The response of the West—wherever development aid failed to retain the loyalties of recipient populations—was to resort to the encouragement and arming of a wide variety of authoritarian regimes.
Grave doubts developed about the capacity of the liberal democratic tradition to cope with the problems of the times; indeed, in a number of European countries, governments inspired by such principles were replaced by authoritarian regimes.
Nevertheless, the president's increasing reliance on authoritarian measures and an economic slump in the late 1990s generated mounting dissatisfaction with his regime.
Furthermore, with an authoritarian ex-communist regime in power and a tribally based social structure, Turkmenistan has taken a cautious approach to economic reform, hoping to use gas and cotton sales to sustain its inefficient economy.
With an authoritarian ex-communist regime in power and a tribally based social structure, Turkmenistan has taken a cautious approach to economic reform, hoping to use gas and cotton sales to sustain its inefficient economy.
Everything depended on the force of the individual thinker and the degree of restraint put upon him by the authoritarian environment.
It was doubtless defect of strictly philosophic thought, as distinguished from practical critical faculty, that enabled him to remain orthodox in theology while anti-authoritarian in everything else.
In 1969, a coup headed by Mohamed SIAD Barre ushered in an authoritarian socialist rule that managed to impose a degree of stability in the country for a couple of decades.
With an authoritarian ex-Communist regime in power and a tribally based social structure, Turkmenistan has taken a cautious approach to economic reform, hoping to use gas and cotton sales to sustain its inefficient economy.
Under his authoritarian leadership, the country adopted wide-ranging social, legal, and political reforms.
In 1980, a military coup led by Samuel DOE ushered in a decade of authoritarian rule.
The alternative to authoritarian rule is relapse into the comparative anarchy of savage life.
The authoritarian state was reflected in the authoritarian family, in which the husband was within wide limits absolute lord of the person and property of wife and children.
There were even, as we saw, possibilities of a thorough-going Socialism or of anauthoritarian paternalism in the Benthamite principle.
The earlier Liberalism had to deal with authoritarian government in church and state.
And the priest himself had ended by taking an interest in this authoritarian dreamer, who was resolved to make men happy in spite even of themselves.
Again men faced the task of replacing with a natural ethic the falling authoritarian sanctions of supernatural religion; and for a time one might have hoped that the thought of Socrates was to find at last its due fruition.
It is not for us to answer the objections raised by authoritarian Communism--we ourselves hold with them.
Only it will not come about in the way dreamt of by Phalansterians, nor in the manner often imagined by authoritarian Communists.
Should an authoritarian Socialist society ever succeed in establishing itself, it could not last; general discontent would soon force it to break up, or to reorganize itself on principles of liberty.
They revolt us already in thisauthoritarian society.
It is not the heroic instinct of the people which now dominates the situation, but the authoritarian and yet indecisive spirit of the intellectuals.
This success has been achieved by a unique system of guidance by an authoritarian government of what is essentially an entrepreneurial process.
With a much higher standard of living and with a considerable easing of authoritarian controls, the work pace has softened.
After World War II, a long period of Peronist authoritarian rule and interference in subsequent governments was followed by a military junta that took power in 1976.
The responsibility for building a democratic world, whether or not the fourauthoritarian powers go down, lies in great part upon the United States.
In effect, nothing is decided at such elections, since the plebiscites, according to the familiar authoritarian pattern, concern questions to which only one answer is reasonably possible: the answer decided by the party rulers.
She is looked upon as a danger to the continued existence of authoritarian usurpation.
In fact, Anarchism alone makes non-authoritarian organization of common interests possible, since it abolishes the existing antagonism between individuals and classes.
You could also deepen the hypnotic state and then give suggestions to awaken at a specific count in a very authoritarian manner.
Self-hypnosis further lessens dependency for no authoritarian figure is used.
The authoritarian leadership style is seldom useful except in emergency situations.
The authoritarian model is useful for situations requiring immediate compliance by a subordinate.
They are the authoritarian model, the teacher model, and the team work model.
Soldiers occasionally use the authoritarian style to demand instant obedience.
Let others, if they will, advocate industrial barracks or the monastery of Authoritarian Communism, we declare that the tendency of society is in an opposite direction.