45. Is his proceeding therein merely arbitrary and capricious, or is it governed by the best of reasons?

  46. But this is arbitrary and discriminative on the part of the sovereign Agent, and independent of the will of man.

  47. If sovereigns would maintain a legitimate authority over their subjects, they should bind them with wise and wholesome laws, and not with arbitrary and despotic enactments, which are so well calculated to engender hatred and rebellion.

  48. If so, then are we bound to conclude, that the mercy of God is not infinite; that it is not only limited, but also partial and arbitrary in its operation?

  49. Under those arbitrary governments of Europe, where the prince takes what he pleases, and when he pleases, it is of very little moment where he deposits it, on its way from the pockets of the people to his own.

  50. Standing armies are the oppressive instruments for governing the people, in the hands of hereditary and arbitrary monarchs.

  51. Abandoning thus our old ground, of resistance only to arbitrary acts of oppression, the nations will believe the whole to have been mere pretence, and they will look on us, not as injured, but as ambitious subjects.

  52. It was conscience, attempting to escape from the arbitrary rule of the Stuarts.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arbitrary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; arbitrary; aristocratic; arrogant; authoritarian; authoritative; autocratic; autonomous; bossy; capricious; careless; character; cranky; crotchety; despotic; dictatorial; discretionary; dogmatic; domineering; elective; fanciful; fantastic; fantastical; feudal; flaky; freakish; free; gratuitous; grinding; harebrained; heedless; imperative; imperial; imperious; inadvertent; inconsiderate; independent; inequitable; kinky; lordly; maggoty; magisterial; masterful; moody; notional; offered; oppressive; optional; overbearing; overruling; peculiar; peremptory; petulant; positive; proffered; random; reasonless; repressive; severe; spontaneous; strict; suppressive; temperamental; thoughtless; total; totalitarian; tough; tyrannical; unasked; unbidden; uncalculating; unforced; unguarded; uninfluenced; uninvited; unreasonable; unreasoning; unreflecting; unsolicited; unsought; unthinking; vagrant; voluntary; volunteer; wanton; wayward; whimsical; willful