According to Taine, this force, in the present case, is the progress the increasing authority of positive, verifiable science.
Supported by our allies, we've put forward draft agreements proposing significant weapon reductions to equal and verifiable lower levels.
Your vote this spring on the Peacekeeper missile will be a critical test of our resolve to maintain the strength we need and move toward mutual and verifiable arms reductions.
Since 1981 we've been committed to seeking fair and verifiable arms agreements that would lower the risk of war and reduce the size of nuclear arsenals.
Indeed this is not a matter of critical opinion, but of verifiable fact.
Prose-writers have been more sensitively attached to their glaring blunders in verifiable facts than was this very sensitive poet to his occasional lapses in taste.
These ought to be obtained in full light; under such conditions the levitation of the table is a verifiable phenomenon.
This is, nevertheless, a fact easily verifiable in the domain of memory and sometimes in that of intelligence.
With this order of phenomenon we rarely obtain verifiable indications; the 'spirits' utter plenty of commonplace generalities, but give no precise information.
A verifiable cessation of arms shipments from or transiting through Syria for Hamas and other radical Palestinian groups.
A verifiable cessation of Syrian aid to Hezbollah and the use of Syrian territory for transshipment of Iranian weapons and aid to Hezbollah.
A verifiable cessation of Syrian efforts to undermine the democratically elected government of Lebanon.
There is much about this story which justifies the suspicion that it arose from, or at least was adopted by, a desire on the part of the Romans to explain a defeat, rather than from anyverifiable historical foundation.
It is very appropriate that the last of the Sibyls should disappear just as we begin to find verifiable history taking the place of traditional lore.
When he said that general notions must "cash in," he meant of course that they must be translatable into verifiable specific things.
While we do not, in any intelligible or verifiable sense, know them, we know all things that we do know with or by them.
Persons therefore who are the least familiar with great demonstrable principles are usually the least able to conceive new truthful ideas of intrinsic importance, or to draw new verifiable inferences of much theoretical value.
The real source of all that is good in new scientific knowledge arises from its verified and verifiable character, its high degree of certainty, and its capacity of withstanding all the tests which can be applied to it.
For example, the relation of the women to the men whom they support is a matter where verifiable data are very hard to get.
That the time of his birth, his death, and supposed resurrection is not verifiable is generally admitted.
And though there may be doubt as to the edges of the conception yet there certainly is a broad road of 'verifiable progress' which not only discoverers and admirers will like, but which all those who come upon it will use and value.
Indeed, taking verifiable progress in the sense which has just been given to it, we may say that nature gives a prize to every single step in it.
In a complete investigation of all the conditions of 'verifiable progress,' much else would have to be set out; for example, science has secrets of her own.
There is no term so altogether handy as the term "I," nor is there any so embarrassed when called on to show its credentials in the shape of clear andverifiable experience.
Bagehot virtually employs this method in the chapter of his Physics and Politics, which he entitles "Verifiable Progress Politically Considered.
We could advance arguments, verifiable by future experience, to prove the antiquity of the manuscript from its texture, colour, etc.
In like manner, we can collect all mnemic phenomena in living organisms under a single law, which contains what is hitherto verifiable in Semon's two laws.
Yet it was not a verifiable and not a refutable hypothesis.
This is indeed necessary, since the resulting proposition (1) predicts verifiable facts in the rough.
The hypotheses which are valuable precisely because they are either verifiable or else refutable through a definite appeal to the tests furnished by experience; and 2.
I venture to think that the real antithesis is not between unnatural and natural treatment of Nature, but rather between controlled or verifiable data on the one hand, and unrestrained generalization on the other.
How this could occur might be quite unintelligible, but of course it might be claimed that the point is not whether we can explain how creation takes place, but whether we can get verifiable evidence that such a kind of thing happens.
It reaches its goal whenever it can replace its early guessing by verifiable hypotheses and predictable results.
But his successor Hume, and most empirical psychologists after him, have denied the soul, save as the name for verifiable cohesions in our inner life.
Whether, apart from theseverifiable facts, it also inheres in a spiritual principle, is a merely curious speculation.
The hypothetical things that such men have invented, defined as they have defined them, are showing an extraordinary fertility in consequences verifiable by sense.
To every section of Churchmen the relegation of moral sanctions within the domain of verifiable consequences was a doctrine to be resisted strenuously.
This psychological first step was man's first attempt to frame a theory of things satisfactory to his intellect--an attempt that, beginning in the crude animism of the savage, ends in the verifiable laws of modern science.
Experience has shown that all really verifiable knowledge counts as an asset of naturalism, and is so far opposed to supernaturalism.
In all history these mystical states of illumination have discovered no verifiable truth; they have never at any time advanced human knowledge in the smallest degree.
He will not be tempted to a single step beyond the solid ground of verifiable fact.
Let us, before all things, be sure that our feet are planted on the solid earth and our reason guided by verifiable experience.
An experimentally verifiable system must contain space-time variables, for which can be substituted the here and now of the experimenter's immediate experience.
The formulation of definitions and laws in exclusively mechanical terms is not due to the exhaustive or even preƫminent reality of these properties, but to their peculiar serviceableness in a verifiable description of events.
Knowledge, it affirms, can be of but one type, that which comprises the verifiable laws governing nature.
The idea as object of my perception, and the will as its subject were in the beginning regarded as common and verifiable items of experience.