They generally nominated their friends, which affords a presumptive proof that they supposed the act would have gone down.
In the Orbiney Papyrus the title of "Prince of Kûsh" was assigned to the heir-presumptive to the throne.
These were true charges, at least there is strong presumptive reason for believing that they were true.
The witnesses upon whose testimony the prisoners under the Popish Plot were condemned, were even inferior to Teukrus and Diokleidês in presumptive credibility.
The fact that the Florence here described has been discarded by all vineyardists is presumptive evidence that the variety has little intrinsic value and this proves to be the case in New York.
NOTE New biological detection equipment is under development that will enable units to conductpresumptive identification of biological warfare agents.
Biological Warfare Agent Presumptive Identification= Identification of a suspect biological warfare agent by means of devices/materials/technologies that are based detecting biological markers (biomarkers) using a single methodology.
I was ordered to gather together all the presumptive proofs that were formerly mentioned:.
Undoubtedly this dedication might easily and fairly be taken as strong presumptive evidence of a leaning on Swift's part towards the Pretender.
One of the presumptive arguments of Braddon, in a pamphlet published long afterwards, is, that the king and his brother were in the Tower on the morning of Lord Essex's death.
That he aimed at such a sovereignty as Cromwell had usurped has been the natural conjecture of many, but does not appear to me either warranted by any presumptive evidence, or consonant to the good sense and phlegmatic temper of Monk.
They are appealed to, and even by the Heir Presumptive to the throne from his seat in Parliament.
Footnote: This case (on which I laid no inconsiderable stress in my late treatise, as presumptive evidence of the fact adduced) seems to have been either mistaken or overlooked by those who have commented upon it.
It is therefore no mean discovery, I think, to fund that our small short-winged summer birds of passage are to be seen spring and autumn on the very skirts of Europe; it is a presumptive proof of their emigrations.
The elder received the heritage of his father and the younger was declared Crown Prince, that is to say heir-presumptive to the throne.
The chief officers of state and the people continued to regard him as the heir-presumptive to the crown.
The heir-presumptive to the throne has command of the navy, and of his private body guard of 5,000 men.
After an academical education in his own country, he came to Europe, was twice at Hanover, and was introduced to the Court there when the Princess Sophia was the presumptive heiress to the British crown.
All this ispresumptive evidence; the following is direct.
I shall have occasion to speak of direct and indirect evidences; of positive and presumptive evidences; but all this will be developed as the statement of the evidences and the argument proceed.
The distinction, however, between direct and presumptive (or circumstantial) evidence is now generally abandoned; all evidence being now more or less direct and more or less presumptive.
This year (1814) the Princess Charlotte, heiress presumptive actually ran away in a hackney coach, to avoid being affianced to the Prince of Orange, to whom Her Royal Highness evinced an invincible repugnance.
My daughter will for the first time appear in the splendour and publicity becoming the approaching nuptials of the presumptive heiress of this empire.
Now the heir-presumptive to the throne was the Princess Alexandrina Victoria, a child then only eleven years old.
Queen guilty, and, even where it might be believed, it was only of a presumptive and inconclusive nature.