In repressive regimes, popular frustrations often have no outlet except through violence.
Such acts are a reproach to the community where they occur, and so far as they can be made the subject of Federal jurisdiction the strongest repressive legislation is demanded.
What this newly roused vigor of thought might have accomplished except for the repressive hand of the Church we cannot tell.
Charles began his reign with repressive measures against the Puritan influences.
The Conservatives not only wanted us to administrate with vigour; they wished us to take advantage of our victory to pass preventive and repressive laws.
Any repressive or retrograde measures in either of these directions would, without doubt, meet with strong and, to a great extent, reasonable opposition in England.
And yet this question is raised with great frequency in the case of the Jews, for the purpose of proving the need of repressive measures and framing a stronger indictment against the Jewish population.
For while the majority of the Commission were in favor of gradual reforms, the minority advocated the continuation of the oldrepressive policy.
The system of repressive and discriminating measures must give way to a graduated system of emancipatory and equalizing laws.
The repressive policy, taken by itself, has been and will always be the first and main source of the clannishness of the Jews and their aloofness from Russian life.
I now pass on to two of the recentrepressive measures, the Press Act and the Defence of India Act.
Their propaganda has compelled the Government to adopt the severest repressive measures open to a foreign government.
Religion and Woman's Foibles The repressive characteristics of the creed of the hour were felt more keenly by those women than probably any man of the period ever dreamed.
These repressive tactics took on a variety of forms, some of which are not ordinarily included in the definitions of repression.
Vigorous repressive measures, and, especially, reviving prosperity, brought the movement to an end.
They were met by severe repressive legislation, introduced by Lord Liverpool's government, a notable feature in the opposition to which was Lord Byron's speech in the House of Lords.
The hounds, too, meeting regularly once a week during the winter months, exercised a repressive influence upon the dingos, so much so, that M.
Habitually repressive of emotion, he would show them, in this form, how he demonstrated the feelings to which he denied utterance.
The repressive legislation was accomplishing its object and hopes were entertained that, with the aid of the inspired teaching of San Vicente, Judaism would become extinct throughout Spain.
This constant pressure on the part of their spiritual guides began to make an impression on the ruling classes, and repressive legislation becomes frequent in the Córtes.
The economic effect was intensified by the inclusion of the Mudéjares in the repressive legislation; commerce and manufactures decayed and many products which Spain had hitherto exported she was now obliged to import at advanced prices.
The fright was superfluous for, in the turbulence of the time, the repressive legislation was speedily becoming obsolete.
At Ayllon, in 1411, he represented to the regents the necessity of further repressive legislation and his eloquence was convincing.
The prayers attributed to the Jews were the subject of repeated repressive legislation.
In common with other vital faculties, his power of expressing himself in speech has withered in the repressive atmosphere to which he has so long been exposed.
Repressive measures are getting stronger and more severe.
It was the most severe, repressive penitentiary in the country--still filled with common criminals--and the English nurse was given the same treatment and rations as the worst murderer of the lot.
Recent repressivemeasures on the part of the Dutch Government made matters worse.
Metternich, who was then in Rome, instantly drew up a scheme for further repressive measures and summoned the ministers of the various German States for a meeting at Carlsbad.
The treaty also provided for a joint repressive action against the slave trade, and for the extradition of criminals.
The government of Louis Philippe resorted to severerepressive measures, and trials for sedition were common.
Its application involves the existence of a judicial and repressive apparatus, and it becomes thus the more odious as its coercive force is the more sure.
The same children are shy and repressive in other things.
Sidenote: Ultimate failure of the repressive policy of Charles.
A few other governors, among them the new governor of Bessarabia, Urussov, also expressed themselves in favor of mitigating the repressive policy against the Jews.
The revolutionary manœuvres of the Armenians and the repressive measures of the Turks, with their mutual repercussions, could not but quicken the old feuds; so the outcome was a wretched one for both parties.
But the address he read could not receive any publicity owing to the special repressive measures taken by the Government of India.
To this I reply that Marston's greatness had yet a certain repressive power upon the man who despised him, so that he never uttered his worst thoughts or revealed his worst basenesses in his presence.
The firm belief in the doctrine of child depravity compelled conscientious men to be repressive and coercive in their discipline.
There was no more depressing tyranny in the time of Dickens than the tyranny exercised in the name of a rigid and repressive religion.
These repressive measures apparently had no effect in checking the movement, for Negroes continued to move to the North in large numbers.
The first repressivemove made by the South to check the movement was that against the labor agents of the North, who undoubtedly were the chief instrumentalities through which the migration was kept in operation.
To find out the extent to which this exploded doctrine of Law and Order influences the minds of sober and learned men we have only to read the report of the Committee appointed to examine the repressive laws.