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Example sentences for "without"

Lexicographically close words:
withies; within; withinne; withinside; withoot; withoute; withouten; withowt; withs; withstand
  1. By these he was conveyed, without any warrant, to the Poultry Compter, where he was sold by his master to John Kerr for L30.

  2. No member can wear a new hat in the arena of bulls and bears without being tormented, and his chapeau irrecoverably spoiled.

  3. Let foreign nations say, Where you get justice without guile And law without delay.

  4. This sinecure office, the gift of the Crown, was a rectory without tithes, and the Custos was dependent upon voluntary contributions.

  5. This church, ruined in the Great Fire, is built up again without any pillars, but very decent, and is a lightsome church.

  6. Without the generous patronage of such patrons as the Earl of Southampton or Lord Brooke, how could the young actor have thriven?

  7. Fuseli was lively and interesting in conversation, but not without his usual faults of violence and pretension.

  8. The letter concludes thus: "You are so absolutely necessary to us, that we can do nothing, resolve on nothing, without you.

  9. Bread Street, in London, which belonged to the family of Stafford, Duke of Bucks afterwards; he bequeathed all the stuff in that house to the Lord of Buckingham, for he died without issue.

  10. Why, I do," said I, "without they sting me.

  11. So, if a full sinful woman might kiss Christ without rebuke, methinks, if it please you, Mother dear, you might kiss me.

  12. The lightning comes into Sister Margaret's eyes, and then away it runs, and she looks so sorry that she let it come; and you only look sorry without any lightning.

  13. She has enough else on her mind at this present, without a pack of tiresome children--holy saints be her help!

  14. The memory of it hath caused me to pet my Jack and Joan a deal more than I should without it.

  15. I never knew Jack without a rent in some part of his clothes; I should not have thought it was Jack if he had come in whole garments.

  16. Her little children, that the Queen Isabel had made nuns without any leave given save her own, could come back to her never more.

  17. As she worked away at the plums she was stoning without saying either yes or no, I ventured to repeat my question.

  18. Without thou lay out to follow the judge which said that he would clearly man should leave to harry him with both sides of a matter.

  19. You can talk there--without fear of disobedience.

  20. The subject-matter consists of the most miscellaneous historical or mythological narratives or anecdotes, absolutely without connection.

  21. Hence (without stopping to take up gaps and breaks in detail) it may be said that the general plan pursued at the present day is to adopt a reading drawn for each book from the following sources respectively: Book 36.

  22. And the consuls not without trouble, yet with some speed, accomplished their missions.

  23. And recalling the self-devotion of his father, undertaken on account of the dream, he likewise devoted himself, though without giving anybody any information about his act.

  24. Of the captives he released the allied contingent without ransom as before, but the Romans he kept, hoping to dispose of them by sale, since this would make him better off but the Romans worse off.

  25. These men he sent to Carthage: the rest he captured without their so much as lifting a weapon.

  26. Hannibal, desiring to invade Italy with all possible speed, marched on hurriedly and traversed without fighting the whole of Gaul lying between the Pyrenees and the Rhone.

  27. I am one of you, Conscript Fathers, though I be captured times without number.

  28. The lower city of Panhormus they took without trouble, but in the siege of the citadel they fared badly until food failed those in it.

  29. And the consuls thinking that his power had slowly wasted away without a battle also waited.

  30. Then he called the recent arrivals inside the wall without their weapons in order to join his undertaking after they had received their provision-money.

  31. They were repulsed from all of them except Segesta, which they took without resistance.

  32. When the Carthaginians had made reply, he returned without accomplishing anything.

  33. To go to the bottom of the Sea without daunger.

  34. This teacheth Analogically to describe a small portion or circuite of ground, with the contentes: not regarding what commensuration it hath to the whole, or any parcell, without it, contained.

  35. Note Squaring of the Circle without knowledge of the proportion betwene Circumference and Diameter.

  36. That we may Square the Circle, without hauing knowledge of the proportion, of the Circumference to the Diameter: as you haue here perceiued.

  37. There remayneth (without parabolicall meaning herein) among the Philosophers, [A perpetuall Motion.

  38. Without all preparing of your Fundamentall Cubes: you may (alike) worke this Conclusion.

  39. Powre that water, (without losse) into the hollow Pyramis or Cone, quietly.

  40. Where I spake before, of a hollow Cubik Coffen: the like vse, is of it: and without waight.

  41. Unto the knowledge of which no man can attaine, without the perfecte knowledge and instruction of the principles, groundes, and Elementes of Geometrie.

  42. He had been tramping the moorland beyond the park without Binko or a gun, his thoughts too tempestuous to bear with even them.

  43. With your permission, we must decide about the clematis trellis for the north wall without delay.

  44. I could say I had a headache and go to bed early without dinner, and get here about eight while they were having theirs.

  45. She had never gone anywhere without it in all those five years--but now everything was changed.

  46. So they had started in the motor after breakfast next day and that night slept at St. Malo--getting to Héronac without adventure the following afternoon.

  47. Her mind was quite without any definite desire or determination, but, being a woman, she was perfectly aware that Henry was falling in love with her.

  48. His happiness should not be torn from him without a desperate fight.

  49. And without a word further he went out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

  50. The greatest pain Michael Arranstoun had ever experienced came into his heart, and without waiting a second he turned on his heel and went back to the house.

  51. She got up and stood with the sheet in her hand, and read off the remarkable document without worrying much about stops or commas.

  52. So Michael fell--and accepted, not without excusing himself to Binko as he finished writing out his wire: Thousand thanks.

  53. These were particularly severe at various times in the region of the Tonale Pass, but without important results.

  54. Russian torpedo boats appeared in the Gulf of Riga, off the west coast, and bombarded, without success, the two towns of Rojen and Margrafen.

  55. But we swung into direct line without a hitch.

  56. This advance was not gained without considerable losses, and during the charge Lieutenant Colonel Odent was killed.

  57. In the district about Loos and northeast of Ypres heavy cannonading endured all day on the 6th, the Germans hurling quantities of large caliber shells over the enemy's trenches without any apparent object.

  58. When their enemies thinned out to some extent the submarine started again on her way and headed directly for Baltimore, which she reached without special incident.

  59. Just north of the Oginski Canal German troops crossed the Shara River and attacked the Russian positions west of the Vilna-Rovno railway, without being able to gain ground.

  60. They passed among the Arab tents without a shot being fired.

  61. The Confederate armies were dependent on supplies from overseas, and those supplies could not be obtained without exporting the cotton wherewith to pay for them.

  62. It is evident that if fast cruisers could be maintained on England's trade routes they might do all that the submarine could do and more, and this without raising any question as to their rights under international law.

  63. With regard to such as you have in boxes or phials without spirit, these must be immersed in a basin of boiling water.

  64. Ovate or subovate and hollowed out at the base, without posterior angles.

  65. One of these little flies that he observed, was so intent upon the business in which she was engaged, that she suffered him to watch her motions under a lens, without being discomposed.

  66. Besides all this, the necessity of examining minute parts not easily come at without dissection, is very discouraging to a beginner.

  67. Cuvier and Lamarck distinguish this part by the name of brain, we may continue to call it by that name without impropriety.

  68. Civil himself did not like to go home without fish--it would damage the high repute they had gained in the village.

  69. The feast, the music, and the dancing went on, so did the envies within and the clamours without the palace.

  70. On winter's night or summer's morning they would steer out to sea far beyond the boats of their neighbours, and never came home without some fish to cook and some to spare.

  71. The feasting within and the clamour without went on as the days before: King Winwealth fell into his accustomed low spirits after supper, and sent down a message for Snowflower, which was told her by the master-cook.

  72. There was nothing known in the north country that could not be bought or sold in it, and neither old nor young were willing to go home without a fairing.

  73. The old woman sat down without a word of thanks.

  74. Loveleaves and Woodwender durst not go home without them.

  75. Fair speeches brought me here,' said Civil, 'and fair speeches may help me back; but be sure I will not go without you.

  76. Scrub considered his lasts and awls better left behind, as without them, he concluded, no one would suspect him of being a cobbler.

  77. All things had gone well with the cobbler till the king thought that it was quite unbecoming to see such a worthy man without a servant.

  78. He did not, however, venture upon this step without consulting Bourignon.

  79. That gentleman, being advanced in years, requested permission to resign, which was granted; but although the appointment had been promised to Linnaeus, it was not without difficulty that he obtained it.

  80. The sixteenth century produced a little band of worthies, who, without having made great acquirements, may yet be justly styled the fathers of modern zoology.

  81. The ninth consists of a multitude of topics without any direct relation to each other, but apparently treated as they had successively presented themselves to the author.

  82. I shall not take advantage of this information without making honourable mention of my authority.

  83. The aquatic birds are of two kinds; some frequent watery places, without being capable of swimming, while others betake themselves to the water.

  84. No invalid could now recover without my assistance.

  85. No man of eminence, in any department of science or literature, has been without enemies.

  86. Not without notes, ALGY, and I forgot to bring my music with me.

  87. The ruthless Dean had pursued his course without flinching.

  88. I fired, and my enemy sunk upon the ground without a struggle.

  89. The lid might be raised and shut down again without any tokens of my act; its contents might be examined, and all things restored to their former condition, in a few minutes.

  90. The danger appeared without unusual aggravations, and the expedients that offered themselves to my choice were viewed with a temper not more sanguine or despondent than before.

  91. I have too good an opinion of you to suppose that you would practise concealment without good reason.

  92. At length I began to be sensible of fatigue, and, returning home, explored the way to my chamber without molesting the repose of the family.

  93. It could not happen without a series of anterior events paving the way for it.

  94. While ruminating upon this scene, and comparing past events with the objects before me, the dull whistling of the gale without gave place to the sound of footsteps.

  95. I deemed it my privilege, as well as duty, to sit in judgment on his actions, to form my opinions without regard to selfish considerations, and to avow them whenever the avowal tended to benefit.

  96. Our nuptials would have been solemnized without delay, had not a melancholy duty interfered.

  97. When I came to the concluding circumstance, by which his person was identified, he heard me without any new surprise.

  98. Winding passages would conduct me, without danger of disturbing them, to the hall, from which double staircases ascended.

  99. Yet I was anew distressed by the discovery that my thoughts found their way to my lips, without my being conscious of it, and that my steps wandered forth unknowingly and without the guidance of my will.

  100. This expedient was to be tried without delay.

  101. I hoped that they would speedily be blended, or, at least, approach so near as to allow me to leap from one to the other without enormous hazard.

  102. One of them, however, more sanguinary and audacious than the rest, would not depart without some gratification of his vengeance.

  103. Never was "Schedule A" mentioned in his presence without a kind of spasm passing over his features!

  104. That he cannot meet the liabilities I have alluded to out of his annual income, without swallowing it up entirely for eighteen months or two years, is certain.

  105. What if I were the object of the just and universal contempt of mankind; given up to a reprobate mind; miserable here, and without hope hereafter?

  106. The last two years had made it apparent, that, to keep the colony alive and maintain a basis for those discoveries on which his heart was bent, was impossible without a change of system.

  107. Pontrincourt set himself without delay to the task of Christianizing New France, in an access of zeal which his desire of proving that Jesuit aid was superfluous may be supposed largely to have reinforced.

  108. The garrison was weak, disheartened, and without a leader.

  109. It afflicted me," he says, "and troubled me exceedingly to be obliged to return without having seen so great a lake, full of fair islands and bordered with the fine countries which they had described to me.

  110. Without a king, without an army, without money, convulsed within, and threatened from without, France after that humiliation was in no condition to renew her Transatlantic enterprise.

  111. Meanwhile the Spaniards in the other fort, on the opposite shore, cannonaded the victors without ceasing.

  112. Poutrincourt, also, had his agent on board; and, without the loss of a day, the two began to quarrel.

  113. The principal chief gathered bundles of sticks, and, without wasting his breath, stuck them in the earth in a certain order, calling each by the name of some warrior, a few taller than the rest representing the subordinate chiefs.

  114. Excepting a few of the leaders, those engaged in it had not chosen a home in the wilderness of New France, but were mere hirelings, without wives or families, and careless of the welfare of the colony.

  115. It is impossible for any impartial lover of his country, for any just thinking man, to witness her senseless and quenchless malignancy against the Union without the most immeasurable disgust and scorn.

  116. Many of them grow up to the age of maturity, and pass through life without ever owning as much as five dollars at any one time.

  117. One speaker thought that "they could get text-books at home without going to either Old England or New England for them.

  118. What would Turkey be without Constantinople?

  119. Thus manfully do men of pure hearts and noble minds, whether in Church or State, and without regard to sect or party, lift up their voices against the wicked and pernicious institution of human slavery.

  120. We hope, however, and believe, that the matter in dispute may be adjusted without arraying these armies against each other in hostile attitude.

  121. Arkansas accepted the challenge, and named as her rider, 'The General Assembly shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves without the consent of the owners.

  122. No patriotic Southerner can become conversant with the facts without experiencing a feeling of alarm and indignation.

  123. All of which means a religion without solid base, and a poor and flickering life.

  124. If that were not removed, a doctor might prescribe a hundred things, and all might be taken in turn, without producing the least effect.

  125. When they leave us, it is without explanation.

  126. That is bound to tell; without speech or language--like the voices of the stars.

  127. Is life not hard and sorrowful enough without being fettered with yet another yoke?

  128. Rain and snow do drop from the air, but not without a long previous history.

  129. All nature is a standing protest against the absurdity of expecting to secure spiritual effects, or any effects, without the employment of appropriate causes.

  130. Yet must one trust the process fearlessly and without misgiving.

  131. No man can meet another on the street without making some mark upon him.

  132. Without doing any violence to human nature it sets it right with life, harmonizing it with all surrounding things, and restoring those who are jaded with the fatigue and dust of the world to a new grace of living.

  133. Without knowing it he has reflected his birthplace, his parents, and the long history of their race.

  134. To expect results without antecedents is to expect cakes without ingredients.

  135. Its brand falls, without a challenge, upon the Prodigal.

  136. For as often as he heard that any person had died quickly and without pain, he wished for himself and his friends the like euthanasia (an easy death), for that was the word he made use of.

  137. An action which it is true was not merely of a civil nature; for it approaches to a military character, as being the result of force and courage; but it was an action performed without an army, and from political considerations.

  138. When Antonius ordered a cessation of hostilities, the garrison brought out their eagles and standards; a mournful train of soldiers without their aims, their eyes riveted to the ground, followed them.

  139. Martialis had scarcely reentered the Capitol when the furious soldiers appeared before it, without a general, and each man acting on his own suggestions.

  140. It is the purpose of the Pilot, without faile to bring a ship into a hauen.

  141. Whereas those who place the supreme good in virtue, therein do admirably; but this very virtue itself both begets and constitutes friendship; nor without this virtue can friendship exist at all.

  142. Would any one endure to live such a life as this, when he might enjoy all the privileges of his high station to the general joy of all men, without fear?

  143. Therefore, by our laws and institutions, our time of life is relieved from those tasks which can not be supported without strength.

  144. And very motherly," said Hardy, without moving a muscle.

  145. The other attempted to explain and was ably assisted by two friends, but without avail; the impression left on Mr. Wilks's mind being that somebody had got a shilling of his.

  146. All the alley knew that Mrs. Silk had quarrelled with her son over the steward, and, without knowing the facts, spoke their mind with painful freedom concerning them.

  147. I couldn't go outside the house without somebody stopping me and asking whether there was any news of you.

  148. It does not contain the damning introduction, and without it, appears fairly sympathetic.

  149. Nearly all are homosexuals; the story is told without comment or judgment.

  150. Though attracted to, and attractive to men, she is never without "some older woman to adore and emulate, or some younger woman to teach and inspire.

  151. They are presented, picture after sordid picture, without a glimmer of understanding or real insight, though he sometimes shows smug sympathy for a few he claims to have reformed by something he calls "cultural therapy".

  152. Without the fantastic photography which made the movie superb, this is a remarkably silly pseudo-science thing about a man who finds away to survive indefinitely by glandular transplants.

  153. Quiet, understated and sympathetic story of feminine relationships in a school setting--but without the melodramatic atmosphere of tragedy which usually surrounds such stories.

  154. In Stettin they were lodged in pig pens, and next morning were sent off by steamer to Rugen, whence they made their way to Denmark and Sweden without money or luggage.

  155. It was the president's last effort to bring peace to the world without resorting to armed force.

  156. The repatriation of German prisoners and interned civilians is to be carried out without delay and at Germany's expense.

  157. Illustration: This is a facsimile reproduction of the original, printed hurriedly near the field of battle and also translated hurriedly without eliminating errors.

  158. He graced them with all the luxury and exuberance that modern civilization, without arousing rebellious complaint among his subjects, would permit.

  159. Priests of rival gods had set themselves up within the empire; spies from without and conspirators within were secretly undermining the power of the intrenched despot.

  160. He said that armed neutrality had been found wanting and in the end would only draw the country into war without its having the status of a belligerent.

  161. On the 22nd of January the president appeared before the senate in his famous "peace without victory" address, in which he advocated a world league for peace.

  162. Then he crawled back without a mark on him.

  163. But without making out the exact ground-plan, we learn enough to teach us not a little about both Roger's Beaumont and Beaumont's Roger.

  164. Strange to say, they all surrendered without shedding of blood on the first day of the siege.

  165. The visitor to Saint Saviour may perhaps manage to make his way straight from that place to Coutances without going back to Valognes.

  166. Above the arcade was a tall clerestory, seemingly without any triforium or with the triforium thrown into the clerestory.

  167. But it was an apse of the old simple pattern, without surrounding aisles and chapels.

  168. The antiquary will earnestly pray that no one may be led by zeal without discretion to rebuild this church on a scale and style more worthy of its present rank.

  169. At Mortain the same simple arcade runs round nave, choir, and apse without break of any kind.

  170. Friendship is love without its flowers or veil.

  171. Light without life is a candle in a tomb; / Life without love is a garden without bloom.

  172. Sartor" has it, without the man, or the man without the clothes).

  173. Without philosophy we should be little above the lower animals.

  174. Venus will not charm so much without her attendant Graces, as they will without her.

  175. Love without return is like a question without an answer.

  176. Diogenes has well said that the only way to preserve one's liberty was being always ready to die without pain.

  177. There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honours too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.

  178. Ennui is the desire of activity without the fit means of gratifying the desire.

  179. The din this time was prodigious, and strange to say they got quite close up to the big withered tree without the usual roar and charge.

  180. We were now nearing the locality of the fierce fire of the morning; it was still blazing in a long extended line of flame, and we witnessed an incident without parallel in the experience of any of us.

  181. If tiger is reported, or a kill has been discovered, we form line in silence, and without noise bear down direct on the spot.

  182. At night a light should always be kept burning in occupied bedrooms, and on no account should one get out of bed in the dark, or walk about the rooms at night without slippers or shoes.

  183. It can never be expected that a ryot can grow indigo at a loss to himself, or at a lower rate of profit than that which the cultivation of his other ordinary crops would give him, without at least some compensating advantages.

  184. In the vast grass jungles that border the banks of the Koosee, stretching in great plains without an undulation for miles on either side, intersected by innumerable water-beds and dried up channels, there is plenty of game of all sorts.

  185. You might walk many a mile through the sal jungles without meeting fruit of any kind, save the dry and tasteless wild fig, or the sickly mhowa.

  186. The bullet was a ricochet, and struck the tigress below the chest, and travelled towards the heart, but without touching it.

  187. The pice jingle as they change hands; the haggling and chaffering are without parallel in any market at home.

  188. I never understood how she could have made her way past dogs, servants, horses, and watchman, right into the tent, without raising some alarm.

  189. Surrounded by his trusty herd, the gwalla traverses the densest jungle and most tiger-infested thickets without fear.

  190. Without the aid of costume or "making up," it was wonderful how he could change facial expression, and voice, and manner instantaneously with his successive characters.

  191. The seats were more comfortable, and could now hold without crowding fifty-six hundred people.

  192. It was on "the city of Jerusalem," and I had practiced on the map until I thought that I could draw it without a copy.

  193. To the blank perplexity of all, he made a serious speech, without a solitary funny allusion.

  194. I remember that when one speaker was asked whether he was an actual worker or a professional agitator, without a word he held out his hands that all might see they were the hands of a working-man.

  195. We will name the most important of these without regard to their chronological order.

  196. It has remained unshaken in its loyalty to the Christian religion and penetrated through and through with the Christian spirit, without flying the flag or wearing the badge of any one denomination of Christians.

  197. But the expense of a professional staff was great and the number of students was not large enough to support it without an endowment.

  198. Without it, apparently he must stay forever inside the walls of Chautauqua.

  199. He gave his well-known literary lecture on Hamlet, a critical appreciation, without a word on current affairs.

  200. After which we'll leave, crossing Switzerland for Brindisi without any stop and reach the Orient as it was agreed.

  201. Naturally we will be some while without seeing you again, Peltier.

  202. And he himself contradicts it a few lines further on by saying "that without knowing Rizal, the Katipunan acclaimed him its honorary President.

  203. Echaluce commenced to deport people; but when Blanco got to know of it, he wrote to him ordering him not to deport anyone without his consent, and not to do anything in the matter till his return from Mindanao.

  204. But then, what would Filipinas be without her Poblete; almost like a cat without fleas.

  205. Father, realizing the enormity of the Katipunan plot, advised them to send Patino to him without delay.

  206. Whenever they are assured of the loyalty of the converts they shall instruct them to continue in the character of an American sympathizer in order that they may receive good pay, but without prejudicing the cause of our country.

  207. In an interview with the Governor, Rizal begged pardon for his father who was under sentence of deportation for certain events which had taken place in Calamba; this was granted him without reserve.

  208. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "without" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    after; apparently; bar; barring; beside; beyond; but; destitute; empty; except; excepting; excluding; failing; free; from; less; minus; off; omitting; open; openly; out; outside; outward; outwardly; past; precluding; save; saving; superficially; than; unless; void; without

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    without any; without being; without delay; without doubt; without further; without her; without hesitation; without his; without knowing; without looking; without much; without regard; without saying; without speaking; without the; without waiting; without which