Bored to extinction with the heroine, who only became interesting on the villain's advent, as his predestined prey, we thenceforth heard no more of her until his antecedents had been set forth in solid slabs of the pluperfect tense.
In the one case it was the predestined men of action who faltered and failed of their opportunity.
Women who are predestined to love, themselves struggle a long time against that grace of love which is more terrible than the thunderbolt that fell on the road to Damascus.
In this love for love's sake, Augustin discerned the sign of the predestined soul whose tenderness will find no rest but in God.
The purity of the young Adeodatus predestined him to this ascetic existence.
We are fully persuaded that the Irish race is now, and ever has been, predestined to fulfill a high mission on this earth.
The continent had evidently been predestined to form one of the strongest branches of the great Catholic tree.
When the gods saw how much he grew every day, and all prophecies declared that he was predestined to become fatal to them, they resolved to make a very strong fetter, which they called Lading.
This leader was a certain Maxence Gilet, commonly called Max, whose antecedents, no less than his youth and his vigor, predestined him for such a part.
Birotteau was one of those beings who are predestinedto suffer because, being unable to see things, they cannot avoid them; to them the worst happens.
In the former, the members of the society are each organically predestined to the performance of one particular class of functions only.
It was a large waiting, patient and deep, the waiting for something predestined and inevitable that could take its time.
How can Sophie be a companion for him, and an instructor for their children, unless she likewise has been left in the hands of nature, and had the same chances permitted to her as were given to her predestined mate?
It had cried only once, and that was upon its entrance into the predestined conditions.
But the intrinsic magnificence, interest, nature, abundance of Tom Jones can only be missed by those who were predestined to miss them.
For a time he hesitated between pen and pencil, the latter of which implements he fortunately never abandoned, though the former was hispredestined wand.
But still it must be held that He hath not predestined the will; though He sometimes inclines it to good, and the Devil sometimes inclines it to evil.
When a Muslim, therefore, feels an inclination to make use of medicine for the cure of a disease, he should do so, in the hope of its being predestined that he shall be so cured.
Does this not mean that, in His own eternity, and in His co-eternal word, that which was to be in its own time was already predestined and fixed?
The active principle, so strong in the predestined artist, stirred suddenly in her breast, and she felt the instant of blind terror which comes with the realisation of the fleeting possibilities of earth.
The fact remains, however, that he is going to New York to become a playwright, and that he has two idols in the market place which, I fancy, you may be predestined to see demolished.
That is, they were 'predestined to an adoption' (Eph.
What God predestined He accomplished first in summary 'in Christ Jesus.
Thus {65} men may be predestined to temporary rejection of God, as in St. Paul's mind the majority of the contemporary Jews were.
Their lives would again be the same as before, with the regularity of the laws of nature, which seem to swerve at times, but finally return to their orderly predestined course.
Creator;--for while I considered myself predestined to salvation, I thought others simply passed over, notpredestined to eternal death.