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Example sentences for "compulsory"

Lexicographically close words:
compulsatory; compulsion; compulsions; compulsive; compulsorily; compunction; compunctions; compunctious; compurgation; compurgators
  1. Do I then understand from your remarks that you have arrived at last at a system of Compulsory Education?

  2. That these obstacles were at least not insuperable you may easily gather from the fact that, even in the nineteenth century, the compulsory measure existed in some parts of Germany, and met with no opposition.

  3. Let us have compulsory education for three, or even two, generations, and every citizen in the state will be so well educated himself as to know the value of education, and not to deny it his children.

  4. Has not the introduction of compulsory education been accompanied by great, almost insuperable obstacles?

  5. The object of the measure under consideration is to avoid for the future a compulsory connection of this kind.

  6. XI, holding that the action of the Council of Trent regarding the marriage contract is not dogmatic in character, and that hence the state, without violating Catholic doctrine, may rightly institute a compulsory civil marriage form.

  7. Exemption from compulsory insurance is granted to employers who have established a mutual insurance association, which must comply with certain prescribed conditions.

  8. In Austria the compulsory insurance of workmen was provided for by a law of 1887, with subsequent amendments.

  9. In France a system of compulsory state insurance against accidents was created by a law of 1898.

  10. Without interest, or enthusiasm, almost any kind of compulsory effort becomes drab and drear and irksome.

  11. And so the thousands of hours were spent with simple natural interests, in a most enjoyable way, without a thought of school-books, or anything distasteful, compulsory or confining.

  12. In Germany, compulsory insurance is provided for the workingman.

  13. One by one the states are passing compulsory education laws, and thus interfering still further with the freedom of the individual.

  14. The untrained and indocile youth, however, is made the subject of compulsory distribution.

  15. Other kinds of social amelioration undertaken by the state, through free, compulsory education, charity, and temperance legislation, are likewise interferences with competition and freedom of contract.

  16. Martyn took Hogan-Yale aside and suggested compulsory retirement from the Service as a necessity when all was discovered.

  17. They kicked against their compulsory virtue, but the attempt was only successful in the case of Ortheris.

  18. Race improvement, failure of compulsory attempts at, 27 Race improvement, Grecian methods for, 10 et seq.

  19. The labourer rectified this rate by emigration, and if the farmers, who could more advantageously have emigrated, had done so, the cry for compulsory reduction would never have arisen.

  20. He does not wish constituted society, as such, to be abolished; his "voluntary State" is distinguished from the present compulsory State in that it is absolutely free to any individual to enter or leave the State as he wishes.

  21. The one arises immediately from the pursuit of individual aims, and only contributes indirectly to the social welfare; it develops unconsciously, and is not of a compulsory character.

  22. The other, which proceeds directly from the pursuit of social aims, and only contributes indirectly to the welfare of the individual, develops consciously, and is of a compulsory character (cf.

  23. The Government tried to cater to the labor parties, brought forward plans for an income tax and for old-age pensions, and carried through a law making compulsory one day of rest out of seven for workingmen.

  24. One was the reduction of the term of compulsory military service from three to two years.

  25. Under a system of compulsory education, the Negro would much sooner learn to observe the laws of health and thus to extend his life.

  26. Would it not pay to try compulsory education?

  27. If a man goes there with pockets already well lined, intending to operate in mining stocks, he still needs the adjustable spirit, because of the new, crude, and compulsory manners of living.

  28. Knowing his own infirmities, and fearing perhaps that he might be com- pelled to make another compulsory prayer, Jack resigned his pretensions to senatorial honors at the last general election.

  29. Foreign languages are compulsory in all the advanced schools.

  30. Gottenburg is not without a cathedral and numerous fine churches, nor let us forget to speak of its excellent schools, attendance upon which is compulsory throughout Sweden.

  31. Education not being compulsory here as it is in Norway and Sweden, little benefit is consequently derived from the schools.

  32. In future, with a view to bringing those at Ranleigh to a condition of fitness, there will be compulsory exercise for all daily.

  33. The eagle eye of the Captain of the School going the round of the tables in Hall after "knock up," when there was compulsory silence, discovered the map which Masters had painted so unwittingly.

  34. Compulsory silence, however, muzzled them for the moment.

  35. The general discussion by the First Committee of the subject of the acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice took place at the third plenary meeting on the 11th September.

  36. Arbitration is to be compulsory at the request of one of the parties, and the Council is given power to appoint the arbitral body if the parties cannot agree as to its constitution.

  37. I should add, moreover, that Article 13, paragraph 1, does not render it compulsory for States to furnish this information.

  38. Compulsory arbitration is the fundamental basis of the proposed system.

  39. The absence of the barriers of compulsory arbitration and judicial intervention was evident here as everywhere else.

  40. In consequence of this difficulty an Act was passed in 1815 making it compulsory on all shipmasters to carry such mails as should be tendered to them by the Post Office.

  41. Another objection, and that of a more serious character, has been brought under my notice by various persons, who have described the proposition to repeal the compulsory newspaper stamp as one which would be most dangerous to society.

  42. By this Act prepayment of postage, hitherto compulsory in the penny post, was made optional.

  43. The Solicitor of the Board of Inland Revenue, being examined before a Committee upon the subject of class publications, was asked why class publications were not subjected to the compulsory stamp.

  44. Industrial disputes arising in such industries are subject to compulsory arbitration by the court.

  45. Due to the influence of many complicating factors, the status of compulsory arbitration in these two countries is uncertain.

  46. Compulsory sickness insurance has been highly developed in several European countries, but so far we have left insurance of this type to private effort.

  47. Compulsory insurance against old age is an important feature of social insurance systems in European countries, but it is very little known in the United States.

  48. Fourth, compulsory insurance is a social necessity, for where nothing has been laid aside for a rainy day, the interruption of earnings subjects the laborer and his family to hardship and disaster.

  49. An even more drastic form of compulsory arbitration has been adopted in Australia.

  50. In 1920, a beginning toward compulsory old age insurance was made, when a Federal law provided for compulsory old age insurance for the civil service employees of the Federal government.

  51. By many it is believed that compulsory arbitration is the most effective method of securing industrial peace, but for reasons already given, the extension of this form of arbitration will probably be slow in this country.

  52. Of those who do comply with the school attendance laws, there is a considerable percentage which cannot acquire an adequate education within the limits of the compulsory school period.

  53. The question of compulsory old age insurance is also being agitated in a number of states.

  54. In the Compulsory Referendum, which is the most common form, a measure must be submitted to the people whenever a designated number of voters petition that this step be taken.

  55. What is the purpose of compulsory voting?

  56. The fine usually takes the form of a compulsory feast to the male members of the caste.

  57. Although these institutions are not places of imprisonment, yet they are places of compulsory detention, and contain a very considerable proportion of juvenile delinquents.

  58. The scheme is a remarkable blending of the prescribed and the elective systems, and provides for the freshman year five compulsory studies, viz.

  59. Where are your free and compulsory schools?

  60. Those who propose the compulsory eight hours would presumably wish wages to be maintained at the present standard; it would hardly be a popular cry if it would have the effect of bringing wages down.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compulsory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; binding; compelling; compulsive; compulsory; conclusive; decisive; driving; entailed; exigent; final; imperative; imperious; importunate; imposed; incumbent; indispensable; inevitable; involuntary; irresistible; irrevocable; mandated; mandatory; must; necessary; obligation; obligatory; peremptory; prescriptive; pressing; required; ultimate; urgent; vital

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    compulsory arbitration; compulsory education; compulsory labor; compulsory labour; compulsory service