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Example sentences for "predetermined"

Lexicographically close words:
predestinated; predestination; predestined; predetermination; predetermine; predetermining; predial; predicable; predicables; predicament
  1. What he taught by his example was reduction to a straight predetermined course; and he made clear to succeeding writers the necessity of striving for unity of impression through strict unity of form.

  2. Thus matter may be entirely passive, and the history of nations, stories of kings, down to the smallest details in the life of individuals, be phonographed out according to predetermined marks in the æther.

  3. Fuses and automatic circuit-breakers alike are intended to break connections without the intervention of human agency under certain predetermined conditions.

  4. Had the voltage risen on opening the switch above the predetermined amount there would have been an arc formed by a spark jumping the distance between the pointed terminals.

  5. The likeness is occasionally too strange, or demands too peculiar a point of view, or is such as appears the creature of predetermined research, rather than spontaneous presentation.

  6. But I can truly say, that the grief with which I read this rhapsody of predetermined insult, had the rhapsodist himself for its whole and sole object.

  7. Moreover, it presents an individual or ontogenetic evolution during the life of each person, which in its principal traits is predetermined in the germ, by the phylogenetic or hereditary energies of the species.

  8. According to Weismann, each ide is subdivided into "determinants" from which each part of the body is derived, being potentially predetermined in them.

  9. This case is very instructive, for it clearly shows how the psycho-sexual personality may be predetermined by heredity in the brain alone, independently of the sexual organs, and even act without a trace of sexual sensation or appetite.

  10. Providing there is enough power in the water wheel to continue turning the drum at its predetermined speed, the dynamo will keep on giving more and more electricity if asked to, until it finally destroys itself by fire.

  11. The testator designates his heir, and binds himself to grant to him at the predetermined time (ch.

  12. Allegory was the instrument of Rabbinical and Alexandrine Scripturists, an infallible device for extracting the predetermined sense from the letter of the sacred text.

  13. Here, it is said, is a fine example of the art, familiar to theologians, of torturing out of a word a predetermined sense, foreign to its original meaning.

  14. Movements and armies have predetermined action; governments have reflected it.

  15. When policy is predetermined by tradition, thought is easy, action relatively more difficult; when there is discord even on fundamentals, thought is difficult, action easy.

  16. The predetermined period of tutelage as decreed was passing, while the inauguration of constitutional government had to be deferred.

  17. The same character pervades the treatise, De Aëre, Locis et Aquis, a definite and predetermined field of inquiry, and the Hippokratic treatises generally.

  18. Antiphon, about to employ this anti-popular force in one systematic scheme, and for the accomplishment of a predetermined purpose, keeps still within the same ostensible constitutional limits.

  19. Without wishing to be harsh or uncharitable, we must conscientiously express our fears that the latter was the case; and that Rainsfield's apparent sorrow for the fate of his victims was a predetermined link of his scheme.

  20. This was Dugingi and a select band of confederates, his supporters in the late discussion; and they moved away from the camp, to carry out their predetermined plot of robbing the store of the Strawberry Hill station.

  21. Who or what planted the germ of the biological tree, and predetermined all its branches?

  22. There must have been a predetermined tendency to variation in certain directions.

  23. Antecedent to it were, first, the conception that this world is a preparation for the kingdom of God, and, later, the thought that life is an education in accordance with a predetermined plan.

  24. For the same reason, his view of the possible community of substances could not represent it but as a predetermined harmony, and by no means as a physical influence.

  25. The relations between the sexes, as well as those between mother and child, are manifestly predetermined in the physiological organization of the individual man and woman.

  26. It is apparent that the different animal groups behave in ways that are distinctive and characteristic, ways which are predetermined in the organism to an extent that is not true of human beings.

  27. Similarly among the peasants of Europe, represented by our immigrant groups, all lines of behavior are predetermined for the individual by tradition.

  28. No Democrat was the predetermined candidate of his party when it met at Chicago in July, 1896.

  29. The organization was reluctant to take up the silver issue and the predetermined candidate was uncertain upon it.

  30. Only this can account for the violent wrenching of life and character in them to suit the requirements of a predetermined idea.

  31. Purpose for which anything is destined; predetermined end, object, or use; ultimate design.

  32. That to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom.

  33. Working terms, terms which as working are flexible and historic, relative and methodological, are transformed into absolute, fixed, and predetermined properties of being.

  34. Yet they are full of unexamined assumptions; they commit us to all sorts of logically predetermined conclusions.

  35. His impetuous eloquence it was which swept the Constitutional Convention, and carried the plank for universal suffrage triumphantly to victory against predetermined plans of the Conservative leaders.

  36. As that was my predetermined destination, I permitted him to precede me there, carrying my bags.

  37. For a symbol of the flow of time in waking consciousness, imagine yourself in a railway carriage which jogs along a main-travelled line at a rate predetermined by the time-table.

  38. But in each reincarnation, however predetermined every act and event, their reaction upon consciousness remains a matter of determination--is therefore self-determined.

  39. His objection is the very indefinite ground which Colonel Burr has assumed, in which he is sorry to be able to discern nothing short of predetermined hostility.

  40. Colonel Burr disavows all motives of predetermined hostility, a charge by which he thinks insult added to injury.

  41. It must be somewhat predetermined by your Meaning.

  42. So likewise if we wish to use part of a store of building materials or of food, or of any other subdivisible commodity, we encounter an ordered system of consumption rather than a single predetermined use which we have not yet enjoyed.

  43. Working terms, terms which as working are flexible and historic, relative, are transformed into absolute, fixed, and predetermined forms of being.

  44. Mr. Slope had predetermined to hate the man because he foresaw the necessity of fighting him.

  45. It was not that he had predetermined never to influence their thoughts, but he was so habitually idle that his time for doing so had never come till the opportunity for doing so was gone forever.

  46. By his guess at her character (knowledge of it, he would have said), he judged that no storm would daunt her on a predetermined expedition.

  47. For he was of the order of gentlemen of the obscurely-clear in mind who have a predetermined acuteness in their watch upon the human play, and mark men and women as pieces of a bad game of chess, each pursuing an interested course.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "predetermined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; aforethought; bound; certain; clear; conclusive; decisive; definite; destined; determinate; determined; fatal; fated; forgone; ineluctable; inevitable; limited; measured; necessary; positive; preconceived; predestined; predetermined; predisposed; prejudicial; premeditated; presumed; presupposed; specific; sure; true; unambiguous; unavoidable; unequivocal; univocal; unmistakable