We felt quite certain that they would be blown up alright should the occasion arise, but had grave doubts as to what might befall those who happened to be on the wrong side of the Canal!
Our ship done gallant and our decks running in blood i am alright and did not suffer a scratch but still feel the strain it was awful and now dere wife goodbye and many kisses from your loving husband TED.
I was pleased to hear that you are getting on alright also the children.
I will send you a letter to copy out and send for it it will be quite alright dear.
These otter and bear traps are alright and the animal that steps on the pan will stay or leave a foot.
If you want to come come alone that's alright but don't come with Fanny after ten.
Crean had a touch of it a few days ago, but he is quite alright again.
We made a good start this morning and Mr. Evans' eyes is got pretty well alright again, so things looks a bit brighter.
We are going to move off as soon as it clears, the day have been very cold, so we have had to remain in our bags, but things are alright and we have got plenty to eat now.
Could see the land alright and where to steer for.
Well that's alright by me if it makes things go any faster," said K.
Alright Block, alright," said the lawyer, as at these words Block had begun to raise himself on his trembling knees and clearly wanted to plead for some explanation.
A success, a success is alright when there are there rooms and no vacancies, a success is alright when there is a package, success is alright anyway and any curtain is wholesale.
There's a little herring at Alright Island," he announced.
They stood over for Cape Alright a few miles away, and met the Lunenburg schooner running into Amherst.
I'll bet he's alright at heart, or Ruth wouldn't tolerate him.
You can help me perhaps to be more like a gentleman said Mr Salteena getting rarther hot I am quite alright as they say but I would like to be the real thing can it be done he added slapping his knees.
He is quite alright really Prince he said His mother was called Miss Hyssops of the Glen.
For anything" returned Helen "That's alright then" replied Lawrence.
Attempting to force charity on others is not always sensible, so the Elder wrote later that it was "up to them," and if they had agreed to stay in the West Xmas, it was alright with him.
I believe you could do alright with that book, Baptiste," this one said when Baptiste had told him regarding the company who would put it out for him.
It is alright to raise plants from seeds for the sake of getting stock to graft or bud on, but, as to variety, the seedlings are unreliable.
Only the lower and more protected catkins came through the winter alright and caused what little pollenizing was done, hence the very light harvest in the fall of 1918.
I'd be alright if everybody else would mind their own business," grumbles the Wholesaler.
With the grain trade under official control and supervision along the lines laid down by the Royal Commission, they felt that everything would be alright now.
I'd get along alright if the Farmer would pay up his debts to me," cries the Retailer.
It would have been alright had I been taught Latin so it would have been of some benefit to me.
The mission I was sent to was alright as far as mission goes, but I will never believe that it was alright to me, under the circumstances.
I was quite alright last night, my parents know about it, perhaps better than me, I had a small symptom of it last night already.
I went on out to the barn to put up my horse, thinkin' maybe it was goin' to be alright after all; but pretty soon, I heard a scream and then a laugh.
That does alter all that is altered and anything is alright if all that is said is enough said and more is said.
It is not alright as colors are existing in being accommodating.
I kept my gloves on and made it alright until I went to fill the 8 canteens.
We got back to camp alright and went to bed and some of the boys of our own mess didn’t know we had been out until we showed them our turkey.
We started off, and strange to say, I rode the ten miles with the others alright and felt perfectly well when we reached our destination.
This stone deadfall is alright in mink trapping and smaller animals but it is not favored much in coon trapping.
This style of a deadfall is alright as to handling bait, but I do not consider it a sure trap, as often the animal will set off the trap before it is far enough under the drop to make a sure catch.