But Cendrillon or Chaperon Rouge in the mouth of a French peasant, is apt to be the old traditional version, uncontaminated by the refinements of Perrault, despite Perrault's immense success and circulation.
The text is chosen from among the many variants in Child's learned but still unfinished collection, and an effort has been made to choose the copies which contain most poetry with most signs of uncontaminated originality.
I'm glad to meet one uncontaminated American citizen in this city," he said.
The uncontaminated looked puzzled, and might have spoken but for a violent interruption.
The uncontaminated citizen and two ladies fled to the street, while the driver and the conductor stood over the offending passenger.
He is not attracted by uniforms, but seeks some uncontaminatedchild of nature.
These people, it may be noted, belong to a primitive race, uncontaminated by contact with white races, and practically still in the Stone Age.
Abner began to be ruffled by these cross-references to the city--they were out of place in the uncontaminated country.
The fifth stage is the pure bred Blond Brutes, uncontaminated by inferior races, which are the men, who under God's direction, built the Armoured City of Berlin in which to breed the Supermen who are to conquer the mongrel peoples.
In their faces was the cold, pallid light of the mother love of the madonnas of art, uncontaminated by the fretful excitement of the mother love in a freer and more uncertain world.
The Lowland blood is, in like manner, a bewildering blend, there being no uncontaminated Anglo-Saxon district in any single county of Scotland.
I would not give one hearty dash into pure, uncontaminated nature for all the famous `tours' put together.
I have seen little of uncontaminated nature all my life, except the blue sky through chimney tops, and even that was seen through a medium of smoke.
Uncontaminated man sympathizes with this intention, and easily lends himself to the renewed charm.
As it is, I go--pure and uncontaminated from the evils of the world.
How I love them for the clean, uncontaminated body with which they blessed my spirit.
Their stern self-mastery held them uncontaminated by the wide-spread demoralization that followed the Thirty Years' War.
The great southern peninsula is for the most part a highland steppe endowed with a singularly pure air and an uncontaminated soil.
The Persians appeared from the Back of Beyond, uncontaminated by Alarodian savagery and unhampered by the theocratic prepossessions and nomadic traditions of Semites.
It is somewhat inferior in size to other breeds, and in its shape approximates more closely to the elegance and lightness of form usually characteristic of a pure and uncontaminated race.
When the object in view is to perpetuate distinct varieties of uncontaminated blood, the first requisite is to procure fowls known to be of pure blood, and possessing all the necessary characteristics of their kind.
The coast negro who has learned some of the vices of civilization is undoubtedly a sorry specimen of humanity; but where native tribes can be found uncontaminated by contact with foreigners, they exhibit sterling qualities.
Everywhere the visitors found a cheerful, courteous and contented population, uncontaminated by the vices of civilization, and yet not wholly ignorant of its arts.
All that then will remain for me, will be to deplore your too early initiation in a vicious world, where to escape unhurt or uncontaminated is next to a miracle.
But to remain pure and uncontaminated in this vortex of vice, requires the utmost strength and exertion of virtue.
Can you blame us for standing in serried phalanx by white domination and against the misrule exampled in the early years of reconstruction, and for our own uncontaminated white blood and against fusion with the negro?
She has all her catechism by heart, and moreover, her mind is uncontaminated by romances and novels, and such abominations.
A real, downright apparition,' said I, 'uncontaminated with the smallest mixture of mortality.
She is "uncontaminated truth," and anything that interferes with her abets larceny and spreads leprosy.
It registered this revealed Truth, uncontaminated with human hypotheses.
How entirely limpid is his sympathy with life--a sympathy uncontaminated by dogma or pedantry or snobbery or bias of any kind!
When a civilization and a language take shape they have a wonderful vitality, and their first-fruits are some love-child, some incomparable creature in whom the whole genius of the young race bursts forth uncontaminated and untrammelled.
He explored the country for fifty miles round Thrigsby, and discovered to his dismay the vastness of the network of industrial towns, and, to his delight, the loveliness of the still uncontaminated country.