Then spake Theudas unto the king, "O king, live for ever under the shelter of the favour of the most puissant gods!
News hath reached us that the Count of Tancarville, who is the most puissant noble in Normandy, lieth at a hunting lodge near the village of Brique, within five leagues of the camp.
I am the son of a rich and puissant king: my father's name is King Lac, and the Bretons call me Erec.
King Saleh forthwith assembled a puissant body of his marine troops, who soon rose out of the sea.
You know most noble and puissant prince is the title of a marquis, and our right trusty and entirely beloved cousin, the style in which the king writes to him.
Strickland was a great artist, greater than Manet or Corot, more puissant than El Greco or Cezanne, and that he had been sent to complete the cycle which Delacroix and Turner ushered in.
As the components of personality dissociate the god disappears, the beast remains, puissant and uncontrollable when under the dominion of primeval appetites or instincts.
This Isle of Hispaniola was made up of Six of their greatest Kingdoms, and as many most Puissant Kings, to whose Empire almost all the other Lords, whose Number was infinite, did pay their Allegiance.
Ah Warwicke, Warwicke, wert thou as we are, We might recouer all our Losse againe: The Queene from France hath brought a puissant power.
The Duke of Norfolke sends you word by me, The Queene is comming with a puissant Hoast, And craues your company, for speedy counsell War.
His repentance was so puissant that his very heart had been broke had it not been lightened by tears; but he shed them in so great plenteousness his relief is no marvel.
Yet the most solemn promises of Jehovah seemed to assure to that people a flourishing and puissant empire.
It was necessary, therefore, our puissant miracle-worker should be circumspect, especially when he did not perceive himself sufficiently supported.
He taunting said, "I that am slow to fight Will follow far behind, the worth to see Of this your terrible and puissant knight," In scornful words this bitter scoff gave he.
Immediately on the approach of the enemy, retreat to New Madrid," was the order of thispuissant Governor.
More puissant than the Six Nations of the Iroquois, the Sioux Confederacy dominated from the Red River of the North to the Red River of Texas.
It would, however, be to small purpose if we did not ask what can be done to develop the innate good and correct the bad in a race so puissant and numerous?
Yet this puissant soldier of the truth, To disobedience so implacable, How gentle and how placable he was To all obedience!
These are styled ‘Puissant Continental Powers--Train Bearers to the Emperor.
From a puissant Prince to his Cast-off Whiskers, on his leaving London to make an Excursion.
Of their successors, the long line of sons, grandsons and nephews, each more valiant and puissant than the last, it must be said that they are as scant of beauty as of grace.
With his pen, keener than the lance of Esplandian or Felixmarte, he slew the whole herd of puissant cavaliers, of very valiant and accomplished lovers.
This sword I made the puissant arm of the usurper yield to me; and this sword shall defend the Regent of Scotland against his ungrateful countrymen!
The puissant Edward has acknowledged the power of Sir William Wallace, and after being beaten on the plain of Stanmore, is now making the best of his way toward his own capital.
The puissant Edward wondered at himself as he shrunk from before his strokes; as he shuddered at the heroic fierceness of a countenance which seemed more than mortal.