The brewing of beer from rice and other grains, which is universal among the hill tribes and other aboriginal races, is practically untaxed and unrestrained.
In its general features it has always been too universal and too well known to be described.
There is also theuniversal bamboo, and in the north-western tracts the equally useful rattan.
Now, though there may be doubts as to how far this type of family was at any time the universal one, there cannot be any doubt that in those early times it largely prevailed, and that the modern Hindu joint family is directly derived from it.
This young Mahratta, since known to universal execration as the arch-villain of the Mutiny, was secretly burning with a sense of injury received from the Indian government.
Here is a vivid interpretation of a universal human experience.
And since love is the essence of personality, it has thereby stripped preaching of the emotional energy, of the universal human interests and the prophetic insight which only love can bestow.
Thus an almost universaltrait of the religious temperament is in its delight in beauty.
They take us out of the world of moral theism into the world of a universal theism.
He refuses to recognize Plato's One in the Many, sees the whole universe as "a perpetual gushing forth of novelties," a universal and meaningless flux.
She is of wonderful calmness and universal benevolence of mind, especially after this great God has manifested Himself to her mind.
One sets up a social, one an individual, and one a universal standard.
Therefore the two things, knowledge and virtue, according to universal experience, are not identical.
Direct men away from God theuniversal and impersonal to God the particular and intimate.
Not only are we not sufficiently dealing with the Gospel as a universal code, but, as both cause and effect of this, we are not applying it to the inclusive life of our generation.
They supposed they fought 'to end business of that sort' but they returned to find their accredited representatives contemplating universal military service in frank expectation of 'the next war.
Here is disorder, erected as a universal concept; the world conceived of as a vast and impenetrable veil which is hiding nothing; an intricacy without pattern.
But for the most part the themes do not denote thoughts at all, but either emotions of a quite simple universal kind, or the sights, sounds and fancies common enough to be familiar to children.
But people do not want nowadays to use the inn as a place in which to get drunk; a drunken man, to say nothing of a drunken woman, is a universal object of pity and scorn.
There was a universal talk of a young lady with whom the King was as much in love as it was possible for him to be.
In the present times, money has taken the place of this spirit; it has become the universal lever, and you are in want of it.
By tracing nature in the universal book which is opened to all mankind, I was led to the knowledge of the Divine Author.
Amidst the embraces and compliments of welcome in that warm season, crowded as we were together and stifling with heat, I found a universal shivering come over me, which was plainly perceived by those near me.
Stall- feeding is universal in this part of Germany, a practice concerning which the agriculturist and the poet are likely to entertain opposite opinions--or at least, to have very different feelings.
It is the universal law of the passive fancy and mechanical memory; that which supplies to all other faculties their objects, to all thought the elements of its materials.
Thus does she, when from individual states She doth abstract the universal kinds; Which then re-clothed in divers names and fates Steal access through the senses to our minds.
And a posteriori, it will be proved by the principle itself when it is discovered, as involvinguniversal antecedence in its very conception.
But it must not be forgotten, that the same Caesar wrote a Treatise for the purpose of reforming the ordinary language by bringing it to a greater accordance with the principles of logic or universal grammar.
The chief differences are, that in geometry it is the universal truth itself, which is uppermost in the consciousness, in poetry the individual form in which the truth is clothed.
This is one of the secrets of the universal popularity of Italy with the idle and educated; though the climate, and the monuments, and the recollections, out of doubt, contribute largely to its charms.
The sooner and the more clearly this is recognized as a universal rule, not, of course, without many notable and much vaunted exceptions, the better for our civilization.
In the day of its pedagogical glory Latin was the universal tongue of the learned.
To be a universal adept like Hippias suggests Diderot and the encyclopedists in the intellectual realm.
By universalacclaim the fair belong to the brave, strong, and victorious.
While special lines of interest leading to a career must be now well grounded, there must also be a culture of the ideal and an absorption in general views and remote and universal ends.
Holiness must be the one, the universal characteristic of our Christian life.
Holiness must be its one, its universal characteristic.
A universal shout of the same word followed, and the hills resounding the echo on all sides, the enemy was struck with dread.
You'll have to go to the London & Universal people," observed Mr. Vanderkiste.
Starmidge left Mr. Linthwaite talking with the London & Universal people; he himself, now that he had got the desired information, had no more to say.
Although the greatest diversity of opinion exists upon this subject, nevertheless the plates of every manufactory share in this universal condemnation.
Literature, the arts and sciences, the precursors of national greatness and universal happiness.
I was particularly struck with this, as it was not, by far, universal in the Army of Northern Virginia.
This withdrew him from the arena of debate, and we learn little more of him from the journals of those sessions than the uniform punctuality and universal acceptability with which he discharged the duties of that high trust.
This way leads to universal emancipation, of which we have no experience.
The universal tendency is to yield power to those above and to keep the lower class pressed to the earth.
The universal costume in winter, and the usual one out of doors in all seasons, is a dark colored skirt called a basquiña, fitting close around the waist and extending to the feet, which are thus concealed.
It was the universal desire of the people that he should represent the State in the Senate of the United States, when restored to its old relations.
Universal suffrage in England, with due submission, seems to me the craziest idea that ever entered into the brain of a statesman.
It must not be supposed, however, that the universal religion sprang from the philosophic or religious syncretism of the later ages of Graeco-Roman civilisation.
But is not this account of the genesis of religion too philosophic and too abstract to be capable of universal application?
If Christianity is the universal and eternal religion, it is because its virtuality in this respect is infinite.
They did not discover the universal religion outside themselves, but in their consciousness and personal piety.
It rests upon a feeling inherent in every conscious individual, the feeling of dependence which every man experiences with respect to universal being.
Lastly, it is not less false and futile to oppose universal revelation to particular revelations as two exclusive quantities.
The universal priesthood, with which, by His spirit, He invests the least of His disciples, excludes in principle all supernatural priesthood.
This synthetic and pacificatory consciousness is the consciousness of universal and sovereign Being; it is the sense of the presence of God.
Nowhere is a universal religion the fruit of an unconscious evolution, produced by the action of fatal and external laws.
More than any others, theologians are guilty of this abuse when they wish to make their science the sum of universal knowledge.
The universal God must be represented as the immanent God, as present in every human soul.
This universal teleology, faith predicts it, science labours to realise it.
The National Pan-Russian Constituent Universal Duma which met this morning at ten-thirty, was dissolved at twenty-five minutes to eleven.
The basis of it," said the stationmaster, "or what we Germans call the Fundamental Ground Foundation, is universal love.
In consequence of a now universal free trade, every country produces exactly that which thrives best in its own soil and climate.
True, it is as yet but a language in its infancy; but it will probably, at no great distance of time, become the universal tongue.
I first gathered then from him that the right of universal suffrage had long since been entrusted to men and women alike.
To be an Asturian or a Gallician, however bronzed by sun and wind, was to be furnished with positive proof against suspicion of Moorish blood; but the sentiment was universal throughout the peninsula.
The result of Philip's efforts to establish a universal monarchy was to hasten the decline of the empire which he had inherited, by aggravating the evils which had long made that downfall inevitable.
The occultist thus recognizes that unselfishness and a feeling of universal philanthropy are the inherent laws of our being, and all he does is to attempt to destroy the chains of selfishness forged upon us all by Maya.
In doing so, however, they cannot avoid the necessity of speaking of a universal mind (and this is Brahma, the Creator) and its ideation.
The sequence of martyrs to the great universal truths has never been once broken; and the long list of known and unknown sufferers, headed with the name of Galileo, now closes with that of Zollner.
The soul in the human body can perform the greatest wonders by knowing the Universal Spirit (or God) and acquainting itself with the properties and qualities (occult) of all the things in the universe.
In the Deva kingdom it is fully liberated and in its highest state--but one degree lower than the ONE Universal Life.
Obedience to this universal law, after ascertaining it, is true religion, which has been defined by Lord Buddha "as the realization of the True.
They are the infinitely complex and delicate movements of that universal Human Mind, whose quiescence is darkness,--whose agitation, light.
In the new movement of the time, England tended to become a petty papacy, still unreformed; Europe sought a universalchurch reformed.
Amid the universal crash of probabilities, may not the Mosaic tables of stone, broken once, be pulverized at last?
He is not simply an instrument for achieving a given fraction of a universal end, but has a sacred trust which, on its own account, he is empowered and commissioned to discharge.
He is not to be brought down from his universal dominion to the rank of one of the physical causes active in creation, doing that only which the others have left undone.
Now these influences are common to every form of Christianity; its appeals to the affections are not uttered in the vocabulary of sectarianism, but in the universal language of the human heart.
This marvellous expansion of the national into the universal was not achieved without a process and a conflict.
The moral law isuniversal and unchanging; it has no favorites, and makes no exceptions.
Third, this old romance in a new setting was true to universal human nature; its sentiments of love, faith and deathless loyalty were such as make the heart beat faster wherever true hearts are found.
It is this combination of personal and universal elements which makes In Memoriam remarkable.
Because he expresses this almost universal feeling simply and reverently, his work is dear to men and women who would not have the habit of work interfere with the divine instinct of worship.
The poet who described or created such enduring characters stands among the few who are called universal writers.
This is commonly attributed to Puritan influence; but in truth it is a universal poetic impulse, a tribute to the early office of the bard, who was the tribal historian and teacher as well as singer.
He does not seem to include me in his universal philanthropy," said Elmhorst, with a shrug.