He stopped and gasped as if his rage were choking him and it was some moments before he went on: "You have given the fellow power to humble us and drag our name in the mud.
So far, she had been able to check his cautious advances, but she now remarked a new confidence that seemed to indicate he had some power in reserve.
Alvarez lived with Indian frugality and looked ascetic; besides he had been long in power and had no doubt had opportunities for enriching himself at his country's expense.
The trouble was, they sometimes gave the man who could use them power to rob his poorer neighbors.
They know I've no power over them and take advantage of the situation.
Kit saw that concentrated power was often dangerous, and since unorganized, individual effort was no longer profitable, he knew no cure but cooperation.
His yards were full and more coal was coming in, but he saw that if he let the farmers beat him his power to overcharge them another time would be gone.
But those in power desired to shield culprits of high rank and to defend the effete organisation of the French War-office.
I think not, and there are moments when I almost wish that we may never have it in our power to test the question.
I believe that the poet is born a poet, and the artist an artist; but I also believe the poetry of the one and the art of the other to be only diverse manifestations of a power that is universal in its application.
She was not insensible, but pain had deprived her of the power of speech.
Give power in equal quantity to your Columbus and your Raffaelle, and circumstance shall decide which will achieve the New World, and which the Transfiguration.
In order, Mademoiselle, that you may still have it in your powerto become the purchaser.
Much of the subject was as yet only indicated, but enough was already there to tell the tragic story and display the power of the painter.
It was a powerover which I had no control, and sought to have none.
I do not see of what good it can be to either her or me, or in what sense I can be said to have gained even thepower to protect and serve her.
At last, when the fifth day came round--the fifth day of the third week of her absence--I became so languid and desponding that I lost all power of application.
I say, what could I do, but flush up all suddenly with pleasure, and stare at it withoutpower at first to utter a single word?
What a reply, too, it is to all the early critical opposition which made out that there was nothing in Verdi beyond the power of adapting his countrymen's melodic commonplaces, and stringing them together suitably for a speedy oblivion!
Strikingly successful as the master has been with his First and Second period operas, they were not productions that reflected the fullest power of the high-minded musician.
The work itself possesses the beauties and defects peculiar to Verdi--a certain grandeur of conception and power of dramatic effect is even more striking here than in many other of the maestro's compositions.
Make, not break, should be, but is not, the motto for every censor entrusted with the power of the press-pen.
She had no time for chagrin at her loss of power over him, though she was sensible of vexation.
I know that I cannot rely on the king's luck or on the skill of his generals, or on the power of his army, or on the spirit in Lombardy: neither on men nor on angels.
Those which are the forces of the outer world are as shadows to the powerwe have created within us.
As he was not unlike Angelo Guidascarpi in figure, he became uneasy lest they should blunder 'twixt him and La Scala; and the notion of any human powerstopping him short of that destination, made Ammiani's hand perfectly firm.
The Chief alone showed no sign beyond a half lifting of the hand, and a most luminous fixed observation of the fair young woman, from whom power was an emanation, free of effort.
Even Beppo was amazed to see that the man had lost the power to obey or to speak.
Partly to show her accurate power of guessing, and chiefly that she might reprove Laura's insulting whisper, which outraged and irritated her as much as if "Oh!
Likewise, all trains from the Tunnel Line will change from electric to steam motive power there, and passengers coming from Jersey City and the southern section of New York City can take through trains at the Harrison Transfer platforms.
And then will they see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
Is not this the cause of your error," replied Jesus--"your ignorance alike of the Scriptures and of the power of God?
Immediately Jesus, well knowing that healing power had gone from within Him, turned round in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?
There is no reason why the power of sight should not be cultivated, enlarged, expanded indefinitely.
A strange power pressed it and moulded it, as it revolved, and through all the dizziness and pain it felt that it was taking a new form.
Then he toiled day and night to make the dyke, and ever by night Flumen came and strove with him, and did his power to cast him down and strangle him.
This night is the hour of darkness and the power of winter, of sacrifice and mighty fear.
He had won the favor of the apostate Emperor Julian, whose vain efforts to restore the worship of the heathen gods, some twenty years ago, had opened an easy way to wealth and power for all who would mock and oppose Christianity.
You have not learned the power of far sight, the secret of Spy Rock.
For no son of Abraham will ever again rival the power which Joseph had in the palaces of Egypt, or the magnificence of Solomon throned between the lions in Jerusalem.
The author was one who, with a power which no one had wielded before him, carried off his readers into exotic lands, and whose art, in appearance most simple, proved a genuine enchantment for the imagination.
It was only the wind, the great motive breath of all this disorder, the voice of the invisible power ruling all.
This power of vision permitted him to apprehend only the appearance of things, not their reality; he was conscious of the nothingness of nothing, of the dust of dust.
They seemed without power to tear themselves apart, and knew nothing and desired nothing beyond that long kiss of consecrated love.
In the midst of that immensity of fluid in this dull weather, seeming to be almost without consistence, she had been seized by some resistless immovable power hidden beneath the waves; she was tight in its grasp, and might perish there.
God not contented to each kind to give, And to infuse the vertue generative, By his wise power made many creatures breed Of liveless bodies, without Venus deed.
And the great Naturallist Pliny sayes, "That Natures great and wonderful power is more demonstrated in the Sea, then on the Land.
Several cases were before the courts undecided, and until a decision was reached, the owners of the patent would do all in their power to prevent any one from interfering in the business which they proposed to make a monopoly.
George; and then all four of the partners looked at each other in a dazed way, as if they had suddenly been deprived of the power of speech.
It has thirteen times the force of gunpowder, exploding so much more suddenly than that agent does, that in reality it is much more powerful, and it is this same rapid explosive power that prevents it from being used in fire-arms.
He said nothing more against the departure of his guests, but did all in his power to aid them in getting ready for the journey.
The service crews had shut down the big power plants and turned off the air exchangers and already the heat from the massive engines made the compartment uncomfortably warm.
Illustration] By this time the kids realized they had been spotted and they cranked their makeshift power plant up to the last notch.
Public demand for faster and more powerful vehicles had forced the automotive industry to put more and more power under the touch of the ever-growing millions of drivers crowding the continent's roads.
Now, no power in three nations could "fix" that ticket.
If we could put rollers under the drag, less pulling powerwould be needed.
To relieve friction I would run mypower waggon on smooth iron rails, then the loss in power would be gained in speed.
Holding back this forward movement by means of a horizontal rope attached to a dynamometer, I found that the traction power developed by the motor in my propeller with two arms, each measuring one metre across, was as high as 11.
This permitted me to use common illuminating gas, whose lifting power is about half that of hydrogen.
Folly in fools bears not so strong a note As fool'ry in the wise when wit doth dote, Since all the power thereof it doth apply To prove, by wit, worth in simplicity.
How often he had been the life of any party in any class of society, and that not by starting amusements, not by any power of initiation, but by a gift for making others feel pleased, first with themselves, and consequently with life.
Evidently Madame Danterre had had a kind of almost uncanny power of terrifying the soldier.
Such silence did not show any special power of reserve; many children brought up like Molly will carefully conceal knowledge which they believe that those in authority over them suppose them not to possess.
Edmund felt how amazingly some women have the power of making others accept them as a higher product of creation, until their most minute bodily wants seem to themselves and those about them to have a sacred importance.
The cases on the top of it were heavy, and Molly had to strain herself to move them, but she was very strong, and every reserve of muscular power was called out unconsciously to meet her need.
The cry was more passionate than spiritual perhaps, but the longing had its power to help.
No, it was almost more as if she were emptying her mind of any conscious action that her whole power of instinctive perception might have play.
She writhed under the caress of his voice; it had power still.
But then, you see, Carey, that with her power of believing what she likes, and of intriguing without knowing it, I am not quite sure that she will last very well.
She knew that her mother was one of those highly-strung women whose nerve poweris at its best quite late at night.
The foundation of Mr. Galsworthy's talent, it seems to me, lies in a remarkable power of ironic insight combined with an extremely keen and faithful eye for all the phenomena, on the surface of the life he observes.
But it was the completeness of her defeat that he dreaded the most; it was for that last stage of his plan that he was gathering unconsciously all his nerve-power together.
Edmund had not analysed these impressions, but he was still under their power when he turned to let others pass, for the crowd was thickening.
Mr. Robert Adam, to whom the scheme was mentioned, promised his support, and said he would do all in his power to recommend them.
But our peasantry have a spirit above that: they will not consent to sink; they look up; and our parish schools give them a power of making their way in the world, each man for himself.
The insolence of power in one of the bailiffs, and the unfeeling heart, which can jest with misery, in the other, are strongly marked.
Instead of exercising their power of reason they exert their powers of sophistry, and divide and subdivide every subject with such casuistical minuteness, that those who are not convinced, are almost invariably confounded.
Indeed, when his face was obscured, his chief power of expression was lost; and then, and not till then, was he reduced to a level with several other performers.
The truth is, that the eye makes its own pictures, and sees just what it has the power of seeing.
Its solid construction shows that it was once a great highway; while its buttresses, pointed up the stream, betoken the power of the floods which the careful draining of later days has done so much to moderate.
Arnold's great power as a private tutor resided in this, that he gave such an intense earnestness to life.
Illustration: 9091] The powerof the spell shows the magician.
May He who has endowed us with such wealth andpower lead us to hold them both under a deep sense of responsibility to Him who gave them!
It was His power to raise it to that condition without man's participation or conscious acquiescence; but it was His will and pleasure to enact this law of salvation.
It has now reached such an altitude, and it shines with such lustre, that our imagination can hardly find the way down to the morning horizon of its life, and measure its scope and power in the dim twilight of its first hours in time.
Its pulpit boasts of its old mind-power and moral stature.
The Leeds Mercury is a power in the land, and everybody who reads the English language in either hemisphere knows Edward Baines by name.
This one-mindedness, this one-man power of conception and execution gives to the Duke of Devonshire's palace at Chatsworth an interest and a value that probably do not attach to any other private establishment in England.
Dynameters are applied to prove the powerof working machinery.
Though terrors o'ertake us We'll not be afraid, No power can unmake us Save that which has made.
Oh, man that deniest All power save thine own, Their power in the highest Is mightily shown.
We are not here for a jest-- For wager, warfare, or plunder, Or to put your power to test.
Their doctrines may be explained in a few words: They believe that both matter and spirit are eternal, and both are possessed of intelligence and power to design.
It stands on the banks of the Westfield River, upon which it relies for water-power in the manufacture of paper, its only industry.
Navigation on the St. Joseph ends at this point, and the narrowed stream is spanned by a railroad bridge; and the water-power increased by a dam.
On the West Side is the Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company, noted for having manufactured a patent horse-power cannon for the Government, and for having turned out the first locomotive in the West.
Creeks and smaller streams of water occur frequently and afford power for mills and machinery, and furnish abundant supply for farming uses and stock.
Sims first gave the world his wonderful discovery of the power of ether to cause insensibility to pain.
The rapid fall of the river here is of great benefit to the manufacturers who are making good use of their excellent water-power in the paper and woollen mills.
The water power produced by the rapids has largely contributed to the growth of Rock Island City, and also of Moline--a city of factories--within an easy walk of its neighbor.
In such great crises it is necessary to call upon a Higher Power for strength and succor.
All that is necessary for a seance is a round table, preferably of some highly polished brown wood, a brass rail for the worshipers to put their feet on, and an empty tumbler to concentrate the power of yearning.
I assure you that if you underestimate the power of the millions of thirsty mouths that speak through us, you will rue the consequences.
A good drink does not die, you know: its soul hovers radiantly on the twentieth plane, and through the occult power of a medium those who loved it in life can get in touch with it once more.