Champagnes of different years were here shown to us, all of them soft, light, and delicate, and with that fine flavour and full perfume which the best growths of the Marne alone exhibit.
Cases and baskets are stacked in different parts of this vast hall, at one end of which numerous trusses of straw used in the packing are piled.
The different depths and varying degrees of moisture afford a choice of temperature of which the experienced owners know how to take advantage.
Eventually this was overcome; but the new wines, being in the first instance altogether different in character from champagne, found but little favour in the country of their production.
These are varied by bottles reposing necks downwards in racks at different degrees of inclination according to the progress their education has attained.
Once within its court, however, and quite a different scene presents itself.
Duminy’s cellars are remarkably old, and consequently of somewhat irregular construction, being at times rather low and narrow, as well as on different levels.
What happened in the Chicago Convention was widely different from the conjectures of these writers, but the result seemed entirely reasonable after it was reached.
Governor Bullock needed a legislature different from the one which had been elected, in order to accomplish certain ends which he had in view, and he seized upon these irregularities as a means of overturning the majority.
The end was accomplished, however, in a different way.
It was a very different matter, however, so far as the law and practice of nations was concerned, for a belligerent to attack through its courts whatever enemy's property might be available within its limits.
These diversities of opinion were very tenaciously held by different members of the Senate and House, of equal standing in the legal profession.
But how could anybody draw the line betweendifferent tones of voice and different forms of expression?
That the decision had an aimdifferent from the settlement of Dred Scott's claim, and that this aim was political, is now sufficiently established.
They had formed different opinions respecting an important question of public policy, and Trumbull, although holding a subordinate office, had made a public speech in opposition to the governor's views.
Apparently the only Southern Senator who then cherished a differentbelief was Atchison, of Missouri, whose home was on the border of Kansas and whose opinions were based upon personal knowledge and backed by self-interest.
It was as though the men on either side were looking at an object through glasses of different color, or arguing in different languages, or worshiping different gods.
It was an altogether different world we live in from the summer world, and we liked it even better.
But it was surely a poor return on my investment, reckoned merely in dollars and cents, and the second season showed a different result.
We next consulted Mrs. Pillig on the subject, and found her as stiffly opposed to vocational education as Bert, but on entirely different grounds.
Every succeeding deck should contribute new information, not merely explain previous statements or repeat them in different language.
He could stand in the middle of the room and point to the different shelves, and say, apparently without effort, what each contained, and what was missing.
She disdained all the hundred restraints which are generally considered so necessary for a young girl; they plainly did not apply in her case--she was so different to others.
Delphin was intelligent, well read on different subjects, and when alone was good company enough.
She had a longing to be able to feel confidence in somebody, and the calm, earnest clergyman seemed to her so different from all those for whom she had such an abhorrence, since she had made her fatal discovery.
Ah, Pastor Martens is quite a different man, is he not?
When Pastor Martens entered the room, he was as much struck by the appearance of the dying woman as Torpander had been, but in quite a different manner.
He kept his cap on, but the boatswain had better manners, and looked, as he faced his mate, a quite superior and different order of man altogether.
One hundred pounds a man was a promise that might move them into a very different train of thought from what Stevens had induced and was sustaining.
Half a dozen paces in front of the great desk, the color of the floor tiling was different from that of the rest of the floor.
The politicoes were no harder, perhaps, nor more ruthless, than the fighters, but they were of a different breed.
MacMaine could accept the reason for that attitude; the general's background was different from that of an Earthman, and therefore he could not be judged by Terrestrial standards.
The Decision Colonel Sebastian MacMaine didn't feel, that morning, as though this day weredifferent from any other.
Only by gathering and comparing disparate passages collected from writers of different views, of different States, and of different periods, can we get anything like a systematic presentation of the outward aspect of feminine life.
A writer has thus sketched the picture: "Let us call around her in fancy the maidens who have come from different parts of Greece to learn of her.
But there are female characters in his plays which have been pointed to as proving a very different attitude toward women.
With a different husband she might have been a good woman, but when two such natures clash much evil is bound to result.
We know almost nothing of the life of the peoples of the different nationalities, but the history of the times deals largely with the courts of the rulers, and with the wars and commercial rivalries of contending powers.
Two distinct thinkers, Bacon and Descartes, from differentpoints of view, perceived the necessity for constructing a new method of inquiry.
Hessey in 1860, though directed to a different subject, evince a knowledge of the literary studies of foreign theologians.
A truth however is contained in this opinion, though obscured by being stated with exaggeration, inasmuch as the fact is overlooked that doubts may be of many different kinds.
But the explanations above offered will show that, independently of the general law of mind just noticed, a really different moral conception was offered by Providence to the Hebrew mind through the employment of these two words.
This is only one instance among many of the close analogy which exists in the development of thought between the reformed churches in different lands.
The tendencies in the text however are rather a combination from the views of different modern authors, and cannot be definitely referred as a whole to any one single writer.
During this worthy functionary’s absence at Llandovery, yesterday, (of course his stay was not prolonged by his curiosity to examine the quality of the different taps there!
When he eulogized the Welsh harp, and gave, in addition to various pieces of silver at different times, a golden angel to Ianto Gwyn for his performances at Jack and Catty’s wedding, he gained a few steps more into their good opinion.
This at different intervals, with no small labour, they at last effected; and when the flood ran along the new channel, its deserted curve became a mess of slimy mud.
His enforced leisure at Hungerford had not been unprofitably spent, for he had listened attentively to the conversation of the different drinking parties at the tavern where he stayed; and found the dangers of the road to be the general theme.
While the cravings of hunger assailed the poor parish apprentice with unrelenting wolfishness, very different was the treatment of the suffering children of the house.
Two miles over there," he pointed in a different direction, "is the railroad.
He showed them an oak stick whose ends were whittled to thin blades that slanted in different directions.
As they enter it, eight statues, each bearing two torches, come down from their recesses, and execute a varied dance of different figures and several fine attitudes in which they place themselves at intervals.
A New York banker, say, for any one of many different reasons, wants to create a credit balance in London.
An unexpected rise in the bank rate in London, the announcement of a big loan or any one of many different happenings, are apt to cause a reduction in the exchange market and a bewildering movement of rates up and down.
As to the collateral on these foreign loans, it is evident that there is as much chance for different ways of looking at different stocks as there is in regular domestic loaning operations.
Such operations are possible, primarily, because of the fact that the same influences affect different markets in different ways.
There are times, of course, when very different conditions prevail.
A number of different agreements exist between bankers and importers to whom the bankers issue credits, as to the terms on which the importers are to be allowed to take possession of the merchandise when it arrives here.
Not infrequently, of course, sales are made simultaneously at slightly different rates, but, as a rule, if a trade is made at 4.
As to the relative importance of the different kinds of exchange, sterling, of course, occupies the most prominent position.
All the way through it must be remembered that the figures of such calculations can never be absolute--that insurance and freight charges vary and that different operations are conducted along different lines.
They were delicate features and there was an air of refinement, of thought, about Lieders's whole person, asdifferent as possible from the robust comeliness of his wife.
Buddhism has, to begin with, two distinct forms, philosophical and popular, which may practically be taken as two different religions.
They married, and produced first of all the islands of Japan big and small, and then different deities, until the birth of the Fire-God cost the divine mother her life.
It saw also that Confucian writings embraced its fifty precepts[8] detailed under the five different secular relationships of 1.
Very different from this is the aspect assumed by the popular form of Buddhism.
In the meanwhile, different military clans had been forming themselves in different parts of Japan and preparing to wage an endless series of furious battles against one another.
Here you have at least a nation different in her development from any existing people in the Occident.
Like most other nations in the East, we have been accustomed, up to this very day, to use a written language, divided within itself into several styles, which is considerably different from the vernacular.
Our actual self, notwithstanding the different clothes we have put on has ever remained true in its spirit to our native cult.
It is curious how very different children can be from their parents," said Miss Grideelen with regret in her voice.
He wanted to renew his conversation with her, but his mother had a different plan.
Now she had come to town, but in such a different way from what she had feared!
But I just hope that the day will come when I can write her father some pleasant news about Cornelli, something different from what I feel obliged to send him now.
Even the stable with the horses, the large garden with all the fruit, about which Martha had told him so much, appeared to him now in a different light.
Father said that he used to love them when he was young, but he was probably different from me.
Men had flocked in from Galicia and Catalonia, with a spirit radically different from that of Andalusians and Estremadurans.
The short period of some administrations also greatly hindered a well-ordered systematic management of the different departments of the government.
Women began to prefer them as husbands, and there was one more cause for antagonism between these scions of a common stock, whom different environment and conditions of existence had caused to drift apart, and become irreconcilably estranged.
Perhaps a man of differentdisposition would have been able to reconcile the colonists to the foreign regime.
It is needless to say that the effect of this document upon Spain was of quite a different nature.
There were as many different varieties of human disposition in those days as in these.
If Tacon had had a different sort of opponent the story would have been written along very different lines.
It would be different if demons really existed; but we know that, like gods, they are only the product of the psychic powers of man; they have been created from and out of something.
The taboo restrictions are different from religious or moral prohibitions.
Many different theories have been advanced to explain this, a review of which the reader may find in Wundt's Voelkerpsychologie (Vol.
The taboo of the second class, which has human beings for its object, is of an essentially different nature.
The term taboo is also applied to ritual prohibitions of a different nature; but its use in these senses is better avoided.
Nature loves to use identical forms in the most widely different biological connections, as, for instance, for coral stems and plants and even for certain crystals or for the formation of certain chemical precipitates.
The word taboo has had a different fate; with the diminished importance of the ambivalence which it connotes it has itself disappeared, or rather, the words analogous to it have vanished from the vocabulary.
The reader will certainly be astonished to hear from how many different points of view the answer to these questions has been attempted and how far the opinions of expert investigators vary.
Among the theories which seek to explain exogamy independently of totemism only a few need be mentioned in so far as they illustrate differentattitudes of the authors towards the problem of incest.
What can this dangerous attribute be which always remains the same under all these different conditions?
Indeed the ultimate issues of this conflict show such a diversity among different races that we would not be at a loss for examples in which the proof of such hostility would be much easier.
He had simply his pass through the lines, a vastly different thing he found from an authorized permit of absence.
It may be said of nearly all his illustrations that they present such a variety of spiritual teaching that different persons will catch from them different suggestions adapted to needs of each.
My children are different from other people's children.
Many a reeling drunkard he took to his Somerville home, nursed all night, and in the morning endeavored with all his eloquence to awaken in him a desire to live a different life.
Homeless wanderers were taken in, fed and pointed the way to a different and better life.
I am expected to preside at six different meetings to-night," he said smilingly to a friend at The Temple one evening as the membership began to stream in to look after its different lines of work.
Do not seek for a different place unless it is clear that you can do much more in another position, for they honor God most who take up His work right where they are and do faithfully the duty nearest to them.
Thousands in this country to-day have been inspired, helped, made different men and women through knowing Russell Conwell.
More than five thousand different cases are ministered to during the year in the beds and dispensary.
Mr. Gough said he was different from other people yet the years came and went, and he stayed on the public platform.
And he went out again and sat on that bench in the park, and another lady of a different form and complexion passed him with a bonnet of different shape and color, of course.
He was sometimes disobedient, often intractable, in no way different from thousands of other farm boys of those days or these.
In the pursuit of these aims, the United States and other like-minded nations find themselves directly opposed by a regime with contrary aims and a totally different concept of life.
To a casual observer our system presents no appearance of discord between the different members which compose it.
Your every voter, as surely as your Chief Magistrate, under the same high sanction, though in a different sphere, exercises a public trust.
The nature of these ties must vary with the different problems of different areas.
The collisions of party spirit which originate in speculative opinions or in different views of administrative policy are in their nature transitory.
As an older American, I remember a time when people of different race, creed, or ethnic origin in our land found hatred and prejudice installed in social custom and, yes, in law.
In the Welsh dialects, however, and in the Manx, which is a dialect of the Gaelic division of the Celtic languages, a different system of orthography has always prevailed.
This arose from a misplacing of different parts of it in the MS.
The descendants of the differentsons of Milesius likewise assume foreign characteristics.
In Ireland the Gaelic spoken in the different provinces varies, and probably has always varied from each other.
Thou can’st never tell, Ossian, son to the Queen, How different your nobles from those of my Lord.
How different Mac Cumhail, the Feinn’s noble king, All men, uninvited, might enter his great house.
As to our other subject, thedifferent degrees of heat imbibed from the sun's rays by cloths of different colours, since I cannot find the notes of my experiment to send you, I must give it as well as I can from memory.
As I could not imagine any other cause for this change of dimensions in the box, when in the different countries, I concluded, first generally that the air of England was moister than that of America.
He collected a number of glasses of different sizes, fixed them near each other on a table, and tuned them by putting into them water more or less, as each note required.
The king and the public in this case are different names for the same thing; but if we consider the king distinctly it will not lessen the crime: it is no justification of a robbery, that the person robbed was rich and able to bear it.
I make no doubt but that ridges of high mountains do often interrupt, stop, reverberate, or turn the winds that blow against them, according to the different degrees of strength of the winds, and angles of incidence.
Both hands are used, by which means different parts are played together.
In arriving at these incomes different divisors were used.
There are two general types of markets, the local, which is a special market and the general or wholesale market, both of which have different but definite requirements.
Successful marketing presupposes a knowledge of the requirements of different markets as to quality, varieties, and supply demanded in those markets.
The following table shows the number of trees required per acre atdifferent distances for the square or rectangular method and for the hexagonal method.
The needs of and the results on different soils are so variable that it is always wise to experiment on a small scale before using fertilizers extensively.
The different kinds of cover crops which may be used in the apple orchard will be considered in the next chapter as they are so closely associated with fertilization.
Mr. Burritt takes up the question of the profit in apple growing, the various kinds best suited to different parts of the country and different conditions of soil, topography, and so on.
Some varieties grow larger than others, and the same variety may vary in size on different soils.
After this period is passed and during drier weather, cultivation is carried on for a different purpose, namely, to conserve moisture by making a thin dust mulch of soil over the surface.
The characters of the different varieties grade into each other.
They were different from me, though, in many ways, principally, in their dislike for water.
The name of Lee was already upon the rolls of the university, for other representatives of different branches of the family had entered and graduated in the years gone by and had left pleasant memories behind them.
The Utah expedition was a training school for soldiers and generals, and many who afterwards gained renown and fame, under the different standards were there associated together in a common duty.
If anyone claims that there is, I would ask, How comes it that men of the highest character and candor take different views?
Of course the sun sets every evening upon the sea, as upon the land; but several different circumstances must be happily combined to produce the effect I witnessed.
How differentthe cloud appears as seen from this side and from that.
Not only do these different views prevail amongdifferent churches; they prevail also among individuals in all the churches.
As accounting for the different means so effectually used in these two cases, it may be said that they were men of different light, and hence their different treatment.
Men, of whose goodness there can be no question, hold different views.
But their surroundings may be entirely different in the next life; and they may yield speedily to the better influences.
To be sure it is a Scripture phrase; but inasmuch as it is taken to express two very different views, it ought not to be adopted.
This is no exaggeration Men believed, or tried to believe, that for certain persons of the human race there was no possibility of a different fate.
Others, with different degrees of evil still clinging to them, will have to undergo pains and penalties suitable to their condition, and so by gradual ascent attain to perfection and blessedness.
Might it not be honestly taken to mean two very different things?
And we can conceive that it may vary immensely indifferent cases.
They have an idea of different dispensations; they say that this is the dispensation of probation; that the next life is the dispensation of rewards and punishments; and so on.