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Example sentences for "suppressive"

Lexicographically close words:
suppresses; suppressing; suppressio; suppression; suppressions; suppressors; supprest; suppurate; suppurating; suppuration
  1. On the contrary, such extension as occurred was made in spite of the most active suppressive effort, and it is believed that this effort brought about a creditable result, as indicated by the accompanying record.

  2. In such cases the suppressive treatment, by drugs or knife, is again applied instead of eliminative and curative measures.

  3. As a matter of fact, ice is more suppressive than antifever medicines.

  4. The metaphysical healers do away with these suppressive methods of treatment and allow Nature's acute cleansing and healing efforts to run their natural course.

  5. Chapter VII Suppression Versus Elimination My claim that the conventional treatment of acute diseases is suppressive and not curative will probably be denied by my medical colleagues.

  6. People will refrain from the suppressive drug treatment under the influence of metaphysical teachings, which appeal to the miracle-loving element in their nature, when they cannot be convinced by common sense Nature Cure reasoning.

  7. We criticize and condemn only those methods which are suppressive and destructive instead of curative.

  8. Chapter XIII The Treatment of Acute Diseases by Natural Methods In the preceding chapters we have described the results of the wrong, that is, suppressive treatment of acute diseases.

  9. Even the cessation of suppressive treatment and the stimulating influence of mental and metaphysical therapeutics are not sufficient to bring about the reconstructive healing crises.

  10. But may become chronic through neglect or through suppressive drug treatment.

  11. Excessive cold is as suppressive in its effects upon the organism as are poisonous antiseptics or antifever medicines.

  12. That these undesirable after-effects of diphtheria do not occur when the disease is treated by natural methods, but that they are the result of the antitoxin treatment and of its suppressive effect upon.

  13. Chapter X Suppressive Surgical Treatment of Tonsillitis and Enlarged Adenoids The following paragraphs are taken from an article in the ~Nature Cure Magazine~ May, 1909, titled "Surgery for Tonsillitis and Adenoids.

  14. Therefore neurotherapy would not suppress acute processes by manipulative treatment any more than by drugs, ice, antitoxins, surgery or any other suppressive method.

  15. The ascendency of the Guises quite as much as the suppressive measures of the government against Calvinism served to bring this disaffection to a head.

  16. Her son's father (Kelly's ex) was suppressive and highly intimidating.

  17. If there are any actual villains responsible for this suppressive tragedy some of them are to be found in the inner core of the AMA, officials who may perhaps fully and consciously comprehend the suppressive system they promulgate.

  18. Those in charge of the plague-suppressive measures are fully aware of these dangers and are making a careful study of the situation and will doubtless be able to cope with it successfully.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suppressive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; arbitrary; aristocratic; arrogant; authoritarian; authoritative; autocratic; bossy; choking; contrary; crosswise; despotic; dictatorial; domineering; exclusive; feudal; forbidding; grinding; imperative; imperial; imperious; inhibiting; inhibitive; lordly; magisterial; masterful; obstructive; oppressive; overbearing; overruling; peremptory; preventive; prohibitive; repressive; restrictive; severe; stifling; strangling; strict; suppressive; troublesome; tyrannical