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Example sentences for "commander"

Lexicographically close words:
commandeer; commandeered; commandeering; commandement; commandements; commanderies; commanders; commandest; commandeth; commanding
  1. Eventually he was restored to favour, and enjoyed the dignities of patrician, proconsul, commander of the foreign guard, and drungarius of the fleet.

  2. He appears also as the commander of the guards on the city walls that screened the palace of Blachernae, when Andronicus III.

  3. The Danes had fought bravely and stubbornly, but they had no commander of the spirit and genius of Nelson, and were forced to yield to British pluck and endurance.

  4. Osman Pasha, the single Turkish commander of ability that the war developed, occupied the town of Plevna with such forces as he could gather, fortified it as strongly as possible, and from behind its walls defied the Russians.

  5. The disproportion was enormous, but at the head of the British army was a great leader, Robert Clive, who had come out to India as a humble clerk, but was now commander of an army.

  6. Napoleon's Old Guard in vain flung itself into the gap, and the French nation long repeated in pride the saying attributed to the commander of this famous corps: "The guard dies, but it never surrenders.

  7. At eight o'clock on the morning of July 2d, Captain Ingraham sent a note to the commander of the Huzzar, formally demanding the release of Mr. Koszta.

  8. The Merrimac was feared as likely to make a new incursion against our fleet, but her commander did not again venture to lock horns with the Monitor.

  9. But they were utterly exhausted, their horses were worn out, and most of their ammunition was spent, and though their impetuous commander forced them to a new attack, it led to a useless loss of life, for their powers of fighting were gone.

  10. Even Ulrich, the once celebrated commander of Strasburg, whose name had been given to a street in Paris, was brought under the censure of the court-martial.

  11. Ten days after the expiration of the stipulated time, Omar Pacha, the Ottoman commander in Bulgaria, having crossed the Danube, attacked and vanquished the Russians on November 4 at Oltenitza.

  12. At length, on October 10, the Porte sent an ultimatum to the commander of the Russian troops which had invaded Moldavia and Wallachia, demanding that they should fall back beyond the Pruth within fifteen days.

  13. He answered in the affirmative; and, pushing out in the direction from whence the sound proceeded, he reached a boat to which seven persons were clinging; among whom was Lieutenant Smith, the commander of the sloop.

  14. He remained in this state until the sun set, when another panic seized the men from a re-appearance of the sharks; the boat gave a lurch, and the gallant commander found an end to his sufferings in a watery grave.

  15. In the fall their engagement was publicly announced, while the Tory sentiments of the commander of the fort of Philadelphia became definitely fixed.

  16. Disputes over questions of jurisdiction engaged the civil authorities in quarrels with Arnold, the commander of the garrison, who numbered among his sympathizers Silas Deane and the mercantile class.

  17. When they were mustered, the British commander inspected them carefully, and then he singled out surly Dick, and ordered him into the boat.

  18. The commander of the Talisman paused, and smiled in spite of himself at the idea of being placed in circumstances that constrained him to hold a consultation, in matters that might involve life and death, with a mere boy!

  19. Ole Thorwald exhibited a striking contrast to the active, impatient commander of the vessel.

  20. The commander of the Talisman ought, I think, to be the best judge of the sound of his own guns.

  21. While this scene was enacting, and ere Jo Bumpus had effectually wiped away the tears from his eyes, and cleared the bacon out of his windpipe, the door opened, and the commander of H.

  22. Why, you goose, that's the commander of his Britannic Majesty's frigate Talisman.

  23. His entry in his uniform among his civilian comrades was indeed dramatic; but his important public career really began with his acceptance of the position of commander in chief.

  24. Sometimes an indigestible article of food, by its effect upon a commander or king, has defeated an army or over-thrown an empire.

  25. The regiment marches in double quick, and the stones of the mountain loosen and roll down, as the soldiers strike them with their swift feet, and the cry of the commander is "Forward!

  26. Both stood watching the young commander for some moments.

  27. Before the boatbuilder finished with his explanation to the fleet's commander there was a very decided twinkle in Admiral Bentley's sharp old eyes.

  28. With the boat below the surface, and the commander wishing to return to the surface, compressed air could be forced into the water tanks, expelling all the water in them, or a part of the water, if preferred.

  29. His old friend, Captain Heurtaux, so long Commander of the Storks, was not there; he had been wounded the day before by an explosive bullet, and the English had picked up and evacuated him.

  30. The commander of the aƫronautical section of the Fifth German Army (Verdun) said in a report that "a conscientious aviator was the only reliable informant in action.

  31. Sidenote: Cutting Off the Unwary] But the orders of Admiral Togo were well observed by Admiral Dewa, commander of the cruiser squadron.

  32. It was impossible in the circumstances to keep the vessels together, and, fearing that the attack would in consequence be ineffective, Commander Hayashi signalled to his subordinates to abandon the expedition for the time being.

  33. When last seen he was shaking hands with his second in command, Commander Hirowateri.

  34. In this gallant operation the commander of the Chiokai, Captain Hayashi, was killed, and several other casualties were sustained by the crews engaged.

  35. Commander Togo was wounded on the Adzuma.

  36. With the Rossia, the Rurik, and the Gromoboi, and a flotilla of torpedo-boats and destroyers, the new commander made a raid upon the east coast of Korea at Gensan.

  37. The list of the drowned included some of the brightest officers of the Japanese Navy, including Commander Tsukamoto, Commander Count Nire, and Commander Arimori.

  38. Then, and not till then, did her brave commander withdraw.

  39. Among these were Rear-Admiral Nashiba and Captain Nakao, the commander of the vessel.

  40. That statement is literally true, and only the beginning of the Russian retreat made it possible for General Kuroki, the Japanese Commander here, to play any conspicuous part in the total disaster which befell the Russian Army.

  41. A shell from the Sevastopol struck Commander Yezoe in the abdomen, and cut his body in two.

  42. But Captain Scarthe was a commander not to be trifled with; and his followers knew it.

  43. The commander did what he could to bring me to a rational state of mind.

  44. Commander Jowclas blew his brains out after losing heavily at play.

  45. At the same time the duke of Aosta, commander of the Rome army corps, ordered the troops to render royal honours to the pontiff should he officially appear in the capital.

  46. At the head of his troops, who idolized him, he was a Cromwell, adding to the zeal of a fanatic and the energy of the born leader the special military skill and trained soldierly spirit which the English commander had to gain by experience.

  47. Knight Commander of the Order of Alphonso XII.

  48. The presentation of the commander and the author of this narrative by Mr. Meadows, who acted as interpreter, gave the Tau-Tai an opportunity of inquiring of the English Consul whether our frigate had been at the gulf of Petcheli.

  49. An especially pleasant memory attaches to one indication of this feeling, the spontaneous offering of a number of Germans to our commander and his associates.

  50. A moment later, the lieutenant-commander was on board the junk, listening in astonishment to the extraordinary tale which Frank Armitage had to tell.

  51. They could see the commander on the bridge.

  52. It was during this war that the great battles of Blenheim, Ramillies, and Malplaquet attested the genius of the greatest military commander that England had ever sent into the field.

  53. The commander of the Convention then waited the attack of the insurgents, and the action soon commenced.

  54. In 1055, the Turkish sultan delivered the Caliph of Bagdad from the arms of the Caliph of Egypt, who disputed with him the title of Commander of the Faithful.

  55. The great commander leaves nothing to chance, but provides for every contingency.

  56. An incident is related by the historian of the Peninsular War, illustrative of the personal influence exercised by a great commander over his followers.

  57. The situation was certainly serious but, anxious as he was, the Confederate commander did not by any means despair.

  58. Harrison's Landing was too close to the Confederate capital for comfort and the breastworks which the Union commander erected there were too formidable to be attacked.

  59. Stern and indignant orders from Washington warned the Union Commander that this time he must not permit the daring troopers to escape.

  60. The moment he reached a point of safety, however, the persistent commander recommenced his march by the left flank, sidling once more toward Richmond until he reached Cold Harbor, only eight miles from the Confederate capital.

  61. The general remedy for the want of success in a military commander is his removal," he wrote a month after the battle of Gettysburg.

  62. As soon as the letters were signed the Confederate commander shook his late opponent's hand and turned to leave the room.

  63. But a civilian, favoring the South who happened to be present when the paper reached Headquarters, slipped through the Union lines and put the Confederate commander on his guard.

  64. This relieved the situation at once and meanwhile the new commander had hurried a special messenger to Sherman, ordering him to drop everything else and march his Vicksburg veterans toward Chattanooga without an instant's delay.

  65. Here the Union commander was able to make some use of his cavalry and artillery, but the Confederates offset this by fighting behind intrenchments and they repulsed charge after charge with fearful slaughter.

  66. But the silent commander instantly shook his head and announced, to the intense astonishment of his questioner, that he did not intend to retreat but to attack at daylight the next morning with every man at his disposal, leaving no reserves.

  67. It is the moment of adversity that tries men's souls and revels the greatness or smallness of character, and subjected to this test more than one commander in the war had been found wanting.

  68. He had become a sort of popular hero, idolized by his soldiers, for he possessed in greater degree than any other commander at the North that personal magnetism which wins men.

  69. All in all, he was the ablest commander the Army of the Potomac ever had; he was a growing man; a little more experience in the field would probably have cured him of over-timidity, and made him a great soldier.

  70. In April, 1864, he became commander of the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, and three months later made his famous raid along the valley of the Shenandoah.

  71. His training, then, and an experience greater than any other commander in the Civil War started out with, fitted him for brilliant work from the very first.

  72. Amazed at sight of what appeared to be an iron turret sliding over the water toward him, the commander of the Merrimac swung toward this tiny antagonist, intending to destroy her before proceeding to the work in hand.

  73. The flagship had been named the Lawrence, after the heroic commander of the Chesapeake.

  74. Truly it was amazing that the great commander should be concerned with the fate of three unimportant American girls, and even more amazing that he should actually show his consideration and friendliness to one of them!

  75. One can scarcely dare disobey the commander in chief," Mildred concluded, with regret in her tones.

  76. Moreover, they had observed him always accompanying the Russian commander as one of his chief aides.

  77. This was the Commander of the fortress at Grovno, General Dmitri Alexis, at the present hour the bulwark of many Russian hopes.

  78. He was too valuable a commander to have his services lost and the Germans would regard him as too important a capture.

  79. It may be well to remark here on the fertility of resource and the initiative power which this young commander possessed.

  80. Well might Colonel Kitchener say, "Never was a garrison so nearly rescued, never was a commander so sincerely lamented.

  81. A temporary commander being urgently required, he appointed the chief of his staff, Captain Holland, of the Royal Marines, to the post, pending the decision of the War Office with regard to Gordon.

  82. Indeed, the impetuous young commander was anxious to dash on and seize Soo-chow itself, but he could not inspire the Imperialist General with his spirit.

  83. When the rebel commander was captured he said that, except for the aid of Gordon and his men, he could have defied all the Futai hosts to take the city from him.

  84. Gordon had already been awarded a brevet lieutenant-colonelcy in the Royal Engineers, so he was now made a Commander of the Bath; but he was as indifferent to English honours as to those of the Chinese.

  85. On the 23rd General Gordon had a stormy interview with Farag Pasha [the commander of his black troops].

  86. No blame can be attached to the commander on this occasion.

  87. The only wonder is that, with such an army and such disorganised material, the young commander should have been able to accomplish so much against overwhelming numbers.

  88. The commander of the Ever-Victorious Army was undeniably a great man, but it is also true that he had his share of human failings, among them a tendency to act on the impulse of the moment.

  89. Of the 6000 Turks, but six men and the commander of the expedition escaped.

  90. But such would be the fate of any commander who led Turkish troops on so unholy an errand.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commander" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.