Everywhere the French posed as liberators and set up republican institutions.
Animated by republican sentiments, the negroes raised a large army under a former slave, Toussaint l'Ouverture.
In the Alps the republican army was driven back near Saorgio, and its best troops were sent off to quell insurrection in the cities of the south; for the country was torn by civil discord.
They were not enamoured of the republican sentiments which appealed to the Ulster presbyterians, and did not care a straw about parliamentary reform for its own sake, nor for catholic emancipation.
As they were attempting to return to their homes they were caught by a republican force; a large number was massacred and the rest dispersed.
Franklin was received with ludicrous adulation as an embodiment of republicanvirtue and philosophic thought.
Hood sent off four of the French ships, full of republican prisoners, who were allowed to return to their homes because it was inconvenient to keep them.
The republican armies were not less successful against domestic foes than against foreign invasion.
He had entered on the war for political reasons, and would not be deterred from negotiation by dislike of the French republican government.
They refused to take the greenback for a dollar, but the Republican party said this is a dollar and you must take it, which filled with joy the hearts of many a father, wife and mother.
How much money was in the treasury when Buchanan and his Democratic cabinet left the White House and turned over this government to the Republican party, all tattered and torn and nearly in a state of insurrection?
The Republican party don't want to close up the manufacturing business of this country by adopting any such measures, for England can undersell any other nation on the globe.
Shaw is a republican in the literal and Latin sense; he cares more for the Public Thing than for any private thing.
By the analogy of healthy history we ought to have gone on worshipping the republic and calling each other citizen with increasing seriousness until some other part of the truth broke into our republican temple.
What was really peculiar about the Republican energy was this, that it left behind it, not an ordinary reaction but a kind of dreary, drawn out and utterly unmeaning hope.
The republican temple, like any other strong building, rested on certain definite limits and supports.
Yes, my boy, all, all are gone; but we have in their places such representatives of genuine republican simplicity as you shall not see again in a circuit of the globe.
Just as the spectacled veterans gained this side of Duck Lake again, my boy, the Mackerel Chaplain was accosted by a Republican chap from Boston, and says he: "This really looks like action at last my friend.
Villiam smiled affably, and says he: "I don't remember just how many that Republican institution will hold.
Hen got to the front and brought down her umbrella with awful violence upon the bare head of the speaker, and says she: "I'm the Republican party myself!
Republican Court witnesses one incident to make him recognize the polished people he once knew.
Chicago chap, scientifically squaring-off; "for I'M the Republican party!
Upon reaching Washington, on my return, I heard that a serious-minded chap, of Republican officiousness, had just waited upon the Honest Abe to ask if he did not intend to cause the arrest of Smith and Jones for their treason.
Said I: "Some day, when bio-chemistry has progressed far enough, you will know what combination of chemicals causes a man to vote the Democratic orRepublican ticket.
Here is a wealthy man, Republican National Committeeman from Oklahoma, who is about to go to Washington to advise our new President whom to appoint to office from that state.
A book of intense interest to every student of American institutions and character, and the development of itsrepublican ideal.
And on September 13th: "It appears to me to be all-important that the Republican party should carry the election in Indiana in October.
I rejoice at the patriotism of your countrymen, many of whom have gone or are going home to take part in the great election; and I hope most earnestly that the Republican candidates may be elected by a grand majority.
If Grant continues firm with the Republican party, he may prevent great mischief.
Cambon boasted to the Convention that the Netherlands not only provided for the upkeep of the Republican armies, but also enriched the national treasury.
The Republican agents, nicknamed the "French sponges," even went as far as plundering private property.
The names of the streets were altered, the use of the Republican calendar enforced and the "decadi" (observance of the tenth day) substituted for Sunday.
While the Belgians hesitated to declare a Convention and to organize themselves according to the Republican régime, they began to feel the first effects of the occupation.
Exhausted by the Brabançonne revolution, divided among themselves, they had merely shown a passive resistance to Republican propaganda and to the efforts made by their masters to induce them to take part in rationalistic worship.
These efforts soon succeeded in obliterating the last traces of Calvinist and republican tendencies, which had never succeeded in affecting the bulk of the population.
At the same time they showed their want of confidence in the republican feeling of the country, and both exasperated the royalists and gave them courage to act for themselves.
As a Genevese republican he approached the study of French affairs with no prejudice towards monarchy, aristocracy, or Catholicism.
Everybody was a Republican and a Jacobin, but Robespierre now insisted on the belief in God.
The agents are ferocious ruffians, and the leaders are no better; but they are at the same time influenced by republican convictions, as respectable as those of the émigrés.
Before the middle of March about three hundred priests and republican officials were murdered, and the war of La Vendée began.
Mirabeau never swerved from the fundamental convictions of 1789, and he would have become a republican if Lewis had gone over to the reactionary émigrés.
They struggled for an enlarged construction, and strove to break the barrier, in the republican or the royalist direction.
He volunteered in the republican cavalry, and took the field against the royalists, mounted and equipped by admiring friends.
Sombreuil defended himself until a republican officer called on him to capitulate.
Lyons had overthrown the Jacobins, had put the worst of them to death, and had stood a siege under the republican flag.
On August 1, the metrical system was introduced, and the republican calendar followed; but we shall speak of it in another connection.
The king's flight, while it broke up the Conservative party, called the Republican party into existence.
Lescure carried the republican trooper to his country house for a few days; and on May 16 Guyot reappeared in the robes proper to a bishop, with the mitre, ring, and crozier that belonged to his exalted dignity.
What man, what group of men, can speak for the Republicanparty or for the Democratic party?
It is difficult to perceive, therefore, upon what safe ground of reason are built the opinions of those persons who regard short terms of service as sacredly and peculiarly republican in principle.
The English constitution of that day had a great many features which did not invite republican imitation.
The two most remarkable Republican institutions in the world commit it.
Can there be a greater absurdity in nature, and particularly in a free republican country?
Any man distinguished for virtue, and for love of republican principles?
We shall become an easy prey to any alliance which should be formed against our republican institutions.
He was not a republican after the fashion of Robespierre, or Jefferson, or M.
He was a republican so far as he disbelieved in the divine right of kings, and hated enthusiasm and loyalty generally.
Respect for rank is the last infirmity even of noble republican minds, and it oils the wheels of the progress of those who possess it.
Wills, the painter and dramatist, a delightful Irishman of the most incorrigibly republican and bohemian type.
Now, I think it was along about 1852 that the Cheyennes and the Pawnees had a big fight on Republican River.
We travelled three days without seeing a head of game, and then crossed the Republican River and kept on south.
They found the Pawnees hunting buffalo on the Republican River, and attacked them, and they had a big fight, in which quite a number were killed on both sides, and among them a lot of the bravest of the Cheyennes.
We crossed the Republican again, but got stuck in the quicksands; and the wagon sunk so low that the water came into the wagon box and wet our things, without doing much harm, however, for the sugar was the only thing that was spoiled.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "republican" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.