The Zuñi Indians, their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities, and Ceremonies 23: 1.
Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities and Ceremonies of the Zuñi Indians (M.
The Zuñi Indians; Their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities, and Ceremonies, by Matilda Coxe Stevenson.
Esoteric Fraternities, Mythology, and Ceremonies of the Zuñi Indians (M.
Ceremonies; The Zuñi Indians: their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities and (M.
Here we clearly see the isolating and esoteric character of a scheme which despises what ordinary understandings can quickly master, and which had rather proceed from the ideal to the tangible, than mount from the tangible to the ideal.
For proof of the universal prevalence formerly of this esoteric and aristocratic spirit, see the following passages: Ritter's History of Ancient Philosophy, vol.
However, the question always arises as to how much they can have known of the esoteric doctrines and the ritual ceremonies, the secret of which was jealously guarded.
Moreover, there was an esoteric meaning attached to it that none but the pious elect understood.
In their initiation they received the revelation of an esoteric doctrine strengthened by their fervor.
And I understood that, if I was to succeed, certain esoteric knowledge must be acquired, as it were, unofficially.
I was absorbed not only in learning law, but in acquiring that esoteric knowledge at which I have hinted--not to be had from my seniors and which I was convinced was indispensable to a successful and lucrative practice.
But his was an esoteric reputation, --the greater fame had been Eldon Parr's.
The primary doctrine of this esoteric religion was the real essential unity of the Divine Nature.
The other gods, the gods of the popular mythology were understood in the esoteric religion to be either personified attributes of the Deity, or parts of the nature which he had created, considered as informed and inspired by him.
Whether the Jews had any distinct name for these esoteric works we do not know.
Such esoteric books are apocryphal in the original conception of the term.
This apart, Jean Kostka, was evidently for many years familiar with the centres and workings of all the cross lights of esoteric thought which meet and interlace in the night of French common thought.
Meurin is possessed of first-hand knowledge, and is consequently in a position to interpret truly upon the difficult subject he has undertaken, namely, the esoteric doctrines of the Kabbalah?
Every political sect has its esoteric and its exoteric school, its abstract doctrines for the initiated, its visible symbols, its imposing forms, its mythological fables for the vulgar.
Literary genius has always instinctively recognized this; and doubtless the esoteric fact has been vaguely felt even by the unthinking; but it is a profound truth which, I fear, has had but slight popular appreciation.
Landladies, beyond all other persons, have the esotericpower of becoming for one the geniuses of places.
I am as curious as to the occult workings of the minds of authors, the esoteric process by which subtle insinuations of inspiration are translated into works of literary art, as though I had never seen an author--off a platform.
To this esoteric portion pertain the two dialogues hitherto considered, along with which the Philebus may in the third place be taken.
A second difficulty is said to lie in the distinction drawn between exoteric and esoteric philosophy.
But the esoteric is the speculative, which, even though written and printed, is yet, without being any secret, hidden from those who have not sufficient interest in it to exert themselves.
It is easy enough to hand over an external possession, but the communication of ideas requires a certain skill; there is always something esoteric in this, something more than the merely exoteric.
Aristotle, too, had an esoteric and an exoteric philosophy, but with this difference, that in his case the distinction was merely formal, while with Plato it was also material.
They are found journeying to the summits of sacred mountains, and there performing esoteric rites which induce mystic divine possession.
This "esoteric Shinto" is essentially akin to that self-induced religious fervor which exhibits itself in many lands and in connection with various cults, and is often seen among the Mohammedan dancing and howling dervishes.
This means that it is impossible to attain the esoteric or abstract knowledge of the soul, without a prior acquaintance of the exoteric and concrete).
The other is the esoteric or spiritual form, which is undefined and without its beginning and end; and is usually expressed by the term Brahma--great.
Here the sastra means the upanishads on the esoteric faith of spiritual freedom).
Either to betake yourself to spiritual knowledge or the practice of pranayama or either as the gloss explains it, either to esoteric contemplation yoga or exoteric adoration upasana).
And, in her Geoffrey, she finds a convincedEsoteric Buddhist!
Violet Blair, his cousin, is just as staunch an Esoteric Buddhist.
Like many other Christian seers, he betrays here and there an esoteric view of rewards and punishments, which makes them simply symbols for the intrinsic quality of good and evil ways.
These teachings were inculcated in the lesser degrees only, but those who were found worthy of so great a distinction were also inducted into the higher degrees, in which was imparted the knowledge of the Esoteric philosophy.
In imitation of the ancient mysteries they instituted lower and higher degrees; in the former they taught the Exoteric creed, and in the latter the Esoteric philosophy, as explained in our introduction.
Upon this ground, therefore, it is well that Christianity in its external forms as well as in its esoteric principles should supplant the other worships.
The fact is, if we treat the story of Abraham and other so-called Old-Testament patriarchs as we do the traditions of other nations, we shall be forced to give it an esoteric interpretation rather than a literal or an historic one.
Pythagoras named hisesoteric doctrine the gnosis or "knowledge," and Plato used a similar expression to indicate the "interior knowledge.
There are many other instances of a like nature showing the important position assigned to girls and young women in the esoteric rites, secret societies, magic, sorcery, and witch- craft of primitive peoples.
Call mental research by what name you will: state it in esoteric terms laden with syllables, or so plainly that a recent past master at making mud pies can understand, and it must still be led, as well as leading, else miss the mark.
By and large, there is nothing hidden, nothing esoteric about the causes for the near-normal criminal.
When so much shall have been done, will be time enough to go airplaning with esoteric gas.
Sinnett, the author of the book entitled Esoteric Buddhism, was a prominent figure there.
Their house was headquarters for an association ofEsoteric Buddhism;--A.
Esoteric Anthropology is vital in every part, refreshing every man's and woman's soul that reads it with a most grateful sense of its truth and importance.
To this we may add, the exoteric and esoteric signification of certain books, e.
We refer to the esoteric meaning which was supposed to exist in the writings of heathen authors: as for example, when the Pollio of Virgil was imagined to point to the Saviour, and the Fortunate Isles of Pindar to Paradise.
Numbers, too, were fruitful of allegorical meaning; and the most ingenious combinations were used to elicit an esoteric meaning from them.
That thisesoteric meaning, or symbolism, does exist, we are now to endeavour to prove.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "esoteric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.