Then Nathanael leapt indignantly to his feet, crying, as he pushed Clara from him, "You damned lifeless automaton!
But they had hardly mounted half way up when a terrible racket began up above, and the coarse voice of some wild drunken fellow was heard cursing and swearing, and demanding to be shown the way out of the damned house.
After all, the public doesn't know what a damned failure James himself is.
After all, so he had--a damned sight more trouble than any one there suspected.
I can put up with laziness; I can tolerate stupidity; I can endure dissipation; but I'm damned if I'll stand being introduced as George.
It gave me quite a turn when I saw Rob Stewart, on my right, stick his bayonet into the man's broad back and heard him howl like a damned soul.
Or was't Ambition that this damned fact, "Should tell the world you know the sines you act.
That Muggleton had power to damn whom he pleased, whom he damned were damned to eternity, and whom he saved, were saved.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that sent me, cursed and damned soules and bodies from the presence of God, elect men and Angels, to eternity.
I rather believe in Muggleton that stood on the Pillory, than in Jesus Christ, I have power to damn and to save, and if thou (meaning a certain Gilbert Soper then and there present) art not damned I never desire to see the face of God.
I have been unable to get a clue, and I am damnedif I'll take credit from a man like that.
But the good-natured German evidently knew his business, for he only smiled and went off muttering something to himself about a "damned good mix-up.
If Jack doesn't kill this damned Ranger I will," replied Wright, pounding the table.
But look out how you let that damned backbiter Wright fool around you!
We'd all go away together before thisdamned miserable business is out.
You'll pull none of your damned Ranger stunts out here.
Make it easier for her--Russ, you're a damned schemer.
And you can tell Trevor with my love that if he'll clear out now I'll meet him at any time and place he likes to mention and have a damned old row.
All the same, I'm damned if I'll stand by and see him wreck her life.
My good fellow, I may be careless, but I'm not so damnedcareless as that.
And now, like the damned blackguard that you are, you are going to clear out and leave her to break her heart!
A damned pretty convenience," said a special juryman, "to be kept here all night!
I suggest, on account of this damned heat, we do now adjourn.
The damned villain insulted me and insulted the young lady," he cried out, panting in the extremity of his passion, "and then he threatened to strike me with his cane.
Not so its author's next venture, a farce called the Blue Stocking, damnedat the Lyceum.
Gutter-snipes are damned quick to pick up--things they ought not," he observed dryly.
You can keep your damned lies to yourself," he said.
I damned Major Lessard earnestly for what I considered his injustice to MacRae, and wondered if he would send his troopers out to look for that hypothetical gold-dust.
If I'd done anything sodamned rotten, I'd have been out of the country long before this.
There never was any great movement in developing a new country that didn't have a quota of damned rascals to eliminate from within itself.
I reckon I could have written essays on the futility of sentiment, and the damned silliness of a man who thinks he cares for a woman.
Personally, I don't like Lessard--he's a damned autocrat.
I climbed each succeeding canyon wall oozing perspiration and profanity, and when the top was reached took fresh breath and damned the Northwest by sections in a large, fluent manner of speech.
I understand; but you must know that I am not going to be damned for mere desires.
I love you, dearest Ignazia, and I hope not to be damned for my love.
It is not so offensive as the Turkish appellation of dog, or the damned foreigner of the English.
I know I'm brave and intelligent, but I'm not sodamned kind," and he ripped out half a page of over faithful description of the country.
Then the optimist in him asked impatiently what was "the good of exaggerating the damned business"?
Damned bad taste and bad feeling, to say the least of it!
You look as though that damned London had been squeezing the life out of you.
Someone was out there, but they'd get damned tired before morning.
Another damned fool or two, flashing a light around, trying to figure out something.
I suspect that what we call damnation is something as near it as it can be made; itself it can not be, for even the damned must live by God's life.
For the created to know perfectly would be to be damned forever in the nutshell of the finite.
A damned newspaper reporter (an American, who came here whilst I was in London, and would not go away until he had seen me) said I have got some good wapiti heads, but I only got one fair one.
He has got some money, and I'm damned if I did not arrange the whole thing for him!