They fled from your tyranny to a then uncultivated, inhospitable country, where they exposed themselves to almost all the hardships to which human nature is liable.
The Congress talked loudly of the tyranny of the British Government.
Mr. Hutchinson was doubtless temperamentally less inclined to fear tyranny than anarchy.
Was any tyranny worse than that of self-constituted committees which, in the name of liberty, were daily conducting the most hateful inquisition into the private affairs of free British subjects?
Anarchists are tempted to preach a violent and implacable resistance to all law as the only remedy; and the result of that speedily is that people welcome any tyranny that will rescue them from chaos.
The first prize at your festival would be almost as well worth having as the tyranny itself.
The Spartan governors in allied or conquered cities were almost proverbial for profligacy, tyranny and corruption.
In our fourth of July orations, we are much in the habit of talking about the tyranny of England!
Some authentic records of female cruelty would seem perfectly incredible, were it not an established law of our nature that tyranny becomes a habit, and scenes of suffering, often repeated, render the heart callous.
The beginning of his bondage is the triumph of power over weakness; its continuation is the tyranny of knowledge over ignorance.
Freedom made the Grecians great and glorious--tyranny has made them stupid and miserable.
The last play written by Marlowe was Edward II, which dealt with a man who might have been powerful, since he was a king, but who furnished a terrible example of weakness and petty tyrannythat ended miserably in a dungeon.
As a result of that war, England was for a brief period a commonwealth, disciplined at home and respected abroad, through the genius and vigor and tyranny of Oliver Cromwell.
Knowledge is power, and this with virtue and wisdom united, guided by inspiration, ignorance and tyranny will alike be impotent against the growing hosts of Israel.
This prelatical tyrannyshould not be tolerated by any Danish man.
When I say such a union is impossible, I mean without the most grievous tyranny and oppression.
France was as liberal of friendship and good services as England was of tyranny and cruelties.
Sin brings all into bondage, and exerciseth the most perfect tyranny over them that can be imagined, makes men to serve all its imperious lusts, and then all the wages is death,—it binds them over to judgment.
And therefore he hath almighty power to raise up dead sinners; to create us again to good works; to redeem us from the tyranny of sin and Satan, whose slaves we are.
Sin hath a powerful dominion and tyranny over every man by nature.
The more influential of their ministers, and the principal part of their gentry, had previously retired to Scotland to escape the tyranny of Strafford and the severities of the bishops and were thus providentially preserved.
Tyranny is regarded as no wrong, and cannibalism is looked upon as quite customary and proper.
Such a boy will have suffering enough from the selfish tyranny of his companions; he ought to find in you, a protector and friend.
It was a time when life in the navy was very rough, when the lash was unsparingly used for the smallest offences, and when too many ships were made floating hells by the tyrannyof their commanders.
He has sent us to put an end to the tyrannyof the robber of crowns, and Queen Louisa is looking down and praying for us and Prussia's honor.
Germany will rise to avenge the martyrdom of the queen; Germany's wrath will be kindled anew by the sufferings of this august victim that Napoleon's tyranny has wrung from us.
She was forced to forego her own inclinations to escape the tyranny of Rufus," returned Henry.
The dread night oftyranny is not yet past for Russia.
There is no limit, it seems, to the tyranny of one man; but there shall be a limit to the suffering of a whole people.
The man Ivan whom men call the Czar strikes now at our mother with a dagger deadlier than ever forged by tyranny against a people's life!
What root should there be of discontent among the people but tyranny and injustice amongst their rulers?
Villiam, solemnly, "it is one of the wronged children of tyranny warbling the suppressed hymn of his injured people.
We have borne with Great Britain a great while, my boy; but it is now time for us to take Canada, and wipe every vestige of British tyranny from the face of the Globe.
At the same time this Tyranny was laid, Sciences and Arts were encouraged in the most generous Manner, as if Men of higher Faculties were to be bribed to permit the Massacre of the rest of the World.
Footnote 5: When the tyranny of French criticism had imprisoned nearly all our poetry in the heroic couplet, outside exercise was allowed only to those who undertook to serve under Pindar.
The whole world is acquainted with your gallant efforts to abolish tyranny and give liberty to South America.
This glory was reserved to the liberating army, whose efforts have snatched from the hands of tyranny these respectable victims.
Superstition has made the Kashmiri timid; tyranny has made him a liar; while physical disasters have made him selfish and pessimistic.
For Tacitus the prospect is not wholly cheerless, the detested tyranny was at an end, and its effects might disappear with a more beneficent rule.
At the same time he loved his people and honestly desired to do his best for them; and gladly would he have made great sacrifices to bring about their emancipation from the priestly tyranny that oppressed them.
I fancy that Naples has felt the damage of Spanish taste in such things as well as Spanish tyranny in others.
Meantime, while Passerino had done everything to settle himself comfortably and permanently in thetyranny of Mantua, his worthless son Francesco fell in love with the wife of Filippino Gonzaga.
And the worst of it is that presents are usually given on the reciprocity plan--the custom has well nigh left the realm of sentiment and degenerated into social tyranny or brute selfishness.
When enough people in a revolt against tyranny it becomes a successful revolution and its promoters are enshrined in history as worthy patriots.
American citizens of their rights to an extent that suggests the impudence of Germany's swell-head emperor or the pettytyranny of the Turk.
Its tyranny became insupportable, murderous, there was a new declaration of American independence, and now this J.
I know no case in which injustice and tyranny are so often practised as at the dinner-table.
How very easy is it to paint in odious colours the tyranny that would check the divine efforts of the immortal mind!
Mr. Thorold Rogers says:--'I entirely discredit the stories told of the tyrannyand suspiciousness of Edward IV.
He made it his endeavour, so far as it lay in his power, to prevent tyranny for the future (p.
But after seventy-three years of tyrannythe Great Queen began to reign.