And, because the parts of absolute space do not fall under our senses, instead of them we are obliged to use their sensible measures, and so define both place and motion with respect to bodies which we regard as immovable.
And because the parts of absolute space do not fall under our senses, instead of them we are obliged to use their sensible measures; and so define both place and motion with respect to bodies which we regard as immoveable.
This leads into an inquiry about relative space as well as relative place, and the intelligibility of absolute space, place, and motion (sect.
That is not all: 1º There is no absolute spaceand we can conceive only of relative motions; yet usually the mechanical facts are enunciated as if there were an absolute space to which to refer them.
We know that from this fact Newton inferred the existence of absolute space; I myself am quite unable to adopt this view.
If there is no absolute space, can one turn without turning in reference to something else?
Absolute space is not necessary as a conception of an actual object, but as an Idea which can serve as rule.
Let us not talk of an absolute space as the presupposition of all our constructed figures.
Absolute space cannot be object of experience; for space without matter is no object of perception, and yet it is a necessary conception of Reason, and therefore nothing but a mere Idea.
A few minutes ago in speaking of the deduction of the orthodox formulae for relative motion I said that they followed as an immediate deduction from the assumption of absolute points in absolute space.
So far I have discussed the bifurcation of nature in connexion with the theories of absolute time and of absolute space.
What appears in our dynamical treatises is Newton's doctrine of relative motion based on the doctrine of differential motion in absolute space.
We come to think of the space and time we perceive as parts of an absolute space and an absolute time.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "absolute space" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.