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Example sentences for "sweeping"

Lexicographically close words:
sweep; sweepe; sweeper; sweepers; sweepeth; sweepingly; sweepings; sweeps; sweepstake; sweepy
  1. Dolores stood still, sweeping the scene of destruction with a gaze of flinty penetration.

  2. From time to time we knew, by the wan glimmer of street lamps through the mist, that we were sweeping through some town.

  3. Outside, the screeching wind seemed to be sweeping the rain before it in a rising fury.

  4. They joined the British and Indians, and made plundering expeditions, sweeping down on the defenseless people, burning the houses, ruining the fields, and committing the most atrocious crimes.

  5. They were not cowards all through, but the panic sweeping over the land had caught them also.

  6. E] Thus exclaims the Goddess of Dulness, sweeping into her net all those who study nature in detail.

  7. Graham knocked out his pipe, took a final sweeping survey of the strange room which was the last word in comfort, pressed off the lights, and found himself between cool sheets in the wakeful dark.

  8. She was clad entirely in white, and looked very young and quite tall in the sweeping folds of a holoku of elaborate simplicity and apparent shapelessness.

  9. She pointed as she spoke to the eastern side of the tent, sweeping her hand along the line of wall.

  10. From this point, sweeping around toward the Lake, and fronting the tower on the southwest angle, is erected a strong tent of the Tegenaria type.

  11. The current was strong at this point, sweeping from the inlet along the head of the island toward the foot, and so out into the lake.

  12. The energetic Mrs. Wopp had accompanied her commands to Moses by a wide sweeping of arms, and from these ample arms had billowed yards of sheeting to cover from the ruinous soot her treasured parlor possessions.

  13. And then again what sweeping up and burning of cardboard, what hunting through old newspapers and magazines, and what clicking of scissors while a small pair of jaws worked simultaneously!

  14. They were naturally inflated by their sweeping unqualified successes in war, and by their rapid progress from comparative poverty to wealth.

  15. With dismay and anger they heard Jesus sweeping away their dear securities.

  16. They were accepted because people in general had neither the sweeping views that a scientific study of history can give, nor had they any longer the comprehensive charity of a world religion.

  17. She laughed, gave him the book, and he was at the table instantly, sweeping back the dishes with a ruthless hand.

  18. My dear, what causes this sweeping assertion of my incompetence?

  19. A slender slip of a girl about fourteen, with a long round throat poising the delicate oval of her face, and black lashes sweeping to meet the bar of her brows above her soft velvety eyes.

  20. The old man ceased sweeping to peer at it, then chuckled wheezily.

  21. How handsome the great sweeping curves in the edge of the ice, answering somewhat to those of the shore, but more regular!

  22. But she swept vigorously, moving each piece of furniture, and throwing the rugs out upon the porch for a special sweeping there.

  23. It was fated that she should do no more sweeping that day.

  24. A murmur that had been rising in the distance suddenly grew to a sweeping roar.

  25. A black thoroughbred was making a wide sweep, an iron-gray was cutting in behind, and all were sweeping toward him.

  26. And these sinister forces were sweeping slowly toward the Blue-grass.

  27. To them there the mighty on-sweeping hills sent back their own peace, God-guarded and never to be menaced by the hand of man.

  28. As they crossed the angle of a square, Diamond, who was now quite comfortable on his living throne, was glancing this way and that in a gentle pride, when he saw a girl sweeping a crossing scuddingly before a lady.

  29. The girl thanked Diamond, and began sweeping as if nothing had happened, while his father led him away.

  30. They were sweeping with the speed of the wind itself towards the sea.

  31. And now there was nothing but the roofs of houses, sweeping along like a great torrent of stones and rocks.

  32. It seemed sometimes that all the great billows of mist-muddy wind were woven out of the crossing lines of North Wind's infinite hair, sweeping in endless intertwistings.

  33. They had been sweeping more slowly along the line of the street.

  34. Encouraged by this easy triumph, the violent party in the House of Commons thought it a good opportunity to give the same test a more sweeping application.

  35. Stunned by the tumult, fascinated by the sublime terror of the spectacle, he followed with his gaze the course of the destructive traveler, which flew forward, sweeping down upon the country closer and more close.

  36. The storm, sweeping on, had just touched with its scattering edges the house, which was unroofed and the chimney blown down, and otherwise shaken and injured, though not totally demolished.

  37. The whole British and French armies had not only gained the heights, but, as it seemed, were sweeping the Russians before them.

  38. The French, meantime, had disappeared, sweeping the enemy before them over the hill, till they were lost to sight.

  39. She lay with her masts gone broadside to the sea, which was sweeping fiercely over her.

  40. Already the seas were sweeping over her deck, and it seemed that each plunge she made would be her last.

  41. In front of the steep hillsides were numerous heavy batteries, capable of sweeping the invading force back into the stream of the Alma, till its waters should run dark with blood.

  42. The number of prizes captured by the squadron, which sailed throughout the Black Sea, sweeping it of every vessel except those of the allies, was very great.

  43. And so Lucy came to him, looking dangerously charming in her green riding-habit--with the scarlet feather sweeping from her hat.

  44. Without disease and war, those sweeping curtailers of population, pasturage would include a waste too great to be afforded.

  45. How long have I been sweeping out this rubbish Of superstition, and the world will not Come clean with all my pains!

  46. Twas on the wild height of the dark Penmanmawr, That the form of the wasted -- reclined; She shrieked to the ravens that croaked from afar, And she sighed to the gusts of the wild sweeping wind.

  47. No shade, no shelter from the sweeping storms Of pitiless power!

  48. He was on the crest of the spiritual wave that was sweeping him heavenward, or towards some beatific state of which he had not dreamt before.

  49. She was sweeping petulantly from the room when her father added with a depth of feeling very unlike his wonted apathy: "O, Ida, it were better that all three of us had never been born than to live as we do!

  50. Erpwald had ridden well ahead of his comrades, and as his spear crossed those of the foe one of them stepped forward before his chief and made a sweeping blow at the legs of the horse with a long pole-axe.

  51. From stem to stern Eric led his men, sweeping all before him, some foemen even leaping overboard out of the way of the terrible axes, and so meeting another death.

  52. She clung to him for a minute without a word, a faint realisation of the irrevocable change so near at hand sweeping over her.

  53. Like a skilful general Miss Tripp was sweeping her field clear of her disappointment, preparatory to marshalling her forces for a new campaign.

  54. In a sweeping glance, he recognized every person he had met here, except Nedra, and he did not see her at first because she was busy bandaging his hands.

  55. Fate was sweeping it into the dust heap of good things that were gone forever.

  56. Fortunately, they sustained no greater damage than was occasioned by the fright and a slight scorching, for the next moment the wind shifted, and, sweeping back the flames, they were enabled to effect their retreat.

  57. As you please," rejoined the knight, sweeping the glittering pile into his pocket.

  58. London Bridge; and on the right, traced the sweeping course of the stream as it flowed from Westminster.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sweeping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.