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Example sentences for "intensive"

Lexicographically close words:
intensify; intensifying; intension; intensities; intensity; intensively; intent; intente; intention; intentional
  1. The radical views and intensive political activity of these members of the community have earned it a reputation as the communistic center of North Dakota.

  2. High winds, intensive cultivation, and low rainfall combined to create the most destructive period of soil erosion known to the State since its earliest settlement.

  3. This is the intensive cultivation of the human spirit.

  4. It is the peace of intensive production--and the spectacle of it is best seen when you lift the super from a hive of bees, the spirit of which animates every moving creature to one constructive end.

  5. Only intensive netting at both localities produced enough marked individuals for me to study the breeding behavior of the species.

  6. But the two raids emphasized that a few weeks more would see intensive resumption of war in the air.

  7. It betokened a more intensive preparation for the prosecution of the war by England and her Allies.

  8. Helgoland and the newly enlarged Kiel Canal were hives where an intensive industry kept every man and vessel fit.

  9. The application of intensive magnitude and of numerical multiplicity to psychic facts is thus the same fallacy in two aspects, the fallacy of conceptualism, the nature of which is to substitute space for time as the form of mental existence.

  10. An intensive magnitude is a distinct concept, sharply bounded; all within is the concept, all without, its other.

  11. The case of plural odors and sounds, the case of the line, and an infinity of other cases prove that magnitude is intensive as well as extensive.

  12. In these days of intensive advertising, the commercial catalogue often contains matter of great worth, in the gathering and presentation of which no expense has been spared.

  13. They are longer-lived, they are healthier, and they do not require nearly so much intensive culture.

  14. You can have extensive farming and intensive farming; well, I am going to have intensive living after this.

  15. When the intensive German submarine campaign began, the methods of hunting U-boats from surface ships had not been perfected.

  16. During this intensive work it was quickly found that the majority of the pilots could only stand an average of one long patrol in three days as a steady routine, and that if they went out oftener their work suffered.

  17. This lack of success was not due to patrols not having been done, although intensive work had never been carried out owing to the lack of suitable machines, but was due to the few submarines that had been navigating about.

  18. The only means of meeting the situation of overpopulation is through increasing the food production of the Island by means of division into small farms, intensive cultivation, and modern methods of farming.

  19. It started about six o'clock in the morning on the second day of their arrival--a really pleasant little intensive bombardment.

  20. The condition of a man's brain after he has sat in a trench and suffered an intensive bombardment for two or three hours can only be described by one word, and that is--numbed.

  21. The second occupation at Aztec was more intensive and one in which parts of the local population participated actively.

  22. Nelson, who was then curator of archeology for the American Museum of Natural History, examined the ruins and was impressed by their potential for further intensive investigations.

  23. Nelson's recommendation that the ruins at Aztec would make an excellent subject for intensive study by the museum, that Morris was hired to conduct the investigations.

  24. Huntington Survey of the Southwest, one of the objectives of which was to make an intensive study of a large pueblo site.

  25. The result of all this intensive effort is an abundant crop of long-stapled cotton with an extremely strong fiber, bringing in the open market a price second only to that of the American Sea Island variety.

  26. The Long Season of Intensive Cultivation When the tiny seedlings first appear above the fragrant mellow soil, the planter's work is well begun, but it is only begun, for then comes the season of cultivating and thinning out.

  27. After considerable intensive study he found the way to make its muscles relax--he had already long since established a nerve block so that the caval felt no pain.

  28. Carefully Hanlon studied those depths, aided also by what he had learned in his healing of the caval, and from his intensive studies of human physiology and neurones and allied sciences.

  29. Despite the intensive aerial attack, Tanaka continued on to Guadalcanal with four destroyers and four transports.

  30. He reached the coast on the 26th as planned, where he drew intensive fire from enemy positions on the ridges west of the river.

  31. All will culture is intensive and should safeguard us against the chance influence of life and the insidious danger of great ideas in small and feeble minds.

  32. This is true at each step, and every advance seems to cost even more intensive effort than the former one.

  33. We underwent a week of intensive training, being drilled in the French manual and army movements, and spending our leisure hours in building roads.

  34. Intensive and scientific training must be given this cream of youth upon which America’s welfare in the air must rest.

  35. Also, they worked out a system of intensive agriculture surpassing anything I ever heard of, with the very forests all reset with fruit- or nut-bearing trees.

  36. If I feared at first the effects of a too intensive system of culture, that fear was dissipated by seeing the long sunny days of pure physical merriment and natural sleep in which these heavenly babies passed their first years.

  37. As more and more soil became impoverished due to a lack of crop rotation, non-use of fertilizer and the intensive planting of the tobacco crop which requires a rich soil, additional land was purchased and added to the existing homestead.

  38. Although he was re-elected President in 1916 as a peace candidate, Wilson soon had to wage an intensive war against Germany as conditions warranted such action.

  39. In consequence of the success attained by the pioneers in this kind of mining, there has been created a demand for properties possessing large deposits of low grade ore that is workable on this intensive scale.

  40. Intensive placering is now the order of things and the marvelous increase in the use of dredges attests the success which these "gold ships" have attained.

  41. Intensive cultivation, moreover, involves high fertilization and the use of modern agricultural implements.

  42. This intensive nursing lasted four weeks until finally a nursing Sister came to assist.

  43. He made an intensive search of a small area of brush and low growth back of the beach for traces of North American migrants.

  44. Years of intensive work and development leading to a vast accumulation of data must elapse before the preliminary indications yet discernible assume the status of proved principles.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intensive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    intensive cultivation; intensive training