And, as we try our growing powers of lucid interpretation upon this subject-matter, let us stop to note its verbal construction and its obedience to the laws of persuasive discourse.
First you are to set forth these convictions in the strongest piece of persuasive prose you can command: this is work for your study.
This special doll was a marvel of touching and persuasive grace, with a voice--when Edward Henry could hear it--that melted the spine.
Everything about Mr. Sachs waspersuasive and confidence-inspiring.
However, Seven Sachs might talk as he chose--she was not such a persuasive creature as all that!
Again Milbanke started almost guiltily; then the personal anxiety that mingled with and almost dominated his grief for Asshlin rose irrepressibly in response to the persuasive tones, the kindly human interest and curiosity.
She added this in a persuasive tone, making a tentative cast for the stranger's sentiments.
The glow of that strong persuasive mind, that temperament almost Oriental in its outward impassivity, warmed Anthony's restless soul and brought him a peace that could be likened only to the peace a stupid woman gives.
Her eyes were gleaming ripples in the white lake of her face; the shadows of her hair bordered the brow with a persuasive unintimate dusk.
There was no sound anywhere, only a greatpersuasive silence--even the dripping had ceased .
Her peculiar and persuasive mode of disposing of her flowers (a mode which has since become worse than vulgarized by bad imitators) was originally her own graceful instinct--or whim, if you will.
I am a believer in republican institutions, and I do earnestly wish that my country should be a mostpersuasive example.
The stream trickled by under the willow roots with a cool, persuasive sound.
After all, he was her minister, though he was not eloquent and persuasive like Arthur Weldon.
How was she to resist the persuasive voice and smile of this man?
It was hard to resist that persuasive voice, but she did.
Not only was Mr. Gallatin a man of refinement in manners, tastes, and expression, a man of dignified and persuasive address, such as suited the highly exacting society of Paris under Louis XVIII.
His dignified bearing, his commanding ability, his persuasive eloquence, and his manifest spirit of fairness had made a profound impression on the Convention.
It was for a time believed that under the persuasive influence of Mr. Seward, with whom he had long been on terms of close intimacy, Mr. Morgan might be intending to join the Administration party.
The vote was so close in the House that but for a frank and persuasive statement made by Mr. Rice of Maine, from the Committee on Territories, it would have been defeated.
Outside of his Cabinet, the President was surrounded by the class of men who had great faith in the persuasive power of patronage, and the pressure upon him to resort to its use was constant and growing.
There was a persuasive lightness in her voice, but there was also command.
She would richly recompense him by smiles and honey and charming persuasive simplicity.
On the same principle the rising inflection is used on the negative statements of persuasive argument as in the Apology of Socrates (p.
And there the ladies, whose lips, more persuasive than those of Fox himself, had carried the Westminster election against palace and treasury, shone round Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire.
Losing her fright, the little girl takes a few steps toward the smiling horseman, then stands shyly mute, awaiting more persuasive speech.
In persuasive tones he asks: "May I see you again?
After humoring Paul's every whim and doing many little positive kindnesses, Pierre, in mostpersuasive tones, begs as a special favor that they change shifts for once.
If Esther wrongfully withheld from that earnest, masterful, persuasive suitor his just dues, she now feels such ethical qualms as to prompt payment with usury.
What wretch so dull, but eloquent must grow, When the full goblets with persuasive wine, Inebriate with bright eloquence divine?
Under the persuasive influence of torture they confessed that they had at first intended to use poison, but finding no opportunity for this they had recourse to figurines, in the fabrication of which they were skilled.
But Tom proved an eloquent pleader, and love a still morepersuasive advocate.
Here, doggy," a hoarse, persuasive voice called; a hand was stretched out to him.
They were all built of wood, and in varying states of repair that bore mute witness to the persuasive eloquence of their several pastors.
Ben; and Hanny came around to give his hand a tender, persuasive squeeze.
The content of rhetoric included all that the ancients had learned to be of value in persuasive public speech.
The consensus of classical opinion, then, agrees that the purpose of rhetoric is persuasive public speaking.
It taught how to work up a case by drawing valid inferences from sound evidence, how to organize this material in the most persuasive order, how to compose in clear and harmonious sentences.
Dante remains an excellent poet when he puts into the mouth of Virgil that persuasive speech to Cato in the first canto of the Purgatorio.
Public speech would be less persuasive if the characteristic imaginative qualities of poetic were excluded.
His sanction for this high opinion of thepersuasive power of example is the rhetorical commonplace of the renaissance that the way is long by precept and short by example.
Hermagoras affirms that the purpose of rhetoric is persuasion,[40] and Dionysius of Halicarnassus defines rhetoric as the artistic mastery of persuasive speech in communal affairs.
Quintilian, like Aristotle, believes in the persuasive efficacy of examples.
He is gifted with a certain kind of pulpit eloquence, not likely, indeed, to be persuasive with men, but powerful with the softer sex.
Persuasive measures will then accomplish more than all the efforts of the parent to prevent an unhappy union, by threats of disinheritance and expulsion from home.
Then she said, with the persuasive touch in her voice that he never could resist: "Now you must dance with Madame Gardepier and some of the young girls, while I comfort the disconsolate.
Now we have plenty of time; tell them to me," and his persuasive tone penetrated her inmost being.
Sir, you are too courteous and persuasive to be refused and therefore I shall trouble you.
If you would let me do anything for you," she entreats, in that persuasive tone.
Miss Murray's voice has a rather plaintive, persuasive note in it, quite different from the independent ring of Miss Dayre.
His voice falls to a most persuasive inflection as he rejoins, "Tell me, ask me anything, and I will answer you truly.
Cecil is amiable as an angel, won by the mellow, persuasive voice.