I thought this extremely friendly, and another instance of theunadulterated kindness of heart found in Saharan traders.
With these I feel I can hold free converse and interchange anunadulterated sympathy.
The more sublime the drama, the more profound the analysis to which the poet has had to subject the raw materials of daily life in order to obtain the tragic element in its unadulterated form.
On two occasions only have I been able to observe this style of the comic in its unadulterated state, and in both I received the same impression.
But, on the other hand, the pleasure caused by laughter, even on the stage, is not an unadulterated enjoyment; it is not a pleasure that is exclusively esthetic or altogether disinterested.
I am convinced one good harvest made by unadulterated free labor in the south would have a far better effect than all the oaths that have been taken, and all the ordinances that have as yet been passed by southern conventions.
He must not imagine that he is writing to suit the whims, fancies and caprices of a single individual, but must confine himself to the pure and unadulterated truth.
And no medium expresses line in as pure andunadulterated a fashion as etching.
People on the whole prefer brightness to æsthetic gloom, and refuse to accept the unadulterated truth.
In addition to the few instances of flagrant dishonesty, or culpable extravagance which were pointed out to Chichester, information was given him of many--very many cases of pure and unadulterated misfortune.
It was true that she looked upon her services to those masters with disgust; but the feeling had little reference to pure and unadulteratedfeminine modesty.
He was an out-and-out Flamite of the first water, and an unadulterated Quodlibetarian in every sentiment.
Its little church was undergoing renovation when we were here two years ago, and now seems to be quite renewed, with the exception of its square, gray, battlemented tower, which has still the aspect of unadulterated antiquity.
Did you ever offer the workmen who found it a nominal reward--say five shillings--for the first perfectly unanswerable specimen of a genuine unadulterated antediluvian toad?
There is something very fascinating about the naïf belief that the neolithic axe is a genuine unadulterated thunderbolt.
Their pretty, coaxing ways and pretences of affection areunadulterated guile; their ostentatious devotion, simply a clever manœuvre to excite interest and obtain unmerited praise.
It is pure, unadulterated perversity, else why should he invariably choose the mildest mornings to show what his engines can do?
One would have to be an unadulteratedsentimentalist to contend that the passing of the natives is not justified by the present development of the Antipodes.
The problem is one of unadulterated education, of education in the simple arts of self-support among the primitive people, and self-government among the more advanced.
I instantly went and examined the phial from which I had taken the medicine, which was left on the mantel, and found it was pure, unadulterated quinine, don't you see?
Yes, their contents is pure, unadulterated quinine.
The utmost care should be taken under all circumstances to procure genuine unadulterated bread for children, as the great support of life.
If we would but be content with unadulterated luxuries, we have them at our command; and provided they are not indulged to excess, are of decided advantage to our health.
I can not well conceive how a larger share of unadulterated physical comfort could have been compressed into the five solid hours for which we kept it up.
During my two days experience as an "Arkansas Traveler" I think I heard more expletive, unadulterated "cussin" from the driver of that wagon than it has ever been my misfortune to listen to.
You know the unadulterated pleasure of that first clear morning in the Hills when a month's solid idleness lies before the loafer, and the scent of the deodars mixes with the scent of the meditative cigar.
We aren't going to let you down into unadulterated vice all at once.
Impressionism was the unadulteratedreproduction of atmosphere, the smile or frown of a mood in nature.
Instructions were then given me how to work my way into a lodge of unadulterated Know Nothings.
The feelings wereunadulterated neediness because of his adultery-the jealous biological programming of a woman.
Here is a field of good, unadulterated worldliness.
Nowhere are the charms of pure, unadulterated animal food set forth in more imposing style.
This was a true, unadulterated democracy, without a two-chamber system, without a professional bureaucracy, with the right of the voters to recall their representative at will and to substitute another.
This is a true, unadulterated democracy, without a two-chamber system, without a professional bureaucracy, with the right of the voters to recall their deputy any moment and to substitute another for him.
There are, of course, exceptions, dear souls who love to look at unadulterated goodness; but they are so charitable they will forgive you the spots on the sun, and so truthful they will not require you to be false in order to please them.
Were the purpose only to ascertain the acoustic properties of unadulterated air, varied experiments might eliminate the errors of anomalous results.
The doctors may be all right, but what are they going to do if we men behind the prescription cases don't supply them with unadulterated drugs.
I don't see what bigger thing a man can do than to combine pure, clean, unadulterated roots and barks into medicines that will cool fevers, stop chills, and purify bad blood.
He rose by degrees, and at length became the most renowned of dramatic caterers for those classes who are prone to enjoy the unadulterated drama.
They speak the genuine, unadulterated vulgar tongue of the City.